nternal">355, 359, 376 Cruikshank, George, 277-8 Cumberland, Richard, 358 Cuyler, T. C. S., 13, 320-4, 329, 336-7, 339 Damer, Arne, 65 Darwin, Charles, 342 Davey, Samuel, 57-8 Davy, Sir Humphry, 97 Dayrolles Correspondence, 351 Deffand, Mme. du, 61 De Quincey, 341, 359 Derby, Earl of, 355 Desaix, Marshal, 303 Dibdin, Charles, discovery of songs by, 105-7 Dickens, Charles, 15, 42, 44, 56; forgeries, 82, 84; letters of, 220-6, 356; value of autograph of, 356, 359, 364, 374, 341-2 Digby, Colonel, 107-8 Dillon, John, 120, 353 "Diplomatique, Manuel de," 117 Disraeli, see Beaconsfield Doggett, Thomas, 356 Donizetti, 365 Donnadieu Sale, the, 353 Doyle, Richard, 342 Drake, Sir Francis, 359 Dreer, Ferdinand J., 338 Dryden, John, 56 Dumouriez and the Defence of England against Napoleon, 105, 369 Dumouriez, General, MS. by, 101, 102, 105, 368-9 Edward VI., 56, 372 Edward VII., facsimile of bulletin of birth of, 116; facsimile of the early writing of, 344 Elgar, Sir Edward, facsimile of bars of a song by, 49 Elizabeth, Queen, 56, 361 "Elliot, George," 40, 357, 359 Ellis, Sir Henry, 353 Emerson, R. Waldo, 341, 76, 206-10, |