A Monthly Journal for Professionals and Amateurs of all Stringed Instruments played with the Bow. Published on the First of every Month. Price 2d., Annual Subscription, Post Free, 2s. 6d. THE STRAD is the only recognised organ of the string family and has subscribers in every country of the civilised world. Our circulation has increased to so great an extent that we are enabled to engage as contributors THE LEADING WRITERS in the VIOLIN WORLD. The following eminent Authors, Critics and Players are writing for the paper: John Dunn, Esq., Gerard E. Hodgkin, Esq., B.A., Dr. Churchill Sibley, Horace Petherick, Esq., Dr. T. L. Phipson, Arthur Broadley, Esq., E. van der Straeten, Esq., John Day, Esq., Rev. H. Palmer, B.A., Lancastrian, Andre La Tarche, Esq., E. Polonaski, Esq., Robin H. Legge, Esq., Basil Althaus, Esq., &c., &c. THE STRAD gives every month a beautifully executed portrait on fine art paper, of some leading celebrity in the violin world, together with a biographical sketch; and also smaller portraits of people in whom the violin world takes an interest. Thus, among others, portraits and notices of the following have appeared: Dr. Joachim, F. Louis Schneider, Lady HallÉ, L. J. Massart, Emile Sauret, Pietro Nardini, Ludwig Straus, Marie Soldat, George Craske, Carl Courvoisier, Robert Lindley, Henri Marteau, Gabriele Wietrowetz, J. T. Carrodus, Paganini, Louis Ries, Leo Stern, Piatti, C. Dancla, Sarasate, Johannes Wolff, Guido Papini, Nettie Carpenter, E. F. Arbos, Joseph Hollman, Andre La Tarche, J. B. Vuillaume, John Dunn, Rosa Hochman, Joseph Ludwig, Willy Burmester, Alfred Gibson, Alfred Burnett, Henry Saint-George, Achille Rivarde, N. R. Scalero, Richard Gompertz, Felice de Giardini, Frye Parker, Marie Soldat-RÖger, David Popper, Franz Ondricek, Irma Seth, Louis Pecskai, Jan Van Oordt, I. B. Poznanski, Eugene Ysaye, Henry Such, W. H. Squire, Leonora Jackson, etc. London: "THE STRAD" LIBRARY, No. I. Crown 8vo., Cloth, 2/6, Post Free, 2/9. "THE STRAD" LIBRARY EDITION is the only Authorised Edition of |