A.L.S. of William Wilson, an Actor of the "Fortune" Theatre, to Edward Alleyn, of Dulwich, 1620 | Frontispiece |
| PAGE |
Signatures of the Egyptian Clients of the Author, 1882-1888, H.R.H. the Khedive Ismail; H.R.H. Prince Ibrahim Hilmy, his Son, and Arabi Pacha | 11 |
Last page of A.L.S. of Elizabeth Chudleigh, Duchess of Kingston, at St. Petersburg, to Miss Chudleigh, at Bath | 29 |
Warrant signed by Warren Hastings, Philip Francis, Edward Wheeler, and Eyre Coote, May 31, 1780 | 30 |
A.L.S. obtained from Cardinal Newman by an Autograph-hunter, September 4, 1870 | 43 |
Two pages of A.L.S. of Sir John Tenniel, of Punch, obtained by an Autograph-hunter, October 13, 1903 | 45 |
From the Prelude of "Gerontius," MS. Bars signed by Sir Edward Elgar, September, 1900 | 49 |
Facsimile of the Historic Letter from George Crabbe to Edmund Burke | 63 |
The Autograph of Ludwig van Beethoven | 64 |
First page of A.L.S. of Dr. Johnson to Sir Joshua Reynolds on the subject of Crabbe's Poems, 1783 | 74 |
Lines of Thomas Chatterton on Horace Walpole, which cost Sir George White, of Bristol, £34 | 74 |
A Specimen of Ireland's Shakespearean Forgeries attested by himself | 77 |
William Ireland's Attestation of his Forgeries of Shakespeare's Signature | 79 |
Forged Letter of W. M. Thackeray, in which his later Handwriting is imitated | 83 |
Two pages of a Letter by Lord Brougham to E. Arago, offering to become a Naturalised Frenchman and a Candidate for the French Chambers | 99 |
Specimen page of the Dumouriez MS. discovered by the Writer | 102 |
Original Dispatch of Lord Cawdor to Duke of Portland describing the Landing and Surrender of the French at Fishguard, February, 1797 | 103 |
MS. Verses on Trafalgar in the Handwriting of Charles Dibdin, 1805 | 107 |
Bulletin issued a week after the birth of King Edward VII. and signed by the Medical Men in attendance, November 16, 1841 | 114 |
Order to the Duke of Beaufort to destroy Keynsham Bridge, near Bristol, on the approach of Monmouth, signed by King James II., June 21, 1685 | 115 |
A.L.S. of the Electress Sophia of Hanover to the Duke of Leeds, October 19, 1710 | 116 |
A.L.S. of King George III. on the Subject of the Defence of England in the early stages of the Great Terror of 1796-1805 | 119 |
Commission signed by Oliver Cromwell, October 20, 1651 | 121 |
Signature of Lord Protector Richard Cromwell to a Commission, January, 1658 | 122 |
Fourteen lines in the Writing of Napoleon on Military Order, with his Signature, July 3, 1803 | 123 |
Autograph of Henry VII., King of England (1456-1509) | 127 |
A.L.S. of King William III. from Camp before Namur, July 13, 1795 | 128 |
Last page of A.L.S. of Empress Catherine of Russia to Mrs. de Bielke, of Hamburg, July 28, 1767 | 128 |
One of the earliest Signatures of Louis XIV. (aged six) | 135 |
Interesting A.L.S. of Louis XVI. to the Chemist Lavoisier on the subject of the Discovery of Inflammable Gas, Versailles, March 15, 1789 | 136 |
A.L.S. of King George III. to Sir Samuel Hood (afterwards Lord Hood), June 13, 1779 | 137 |
A.L.S. of King George III. written four days before the Battle of Trafalgar | 141 |
A.L.S. of Queen Alexandra to Mrs. Gladstone, December 7, 1888 | 145 |
Queen Victoria's Order on a Letter of Sir Henry Ponsonby, April 26, 1894 | 310 |
Two Signatures of Marie Antoinette on a Warrant, October, 1783 | 312 |
A.L.S. of Napoleon III. to Lord Alfred Paget from Wilhelmshohe, October 29, 1870 | 313 |
First page of Letter in English from Voltaire to Earl of Chesterfield, Ferney, August 5, 1761 | 314 |
The Signature and Writing of Button Gwinnett, the rarest Autograph of the "Signers" | 326 |
The last page of the Letter of Thomas Lynch, jun., one of the American "Signers," which fetched 7,000 dollars | 328 |
The last page of George Washington's splendid A.L.S., now published through the kindness of Mr. T. C. S. Cuyler | 333 |
A.L.S. of Benjamin Franklin to George Washington, March 2, 1778 | 334 |
Early writing of the late King Edward VII., circa 1850 | 344 |