259 ; dramatic personages, 263-4 , 269 ; artists', 270 ; French, 303-11 ; American, 342-3 ; variations in, 356-77 Verdi, G., 357 Vicars, Sir Arthur, 375 Victoria, Empress of Germany, 168 Victoria, Queen, 56 , 144-7 , 355 Villeneuve, Admiral, 311 Voltaire, 311 , 315 , 355 Vrain-Lucas, 87-9 , 90-1 Wallace, Dr., 110 , 195 Waller, John, 120 , 124-5 , 238 Walpole, Horace, quoted, 8 , 133-4 , 205-6 , 342 Washington, George, 56 , 325 , 329-32 ; value of autographs of, 352 ; facsimile of letter of, 333 ; portfolio of, 372 ; documents signed by, 375 ; letter of, 377 Watson, G. L. de St. M., 214 Watts, Isaac, 356 Wellington, Duke of, 56 , 64 , 237 , 253-5 , 360-1 , 369 , 373 Wesley, John, facsimile of letter of, 232 ; value of autograph of, 373 , 342 West, Sir Benjamin, 369 West, James, 36 Wexford, the War in , 112 Whalley, Dr., 367 Wheeler, H. F. B., works by, 105 , 112 Whistler, J. Arch., 229 White, Sir George, collection of, 68 , 76 , 125 White, Gilbert, 364 Whitelock's MS., discovery of, 99 Wilkinson, Miss Patty, 85 William III., 56 , 126 William IV., 143 , 156 William of Orange, 365 Wilson, William, 109 Wolfe, James, 375 Woollan, B. M., 248 Wordsworth, Dorothy, 56 , 361 Wren, Sir Christopher, 355 Wright, Captain, 374 Yates, Edmund, 233 , 356 York, Cardinal, MSS. of, 96 Young, Mr., 120 , 353 UNWIN BROTHERS, LIMITED, THE GRESHAM PRESS, WOKING AND LONDON. FOOTNOTES: Transcriber's note—The following corrections have been made to this text. Page 81: "nowledge" to "knowledge"—an expert knowledge of Page 111: "Gourgarid" to "Gourgaud"—opinion of Gourgaud Page 129: "Bielka" to "Bielke"—"Madame de Bielka" to "Madame de Bielke" Page 220: "colletion" to "collection"—from the splendid collection Page 374: "Thackerary" to "Thackeray"—Thackeray, Dickens, and others Page 378: "von" to "van"—Beethoven, L. van, Page 379: "Etienne" to "Étienne"—Charavay, Étienne, works by Page 381: "Iconographics" to "Iconographies"—"Iconographies," the, |