Decorative line
g@html@files@55541@55541-h@55541-h-3.htm.html#Page_123" class="pginternal">123 Chloroform, for wood beetles, 277 Chunam, and cocoa-nut oil, 107 Church at Bayonne, fir girders in, 174 ” of Holy Trinity, Cork, rot in vaults, 39 ” in London, rot in roof, 184 ” in Surrey, 289 ” of St. Mark, Venice, rot in curb, 176 ” of Old St. Pancras, London, rot in vaults, 40 Cleghorn (Dr.), on creosoted sleepers, 47, 136, 142 Coal Exchange, flooring of, 81 ” tar, 170, 233, 246, 256, 262 ” ” and other substances 123, 284, 285 ” vessels last long, 117 Cobley’s patent lime process, 166 Colocynth and quassia, 263 ” and other substances, 285 Colouring woods, 108 Commission, report of, on carvings, 266, 274 Cooke’s (M. C.) instance of fungi, 43 Copal varnish, 191, 197 ” in linseed oil, 285 Copper, red oxide of, 161 ” prussiate of, 146 ” sulphate of—see Sulphate of Copper ” nitrate of, 226 ” sheathing against sea-worms, 228 ” ” and tarred felt, 285 Copperas, and coal tar, 284 ” to preserve ships, 112, 226 Cork, for ends of brestsummers, 174 Corrosive sublimate, 123, 226, 264, 265, 285, 286 ” and other substances, 130, 155, 263, 265, 266, 279, 285 Covent Garden Theatre, dry rot in bond, 175 Cow-dung mortar, and oils, 221 Earl Brownlow’s house, beetles in carvings at, 268 ” of Mansfield’s house, rotten yellow fir girder at, 32 Emerson’s boiled oil process for rot, 110 Endogenous stems, grow from within, 4 Engineers, English, 139, 288 ” foreign, rules for sulphate of copper, 151 ” ” ” creosote, 131, 133 Evelyn (Sir J.), on seasoning wood, 53, 73, 75 Exogenous stems, grow from without, 4 Faraday (Prof.), on corrosive sublimate, 129, 263 Felt, tarred, and copper sheathing, 285 Fences, how to prevent them rotting, 46, 161 Fenchurch Street, No. 106, dry rot on floor, 186 Feuchtwanger’s (Dr.), water-glass for piles, 226 Field gates, dry rot in, 183 Fire-proof houses, cost of, 143 ” ” necessity of, 291 Flemish carvings in England, 280 Flockton’s wood tar process to preserve wood, 130 Floor-cloths, injurious effects of, 185 Floors, how to protect from worms, 266 ” dry rot in, 20, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 125, 176, 182, 183, 186, 187 ” ” Frontispiece Fluoric acid, for the black ant, 287 Fontenay’s metallic soap, to preserve wood, 165 Forestier’s experiments with creosoted piles, 139, 236 Foundations, how to build, 179 Fraser’s (Capt. A.) paint for white ants, 253 Fungi differ according to situation, 22 ” explanation of the term, 15 ” forms and strength of, 31, 43 ” production of, 15, 18, 19, 20 ” rapid growth of, 44 Gambir composition for white ants, 225, 242 Quicklime, if dry, preserves wood, 116 Railway sleepers, 47, 49, 74, 101, 103, 125, 134, 136, 138, 140, 143, 149, 151, 152, 251, 254 Rance’s experiments with chloride of sodium, 164 Randall (J.), on oxidating wood, 98 Ransome’s silicate of soda process, 156, 227 Rats, how to get rid of, 173 Reid’s vegetable acid process, 111 Remedies for white ants, 286 ” for black ants, 287 ” for dry rot, 284 ” worms in carvings, 286 ” ” in piles, 285 Renwick’s vapour of creosote process, 146 Resin, and other substances, 122, 159, 161, 285 Robins, oleaginous vapour process, 157 Rogers (W. J.), the wood carver, 72, 268, 274 Rot, internal causes of, 32 ” in timber, how to ascertain, 33, 185 ” ” to prevent, 283 ” ” to cure, 284 Salt, bay, to preserve ships, 114 ” common, to preserve ships, 112 ” ” to preserve railway sleepers, 74 ” water, lime, &c., to preserve wood, 73, 111 ” vessels last long, 114 Saltpetre, to preserve ships, 114 Salts, deliquescent, corrode metals, 112 Sand and coal tar, 284 ” and petroleum, 109 ” bath, 116 ” sea, 113, 181 Sapwood in different woods, 3 Saturating woods to resist beetles, 78, 101, 290 Treenails, 26, 110, 118 Trees, symptoms of decay in, 52 ” how to prepare for felling, 61 ” when to fell, 53, 54, 55, 58 Trinity College, Cambridge, carvings at, 269, 273 ” Oxford ” 269, 273 Truman’s brewery, seasoning casks at, 84 Turpentine prevents rot, 36, 257, 263, 285 ” in corrosive sublimate, 115 Uninflammable wood, good process required for, 170, 291 Unseasoned oak panelling, 288 ” roof principal, 289 Vaporizing woods, 276 Vapour of creosote process, 145 Venice, built on piles, 23 Vernet’s fire-proof method, 167 Vessels in coal trade last long, 117 ” in lime ” 116 ” in salt ” 114 Vinegar—see Garlic Vitriol, blue—see Sulphate of Copper ” green—see Sulphate of Iron Vitruvius on seasoning wood, 75 Vulliamy (G.), on charring posts, 96 Wade’s suggestions for preserving wood, 119, 122 Wainscot, Crown Riga, 90 ” dry rot in, 35, 125 ” how to cut oak for, 70 ” unseasoned oak for, 289 Wallis’ experiments with beetles, 276 Walnut juice for worms, 263 Warburton’s (H.) opinion of American oak, 40 Warping of boards, 66, 67 Water in wood, 39, 67, 180 ” in church, 29 ” glass to preserve piles, 226 Watson’s (Dr.) experiments with wood, 67 Westwood’s (Prof.) report on wood beetles, PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARING CROSS. |