ON JOACHIM'S METHOD BY CARL COURVOISIER. With Folding Plates, Containing Fifteen Illustrations. LETTER FROM DR. JOACHIM My Dear Mr. Courvoisier: I have read the book on Violin Playing you have sent me, and have to congratulate you sincerely on the manner in which you have performed a most difficult task, i.e., to describe the best way of arriving at a correct manner of playing the violin. It cannot but be welcome to thoughtful teachers, who reflect on the method of our art, and I hope that your work will prove useful to many students. Believe me, my dear Mr. Courvoisier, to be most faithfully yours, JOSEPH JOACHIM. Berlin, November 3rd, 1894. The New and Revised Edition of "Technics of Violin Playing" issued by The Strad is the only authorised edition of my work. The several English editions which have all appeared without my knowledge are incomplete and faulty. CARL COURVOISIER. London: "THE STRAD" LIBRARY, No. II. Crown 8vo., Cloth, 2/6, Post Free, 2/9. |