A.L.S. of William Wilson, an Actor of the "Fortune" Theatre, to Edward Alleyn, of Dulwich, 1620 Frontispiece
Signatures of the Egyptian Clients of the Author, 1882-1888, H.R.H. the Khedive Ismail; H.R.H. Prince Ibrahim Hilmy, his Son, and Arabi Pacha 11
Last page of A.L.S. of Elizabeth Chudleigh, Duchess of Kingston, at St. Petersburg, to Miss Chudleigh, at Bath 29
Warrant signed by Warren Hastings, Philip Francis, Edward Wheeler, and Eyre Coote, May 31, 1780 30
A.L.S. obtained from Cardinal Newman by an Autograph-hunter, September 4, 1870 43
Two pages of A.L.S. of Sir John Tenniel, of Punch, obtained by an Autograph-hunter, October 13, 1903 45
From the Prelude of "Gerontius," MS. Bars signed by Sir Edward Elgar, September, 1900 49
Facsimile of the Historic Letter from George Crabbe to Edmund Burke 63
The Autograph of Ludwig van Beethoven 64
First page of A.L.S. of Dr. Johnson to Sir Joshua Reynolds on the subject of Crabbe's Poems, 1783 74
Lines of Thomas Chatterton on Horace Walpole, which cost Sir George White, of Bristol, £34 74
A Specimen of Ireland's Shakespearean Forgeries attested by himself 77
William Ireland's Attestation of his Forgeries of Shakespeare's Signature 79
Forged Letter of W. M. Thackeray, in which his later Handwriting is imitated 83
Two pages of a Letter by Lord Brougham to E. Arago, offering to become a Naturalised Frenchman and a Candidate for the French Chambers 99
Specimen page of the Dumouriez MS. discovered by the Writer 102
Original Dispatch of Lord Cawdor to Duke of Portland describing the Landing and Surrender of the French at Fishguard, February, 1797 103
MS. Verses on Trafalgar in the Handwriting of Charles Dibdin, 1805 107
Bulletin issued a week after the birth of King Edward VII. and signed by the Medical Men in attendance, November 16, 1841 114
Order to the Duke of Beaufort to destroy Keynsham Bridge, near Bristol, on the approach of Monmouth, signed by King James II., June 21, 1685 115
A.L.S. of the Electress Sophia of Hanover to the Duke of Leeds, October 19, 1710 116
A.L.S. of King George III. on the Subject of the Defence of England in the early stages of the Great Terror of 1796-1805 119
Commission signed by Oliver Cromwell, October 20, 1651 121
Signature of Lord Protector Richard Cromwell to a Commission, January, 1658 122
Fourteen lines in the Writing of Napoleon on Military Order, with his Signature, July 3, 1803 123
Autograph of Henry VII., King of England (1456-1509) 127
A.L.S. of King William III. from Camp before Namur, July 13, 1795 128
Last page of A.L.S. of Empress Catherine of Russia to Mrs. de Bielke, of Hamburg, July 28, 1767 128
One of the earliest Signatures of Louis XIV. (aged six) 135
Interesting A.L.S. of Louis XVI. to the Chemist Lavoisier on the subject of the Discovery of Inflammable Gas, Versailles, March 15, 1789 136
A.L.S. of King George III. to Sir Samuel Hood (afterwards Lord Hood), June 13, 1779 137
A.L.S. of King George III. written four days before the Battle of Trafalgar 141
A.L.S. of Queen Alexandra to Mrs. Gladstone, December 7, 1888 145
Queen Victoria's Order on a Letter of Sir Henry Ponsonby, April 26, 1894 310
Two Signatures of Marie Antoinette on a Warrant, October, 1783 312
A.L.S. of Napoleon III. to Lord Alfred Paget from Wilhelmshohe, October 29, 1870 313
First page of Letter in English from Voltaire to Earl of Chesterfield, Ferney, August 5, 1761 314
The Signature and Writing of Button Gwinnett, the rarest Autograph of the "Signers" 326
The last page of the Letter of Thomas Lynch, jun., one of the American "Signers," which fetched 7,000 dollars 328
The last page of George Washington's splendid A.L.S., now published through the kindness of Mr. T. C. S. Cuyler 333
A.L.S. of Benjamin Franklin to George Washington, March 2, 1778 334
Early writing of the late King Edward VII., circa 1850 344


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