GENERAL CONSTRUCTION OF AN ARTIFICIAL LIMBA prosthetic apparatus for any amputation is composed of two parts: 1. The artificial limb. 2. The attachment of this limb to the trunk. The artificial limb itself is divided into two parts: 1. A conical socket. 2. A part which replaces the missing limb and is in fact a terminal functional appliance. Two conditions must be considered, whether or not there remains attached to the trunk a segment of the limb capable of being fitted into the base of the artificial limb, to which it gives support, and to which, in addition, it can communicate movement. Accordingly the artificial limb differs essentially for: 1. Disarticulation of the shoulder and of the hip. 2. Amputation of the arm and of the thigh. In the first case we attach to the trunk an instrument which is entirely passive. In the second we attempt to turn to account the active movements of the stump. These various parts do not lend themselves to The position of the scar.—The stump, which fits the bucket exactly, transmits to it two kinds of force: 1. The force of vertical pressure. 2. Lateral force corresponding to the angular movements of the joint above. The lateral force is transmitted by the whole of one surface of the stump to the corresponding lateral surface of the bucket: by the anterior and posterior surfaces only in the case of hinge joints such as the elbow and the knee: by all surfaces in the case of joints with movements of circumduction such as the shoulder and the hip. Vertical pressure exercised upwards or downwards may cause the limb to press upon the bucket at two points: (1) on the summit of the cone, i.e. on the extremity of the stump; (2) on the base of the cone, i.e. on the bony prominences around the last remaining joint. The adjustment is never sufficiently accurate for the relief due to the fitting of the stump in the bucket to be of much importance. We should take it as a general rule that a scar cannot stand pressure or friction; and that in consequence, when we amputate under favourable conditions, we should arrange to place the scar in such a position that from our knowledge of the suitable prosthetic apparatus these two evils will be avoided. It should be added, however, that after perfect primary union, the narrow and mobile scar is very tolerant, but it must also be remembered— The length of the stump is often estimated by reference to that of the other limb; amputation at the upper, middle, or lower third of the thigh, of the leg, of the arm, or of the forearm. This is convenient, starting from a certain minimum length, but there is an absolute minimum length below which the stump has insufficient leverage and tends moreover to escape from the bucket. Temporary and permanent apparatus.—For the irregular amputations of war surgery which have suppurated, more often than for those of civil practice, it is generally advisable, particularly in the lower limb, to use a temporary apparatus, of fairly good fit, for several weeks or even months before the permanent apparatus of more precise fit. The stump has to soften and shrink gradually; only when this has occurred can we make an accurately fitting bucket, by means of a cast if necessary. Materials for making the bucket.—The first method of construction is that of leather reinforced with metal; a sheath strengthened with metal supports, is laced around the stump; the supports further give attachment, if there is room, to the artificial joints. This is an excellent principle, either for stumps which are still likely to diminish in size, or for the upper limb where exact fit is of secondary importance. For buckets accurately fitted on a cast we employ: Blocked leather, which loses shape and ought to be abandoned for artificial limbs for the lower extremity. Celluloid is the material of choice, but it has the defect of requiring the hand of an artist; commercial attempts on a large scale have so far yielded mediocre results. Metal (zinc, sheet steel, aluminium), the defect of which is that the apparatus, particularly for the lower limb, is noisy. This is also an inconvenience in the metal joints of lateral steels of leather appliances and of the spiral springs in certain wooden apparatus, for this reason indiarubber is more often relied on for springs and accumulators. Wood, for many years used for the commoner types of limbs for the lower extremity, is now, as the result of American influence, utilised for the making of apparatus hitherto termed "de luxe," but to-day serviceable, thanks to this technique. (In England the standard patterns of artificial legs have for many years been made out of wood.—Ed.) The adjustment to the stump is very exact; the contact with the surface where there is friction is soft and comfortable without padding; the appliance is light, strong and silent. The best woods appear to be English willow and lime. The bucket should not present any flaw or knot, this can be seen on the inner uncovered surface. But we must emphasise the general fact that standardisation is impossible when the bucket is made of wood. |