This bibliography makes no pretense of being exhaustive. The writer has endeavored, however, to list all the source material he has been able to lay hands on. But source material is very fugitive and no doubt there are numerous omissions, especially of leaflets and pamphlets. In general, secondary material has not been included unless it (1) deals directly with the I. W. W. as an organization, (2) is published by the I. W. W. or under its label, (3) is written by a person who has, at one time or another, been a member of the I. W. W. or unless (4) it has been cited in the foregoing pages. There is a vast amount of periodical material dealing with the real or alleged activities and escapades of the I. W. W.: its strikes, free-speech fights, etc. There is also an extensive literature (in English, French, Italian and other languages) devoted to special aspects of syndicalism or I. W. W.-ism. Among the important topics covered are the following: industrial versus craft unionism; parliamentarianism and political action; war and militarism; I. W. W.-ism and (state) socialism; I. W. W.-ism and anarchism; syndicalist tactics; direct action, sabotage, the General Strike, job control, etc.; unskilled and migratory labor, etc., etc. A few items of this vast secondary reference material have for obvious reasons been included in this bibliography but the bulk of it has been omitted. Vide note to sec. 5, infra, p. 403. 1. Official Documents of the Industrial Workers of the WorldConstitution and By-Laws of Industrial Workers of the World (adopted at Chicago, 1905), (at head of title "Labor is Entitled to all it Produces"), Chicago, I. W. W. Pub. Bureau, n. d., 32 pp. Original constitution of the I. W. W. Constitution of the Transportation Department of the I. W. W., and By-Laws of the Steam Railway Sub-Division. 1905. Die Industriellen ArbeiterverbÄnder der Welt, Vorwort u. Konstitution, Chicago, 1906, 24 pp. Industrial Workers of the World, Industrial Council of New York City and Vicinity, Constitution and By-Laws, adopted at New York, 1905, 16 pp., n. d. Industrial Workers of the World, founded at Chicago, June 27-July 8, 1905, "Preamble and Constitution, amended 1906, 1907 and 1908, Industrial Workers of the World, Report to the International Socialist and Labor Conference at Stuttgart, Germany, August 18 to 24, 1907. [Chicago, I. W. W. Press, 1907.] 16 p. Lumber Workers' Industrial Union of the I. W. W. Fifth semi-annual convention of L. W. I. U. 500, Seattle District, Saturday, August 23, 1919. 8 p. L'Union industrielle du monde, Avant-propos et constitution, amendÉs, 1906, Chicago, I. W. W., 1906, 31 pp. Preamble and constitution of the Industrial Workers of the World, Organized July 7, 1905 (at head of title "Labor is Entitled to all it Produces"), Chicago, General (I. W. W.) Headquarters, no date, 32 p., pamphlet (as adopted 1905 and amended by conventions and ratified by referendum vote 1906, 1907, 1908, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913 and 1914). Translations of the constitution printed in German, French, Italian, Polish, Finnish and Lithuanian. Preamble and Constitution of the Industrial Workers of the World, Amended to 1908, Chicago, General Headquarters, no date, 32 pp. Preambolo e Costituzione de la Industrial Workers of the World (Lavoratori Industriali del Mondo), Chicago, I. W. W., 1906, 35 pp. Proceedings of the First Convention of the I. W. W., New York Labor News Company, New York, 1905. Reported by W. E. McDermutt and revised by Wm. E. Trautmann, Secretary of the Convention, 616 pp. "Proceedings of a Conference of Delegates from Local Unions of the Industrial Workers of the World, held in Chicago, August 14, 1906" (signed by the Committee), Miners' Magazine, September 6, 1906, vol. viii, no. 167, pp. 12, 13. The pre-convention conference of 1906. Proceedings of the Second Annual Convention of the I. W. W., Chicago, 1906. Published by I. W. W., Chicago, 1906, 619 pp. "Proceedings of the So-called Second Convention of the Industrial Workers of the World," Industrial Worker, vol. ii, no. 1, January, 1907, pp. 4-9, continued in February, March, April and May, 1907. (Sherman's version; not stenographic.) "Proceedings of the 'Rump' Convention of Socialist Labor Party (or Detroit) faction, Paterson, N. J., November 1, 1908," published serially in the Weekly People, during months immediately following the convention. Proceedings of the Third I. W. W. Convention, called to order by Wm. E. Trautmann, Monday, September 16, 1907, at Chicago adjourned Proceedings of Fourth I. W. W. Convention, 1908, 5th-10th days sessions in Industrial Union Bulletin, Oct. 24, Nov. 7, Dec. 12, 1908, Feb. 20, Mar. 6, 1909. (The writer is unable to find anywhere the proceedings of the first days of the convention.) "Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Convention of the I. W. W.," Chicago, 1910. Published in Industrial Worker, vol. ii, nos. 8-10, 12-14, May 14, 21, 28; June 11, 18, 25, 1910. "Proceedings of the Sixth Convention of the I. W. W." (Detroit), Industrial Union News, October, 1913, pp. 1, 3-4, Detroit, September 15-17, 1913. Minutes of Sixth I. W. W. Convention. 55 typewritten sheets (September 18th to September 28th, 1911), Chicago, 1911. In U. S. Department of Labor Library. Report of the Seventh I. W. W. Convention, Chicago, Ill., September 16-26, 1912, 40 unbound printed pages (I. W. W. label), no date. Proceedings of the Eighth I. W. W. Convention, September 15 to 29, 1913, stenographic report, Cleveland, I. W. W. Pub. Bureau, no date, 164 pp. "Proceedings Tenth I. W. W. Convention (1916)," Solidarity, December 2, 9, 16, 1916. Proceedings Tenth Convention of the Industrial Workers of the World, Chicago, Nov. 20-Dec. 1, 1916, Chicago, I. W. W. Publishing Bureau, 1917, 155 pp. "President Sherman's Report to 1906 Convention," Miners' Magazine, October 11, 1906, pp. 8-10, vol. viii, no. 172. "Report of the General Secretary-Treasurer, I. W. W., Second Annual Convention, Chicago, Ill., September, 1906, Chicago, International Press, no date, 42 pp. "Report of the General Executive Board of the I. W. W. to Seventh I. W. W. Convention, Chicago, September 17-27, 1912." Printed in full in Industrial Worker, October 24, 1912, pp. 4, 5, 6. Extracts in pamphlet, On the Firing Line, Spokane, 1912. On the Firing Line. Extracts from the report of the General Executive Board to the Seventh Annual Convention of the Industrial Workers of the World, Chicago, September 17 to 27, 1912, Spokane, Wash., 46 p. (This report published in full in Industrial Worker, October 24, 1912.) Contains also Smith, Walker C., "What is the I. W. W.?" pp. 42-46. Report of General Executive Board to Eighth I. W. W. Convention, Proceedings, pp. 33-37. Report of General Secretary-Treasurer St. John to Eighth I. W. W. Convention, Proceedings, pp. 29-31. Report of the General Secretary-Treasurer Industrial Workers of the World, Tenth Convention. Held at Chicago, November-December, 1916. Signed by Wm. D. Haywood, Chicago, I. W. W. Press, 1917, 30 pp. [Extracts from] Report of the Provisional General Executive Board to the Eleventh Annual Convention, I. W. W. One Big Union Monthly, June, 1919, pp. 48-49. 2. Propaganda Leaflets and Miscellaneous Official Publications(a) CHICAGO I. W. W. LEAFLETSAddress to Railroad Workers. Chicago, I. W. W., n. d. "Address to Street Car Workers," Industrial Union Leaflet No. 19, Chicago, I. W. W., no date. "Address to Wage Workers by the Industrial Workers of the World." Industrial Union Leaflet No. 18, Chicago, I. W. W., no date. Agricultural Workers Attention. Chicago, I. W. W. [1918]. Ameringer, Oscar, Union Scabs and Others, New Castle, Pa.: I. W. W. Publicity Bureau, n. d. Doran, J. T. ("Red"), Big Business and Direct Action. Leaflet pub. by Lumber Workers Industrial Union No. 500, I. W. W. N. p., n. d. ----, Law and the I. W. W., Chicago, I. W. W. Publishing Bureau, n. d. Dougherty, T. F. G., How to overcome the High Cost of Living. Cleveland, I. W. W. Publicity Bureau, no date, 15 pp., booklet, 2c. It is to be done by organizing industrially. Do you want Mob Rule? [1918]. A general defence of the I. W. W. on the five counts made in the Federal indictment of 1917. Ebert, Justus, Is the I. W. W. Anti-Political? Cleveland: I. W. W. Publicity Bureau, 1913. Everett's Bloody Sunday, the Tragedy that horrified the World, a Story of Outraged Toilers. Seattle: 1916. Facts for Marine Transport Workers. N. p., n. d., 7 p. Fraina, L. C., The I. W. W. trial. A Socialist Viewpoint. Chicago, I. W. W. Publ. Bureau, 1917. Hammond, Edward, Two Kinds of Unionism. New Castle, Pa.: I. W. W. Publicity Bureau, n. d. Hardy, George. American workmen. N. p., n. d. Helen Keller scores I. W. W. Prosecutions, Chicago, I. W. W. Pub. Bur., 1918. Reprinted from the New York Call. The I. W. W. [Chicago, I. W. W. Pub. Bureau, 1917?]. "Industrial Unionism in the Textile Industries," Industrial Union Leaflet No. 10. Is Justice Dead in Tonopah? The true Pacts of the Pancner Case, Tonopah-Pancner Defence Committee, Publicity Bureau, no date. Lake Marine Workers on Ships and Docks. A few words to you, Cleveland, I. W. W. Publishing Bureau, n. d. Lewis, Austin, A War Measure, Chicago, I. W. W., n. d. Melis, Louis, Hotel and Restaurant Workers, Chicago, I. W. W. Publicity Bureau, no date, I. W. W., leaflet. Metal and Machinery Workers organize (4-page folder). Chicago [?], n. d. Metal Workers and Industrial Unionism ("To all Workers Employed in the Metal and Machinery Industry...."), Industrial Union Leaflet No. 17, Chicago, I. W. W., no date. Misconceptions of the I. W. W., N. Y. I. W. W. Defense Committee. 1918, 4 p. Reprinted from The Labor Defender, Dec. 1, 1918, pp. 4-5. Mitchell, "Rusty," Address to Railroad Graders, I. W. W. leaflet, New Castle, Pa., I. W. W. Publicity Bureau, n. d. Nelson, E. S., Appeal to Wage Workers, Men and Women, New Castle, Pa., I. W. W. Publicity Bureau, no date. Russia in America. Bloody Sunday in Everett, Washington, Seattle, 1916. St. John, Industrial Unionism and the I. W. W., New Castle, Pa,. I. W. W. Publishing Bureau, n. d., 15 pp. booklet. St. John, Vincent, Is the I. W. W. all-sufficient for the Workers' needs? Leaflet (1917?). Originally printed in Solidarity, July, 1915. St. John, Vincent, Political Parties and the Industrial Workers of the World. Cleveland: I. W. W. Publicity Bureau; n. d. St. John, Vincent, Why the American Federation of Labor cannot become an Industrial Union. New Castle, Pa.: Solidarity Literary Bureau, n. d. Smash the I. W. W.! N. d. [On the Federal conspiracy prosecutions of 1917-1918.] Smith, Walker C., War and the Workers, New Castle, Pa., I. W. W. Publishing Bur., n. d. Some Tips for Railroad Workers, Chicago (?), n. d. (4-page folder). Stirton, A. M., Getting Recognition, Cleveland, Ohio, I. W. W. Publicity Bureau, no date. To Colored Workingmen and Women, Chicago, n. d. To the Lumberjacks of Northern Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan (copies in Finnish, Swedish and Polish), Cleveland, Solidarity Publicity Bureau, no date. Unions Fight for the Right to Strike, Chicago, I. W. W. Pub. Bureau, n. d. Unskilled Labor Problem [Chicago, I. W. W. Pub. Bureau, 1917]. Reprinted from The Public. Varney, H. L., The Truth about the I. W. W., Chicago, I. W. W. Publishing Bur., n. d. Walquist, August, Eight Hour Work Day, What it will Mean, and How to get it, I. W. W. leaflet. Cleveland, I. W. W. Publicity Bureau, 1913. Warning. The Deadly Parallel. Comparison of I. W. W. and A. F. of L. statements on the war. (I. W. W. label.) N. p., n, d. What do you think of this? Chicago, General Defense Committee, 1917. On the Tulsa, Okla., affair. Who are the Conspirators, Chicago, I. W. W., Feb. 21, 1918. (Issued by the General Defense Committee.) Why? How? When? leaflet, New Castle, Pa., I. W. W. Publicity Bureau, no date. Why You should Join the I. W. W. With cartoons under title "Don't be a Mr. Block ... Be an I. W. W.!" Minneapolis, Minn., Agricultural Workers' Organization, I. W. W., no date. (b) DETROIT I. W. W. LEAFLETSConstructive Industrialism—The Structure of Industrial Unionism, leaflet, Detroit Branch, Los Angeles, no date. Industrial Unionism, Detroit leaflet. Same as, The Industrial Workers of the World; One Union for all Wage Workers, no date. Industrial Unionism versus Anarchy and Reform, leaflet, Detroit Branch, Detroit, Mich., no date. The Industrial Workers of the World: One Union for all Wage Workers, leaflet, Detroit Branch, Detroit, no date. Manifesto of Socialist Industrial Unionism, Principles of the Workers' International Industrial Union, Leaflet No. 1, issued by the General Executive Board, Detroit, 1916. Trainor, C. E., Richter, H., and McClure, Robt. (General Executive Board of the [Detroit] Industrial Workers of the World). A Message to the Membership of the Industrial Workers of the World and the Working Class in General, leaflet, Detroit Branch, Detroit, no date. The Two I. W. W.s., leaflet, Detroit Branch, Detroit, no date. (c) MISCELLANEOUS SEMI-OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS OF THE I. W. W.Edwards, A. S., "Analysis of the Preamble of the Industrial Workers of the World." (Insert in Trautmann, Wm. E., Handbook of Industrial Unionism. Large folding sheet on which the principles of industrial unionism are analyzed and expanded in successive tabular columns.) "The Industrial Organization of the Workers" (Chart of Industrial Divisions), Voice of Labor, June, 1905. Industrial Union Manifesto—in St. John, The I. W. W., its History, Structure and Methods (1917 edition), pp. 25-9. I. W. W. Songs: to fan the flames of discontent, general defense (14th) edition, Chicago: I. W. W. Publishing Bureau, April, 1918. 57 pages. Riebe, Ernest, Twenty-four Cartoons of Mr. Block, Minneapolis, Minn., Block Supply Company (1912?) [27 pp.], ("Most of the cartoons ... were originally published in the Industrial Worker of Spokane, Wash."—Introd.) Scandinavisk I. W. W. Sangbok, Minneapolis, Scandinavian Propaganda League, n. d. Trautmann, Wm. E., Industrial Unionism: Handbook No. 2, Means and Methods, Chicago, I. W. W.: no date, 32 pp. ----, Handbook of Industrial Unionism: 3rd edition, revised. Explanation of the principles of the I. W. W., 34 pp., pamphlet (Chicago): I. W. W., no date; contains also (in form of insert sheet) Edwards, A. S., "Analysis of the Preamble, Industrial Workers of the World" (published also in Italian and Polish). ----, One Big Union. An outline of a possible industrial organization of the working class. C. H. Kerr Company, Chicago, 1911, 31 pages and chart (Fifth revised edition called "One Great Union," Detroit). ----, One Great Union (fifth revised edition). "A complete portrait of industrial organizations; with a map outlining the inter-relationship of the industrial enterprise the world over, compiled from statistical tabulations of Bureaus of France, Germany, Denmark and the United States of America...." Previously published by C. H, Kerr under title: "One Big Union." On inside front cover the author states that the Hungarian, Polish and Bohemian "translations now in the book market have not been authorized ... and the revenues derived [therefrom] ... are not being used for the propaganda of industrial unionism but to support a band of irresponsible scavengers on the labor movement." At head of title: "An Injury to One is an Injury to All—One Union, One Emblem, One Enemy." (Detroit: I. W. W. Literary Bureau, no date), 31 pp., 10c. (d) CERTAIN OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS OF OTHER LABOR ORGANIZATIONSAmerican Labor Union, Preamble, Constitution and Laws. Adopted at Salt Lake City, Utah, May, 1898. Revised to June, 1902, Denver, Scollin and Baker, no date, 26 pp. Duncan, Jas., Report of James Duncan, delegate of the American Federation of Labor to the Budapest Labor and Socialist Conference, August, 1911, pamphlet, Quincy, Mass., Nov., 1911, 34 pp. Reprinted in International Molders' Journal, March and April, 1912, 48: 172; 255-63. International Musical Union, Constitution, By-Laws and General Laws L'Internationale OuvriÈre et Socialiste (International Socialist Congress, 7th, Stuttgart, 1907). Édition franÇaise publiÉe par le SecrÉtariat du Bureau Socialiste Internationale, 2 vols., Brussels, International Socialist Bureau, Maison du Peuple, 1907, 422 pp., 584 pp. Knights of Labor, Constitution of the General Assembly and for State, National, Trade, District and Local Assemblies of the Order. Revised to 1892, Philadelphia, published by the General Assembly, 1893, 92 pp. Socialist Labor Party of the United States of America, Constitution (Adopted at the Tenth National Convention held in New York City, June 2 to 8, 1900), 16 pp. Socialist Labor Party, Constitution as amended to 1908, New York, N. Y., Labor News Co., 1908, pamphlet. Socialist Labor Party, Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Convention, Grand Central Palace, New York, July 4-10, 1896, New York, Goldman, 1896. Socialist Labor Party, Proceedings of the Tenth Convention, New York, June, 1900. Stenographic report by B. F. Keinard (with an appendix containing the constitution and platform of the party and numerous historical and official documents). New York, New York Labor News Company, 1901, 325 p. Socialist Labor Party, Programma e Statuto e Manifesto della S. T. and L. A. (Libreria del Proletario, serie ii, vol. iv), New York, Tipografia del "Proletario," pamphlet. "Socialist Labor Party. Report to the International Socialist Congress at Amsterdam, August, 1904," pamphlet. Published also in Report of the Socialist Labor Party of the United States of America to the International Congress held in Stuttgart, August 18-25, 1907, signed by DeLeon and Henri Kuhn (Stuttgart Reports, Édition franÇaise, vol. i, pp, 44-56). Socialist Labor Party—"Report of Socialist Labor Party to Stuttgart (1907) International Socialist Congress," by Daniel DeLeon (contains report on I. W. W., Socialist Unity Conference, and relations between Socialist Labor party, Socialist party and I. W. W.) (in L'Internationale OuvriÈre et Socialiste, Stuttgart, 1907, Édition franÇaise, vol. i, pp. 43-72). Socialist Labor Party of the United Slates of America, Report to the International (Socialist) Congress held in Stuttgart, August 18-25, 1907, signed by Daniel DeLeon and F. Bohn, 20 pages (New York: New York Labor News Company, 1907). (Includes, pp. 4-9, Socialist Labor Party Report to Amsterdam Congress, 1904). ----, As to Socialist Unity in America. Memorial of the National Socialist party, National Constitution Amended to August 3, 1915, pamphlet, Chicago, issued by the National Office of the Socialist party, no date, 20 pp. Socialist party, National Convention, Indianapolis, May 12-18, 1912, Proceedings. Stenographic report by W. E. McDermutt. Edited by Jno. Spargo, Chicago, National Socialist Press, 1912, 248 pp. Socialist Trade and Labor Alliance of the United States and Canada, Constitution. Adopted at its First Convention, New York, June, 1896. Revised at its Sixth Convention, Providence, R. I., 1901. Issued by the General Executive Board, New York, 1902, 30 pp. Socialist Trade and Labor Alliance of the United States and Canada: Proceedings of the Second Annual Convention, Roxbury, Boston, Mass., July, 1897. New York: Published by the General Executive Board, no date, 20 pp. Socialist Unity Conference, Proceedings of the New Jersey, Newark, March 4, 1906, Jersey City, J. M. Reilly and Jno. Hossack, 1906, 80 pp. Socialist Unity Conference, 1917, New York City, January 6 and 7. Proceedings reported in the Weekly People, January, 1917. Western Federation of Miners: Constitution and By-Laws (Amended to July, 1910). Denver: Pearl Print Shop, no date, 32 pp. Western Federation of Miners, Official Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Convention, Salt Lake City, May 22-June 9, 1905. Denver: Reed Publishing Company, 1905. "Father" T. J. Hagerty's "Wheel of fortune," reproduced on p. 220, with reprint of the January [1905]., Manifesto. Western Federation of Miners [Proceedings] Fourteenth Annual Convention, Denver, May 28-June 13, 1906. Denver: Reed Publishing Company, 1906. (Bears I. W. W. label.) The Workers' International Industrial Union. "Founded at Chicago, June 27-July 8, 1905. New name adopted 1915." Preamble and Constitution amended 1906, 1907, 1908, 1913, 1914 and 1915. Ratified by referendum vote. New name of the Detroit I. W. W. Detroit, Mich.: General Headquarters [1916], 32 pp. 3. Official and Semi-official Periodical Publications of the I. W. W.Alarm. Swedish-Norwegian-Danish, Minneapolis, Minn., monthly, 50 cents. A BÉrmunkÁs (The wage worker), Hungarian, Cleveland, weekly, $1.50. Published by the Hungarian-speaking locals of the I. W. W. The Boomer. Official Organ of Metal and Machinery Workers' Industrial Union No. 300, Industrial Workers of the World. Monthly. Chicago. (September, 1919-____.) Bulletin, Lumber Workers Industrial Union No. 500, I. W. W. (Spokane district), Spokane, Wash. (small news sheet, published irregularly). Buoreviestnik, Bulgarian, Chicago; weekly, vol. i, no. 1, April 15, 1917, $1.00. Cal[ifornia I. W. W.] Defense Bulletin (weekly), San Francisco (Nov. 4, 1918-____). Darbininku Balsas (The Voice of the Workers), Lithuanian; Baltimore, weekly, I. W. W. organ. The Defense News Bulletin (weekly), Chicago. Published by the General Defense Committee of the I. W. W. (has no mailing privileges), (1917-____). Name changed to The New Solidarity, November 16, 1918. Direct Action, "Australian administration," I. W. W. organ; Sydney, N. S. W., Australia; weekly (Jan., 1914-____). L'Émancipation, Olneyville, R. I., monthly. A FelszabadulÁs (Emancipation), Hungarian I. W. W. journal, $2.00 (Dec., 1918-____), Chicago. Glas Radnika (The Worker's Voice), Croatian I. W. W. paper. Twice a month, $2.00, Chicago (1919-____). Golos Truzenka (The voice of the laborer), Russian I. W. W. paper (1918-____), $1.00, Chicago. La Huelga General, "Organ de la union de los trabajadores industriales del mundo"; I. W. W. organ; Los Angeles, weekly, AÑo 1, Aug. 23, 1913; pub. by Spanish branch of the I. W. W. The [I. W. W.] Defense Bulletin of the Seattle District, Seattle. "Published weekly by the Seattle District Defense Committee." I. W. W. Trial Bulletin, Chicago. Single-page news sheet "issued by the Defense News Service," I. W. W. Publishing Bureau. (For the first month published daily. Title: Daily Bulletin.) Twice a week. No. 1, about Apr. 1, 1918. Industrial Union Bulletin, Official publication of the I. W. W., Chicago; weekly, Mar. 2, 1907-Mar. 6, 1909; suspended publication with Mar. 6, 1909; Aug. 8-Dec. 12, 1908 publ. semi-monthly; (anti-Shermanite organ of the "proletarian rabble"). Industrial Union News, organ of S. L. P. faction of I. W. W., Detroit, Mich.; monthly, pub. by the General Executive Board, vol. i, no. 1, January, 1912. (Now the organ of the Workers International Industrial Union.) The Industrial Unionist, Jewish, Brooklyn. Quarterly. (15c. a year.) The Industrial Unionist, Auckland, Australia, monthly. Published by the Auckland I. W. W. local. The Industrial Unionist, Seattle, Wash. Published irregularly (1918-____). "Organ of the Western branches, Industrial Workers of the World." The Industrial Worker, I. W. W. organ, Joliet, Ill.; monthly, vol. i. no. 1, Jan., 1906 (suspended publication). Industrial Worker (II), I. W. W. organ; weekly, Spokane, Wash.; published by the General Executive Board of the I. W. W.; Fred Heslewood, editor; (1909-1918). Industrial Worker (III), I. W. W, organ; Seattle, Wash.; weekly, April 1, 1916-____, suspended publication. Industrial Worker (IV), weekly; Seattle, Wash. (1919-____). "Organ of the Western Branches, Industrial Workers of the World." Industrial Workers of the World, Organ of the Trautmann-St. John faction 1906-1907; No. 4, Chicago, Dec. 1, 1906; No. 5, Chicago, Jan. 10, 1907; a series of irregularly published bulletins. The Industrial Worker, London. (Organ of the "British I. W. W. Administration.") Der Industrialer Arbeiter, Chicago, monthly (Feb., 1919-____). "Issued by the Jewish Press Committee under the direction of the G. E. B. of the I. W. W." Industrialist (The Industrialist), Finnish daily, Duluth, Minn. Industrijalni Radnik (Industrial Worker), Slavonian; I. W. W. organ; Duluth, Minn. ("can be read by Croatians, Slovenians, Dalmatians, Servians and Montenegrins"). $1.50 per year. The Labor Bulletin, published monthly by the Portland (Ore.) locals of the I. W. W.; June, 1912-____. The Labor Defender, New York [Feb. 16, 1918-____]. Published semi-monthly by the Industrial Workers of the World Defense Committee. (Affiliated with the General Defense Committee of Chicago.) Name changed to The Rebel Worker, February, 1919. Het Licht (The Light) (Flemish), Lawrence, Mass. Monthly, 50 cents. Loukkataistelu (The Class Struggle), New York (January, 1919-____). Finnish. The Lumber Jack, Alexandria, La.; weekly, vol. i, no. 1, Jan. 9, 1913-____; published by National Industrial Union of Forest and Lumber Workers—Southern District (I. W. W.). Later published as The Voice of the People at Portland, Ore. Publication suspended. A Luz (Light), (Portuguese), New Bedford, Mass. Semi-monthly, 50 cents. The New Solidarity, weekly (Nov. 16, 1918-____), Chicago. Published by the General Executive Board of the I. W. W. Official organ. (Successor to the Defense News Bulletin.) The New Unionist, Seattle, Wash., vol. i, no. 1, July 6, 1918. Published weekly by the New Unionist Publishing Co. Publication suspended. News Bulletin [of the] Lumber Workers Industrial Union, [Seattle district], Seattle. (Four-page news sheet.) La Nueva Solidaridad (Spanish), Dec., 1918-, Chicago, $1.50. Il Nuovo Proletario, Italian I. W. W. paper (Dec., 1918), Chicago, $1.50. Nya VÄrlden (The New World), Chicago (February, 1919-), $2.00. The One Big Union Monthly, Chicago (March, 1919-). Published by the General Executive Board of the Industrial Workers of the World. Probuda (Awakening), Bulgarian weekly, Chicago (1919-), $1.50. Il Proletario (The Proletariat), Italian, Boston. Weekly, $1.00. PrÅm ny DenÍk (Industrial Worker), Bohemian; semi-monthly, Chicago. Rabochaya Rech (The Voice of Labor), Russian, Chicago. Weekly, 50 cents. Ragione Nuova, Italian I. W. W. organ; monthly, Providence, R. I.; 25c. a year. The Rebel Worker, New York (February, 1919-). New name of the Labor Defender. El Rebelde (The Rebel), Spanish, Los Angeles. Semi-monthly, $1.00. Published by I. W. W. local union, no. 602. "Organo de los Trabajadores Industriales del Mundo." The Textile Worker, Paterson, N. J. Published monthly by the Paterson branch of Textile Workers' Industrial Union No. 1000 of the I. W. W. (August, 1919-). Tie Vapauteen (The Road to Freedom), monthly, New York City. Socialist Union World, Detroit I. W. W. organ; monthly, published by L. U.'s 400, 427, 675, Seattle; 50c. a year; (August, 1914-). Solidaritet (Swedish monthly), Seattle, Wash. Solidarity, official organ of I. W. W.; weekly, published by I. W. W. Publ. Bureau, Chicago; Dec. 18, 1909-1917. Suppressed by the Government. Solidarnosc (Solidarity), Polish, Chicago. Semi-monthly, $1.00. Official Polish organ of the I. W. W. Teollisuustyo lainen (Industrial Worker), Finnish, I. W. W. organ (daily?); Duluth: The Socialist Publishing Company; formerly called Socialisti. Timber Worker, Seattle, Wash.; weekly, suspended publication. La Union Industrial, Spanish, Phoenix, Ariz.; published by the Local Unions of the I. W. W. at Phoenix, Ariz. Voice of Labour, Johannesburg, S. Africa, organ of "South African administration I. W. W." Voice of Labor, Chicago. Organ of the American Labor Union, monthly from January, 1905. Suspended in 1905. Voice of the People, weekly, published weekly by National Industrial Union of Forest and Lumber Workers, Southern District, New Orleans, La.; Jan. 9, 1913-, Covington Hall, Editor; beginning with vol. iii, no. 29, July 30, 1914, published in Portland, Ore.; published weekly by the City Central Committee of the I. W. W. of Portland ("owned by the Lumber Jacks"); originally published at Alexandria, La., under title The Lumber Jack; $1.00, publication suspended. Der Weckruf, Chicago, weekly (1912-). Weekly Bulletin of Lumber Workers Industrial Union No. 500, I. W. W., Main Office, Chicago. (Two-page leaflet news sheet.) The Wooden Shoe, published weekly by the I. W. W. locals of Los Angeles; Bill C. Cook, James O'Neil, editors (Aug., 1912-), suspended publication. Der Yacker, Jewish, I. W. W. organ; Brooklyn; monthly, May 1, 1915. The following journals though not organs of the I. W. W. contained during the periods specified a vast amount of news and controversial discussion of the I. W. W. and I. W. W.-ism: The Miners' Magazine, 1905-1909. Official organ of the Western Federation of Miners (now the International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers), Denver. The Weekly People, 1905-1908. Official organ of the Socialist Labor Party, New York. The New Review, 1913-1916, New York. (Publication suspended.) The International Socialist Review (1905-1918), monthly, Chicago. This magazine was for several years past virtually an I. W. W. organ. Publication suspended. 4. Other Syndicalist and Revolutionary Labor PeriodicalsLa AcciÓn Obrera (Syndicalist), Buenos Ayres. L'Action Directe, Syndicalist weekly, Paris, vol. i, no. 1, January 15, 1908. Adelante, Syndicalist, Punta Arenas, Chile. The Agitator (changed to The Syndicalist, January, 1913), Lakebay, Wash.; semi-monthly, Jay Fox, editor. A workers' semi-monthly advocate of the modern school, syndicalism and individual freedom. American Labor Union Journal, Butte, Mont.; published by the American Labor Union, Jan., 1903-Dec., 1904 (vols. i-ii). The Anarchist, London, weekly. De Arbeid, Syndicalist, Holland, bi-weekly. L'Avvenire (The Future), Italian, advocates syndicalism, New York; weekly, published by Carlo Tresca of the I. W. W. Il Avvenire Sociale, Rome; fortnightly review. Bataille syndicaliste, Paris; daily. The Blast, San Francisco; weekly, Revolutionary Labor Weekly; Alex. Berkman, formerly editor and publisher. Vol. i, no. 1, January 15, 1916. Brand, weekly organ of the revolutionary syndicalist movement of Sweden, Stockholm. Le bulletin international du mouvement syndicaliste, Bourg la Reine, France, weekly, Ch. CornÉlissen, Aug., 1907-; contents reproduced every week in English in Solidarity and The Industrial Worker, various syndicalist papers in Europe and La AcciÓn Obrera (Buenos Ayres). The Class Struggle, New York (1917-), published every two months by the Socialist Publication Society, devoted to International Socialism. The Decentralizer, socialist and industrialist, Hallettsville, Texas; monthly, 25c. a year. Direkte Aktion, Stockholm. Direkte Aktion, Christiania, Norway, Dec. 1, 1910. Divenire Sociale, Rome; published fortnightly; syndicalist, 1905, edited by É. Leone. Die Einigkeit, syndicalist organ of the "Freie Vereinigung Deutscher Gewerkschaften," Berlin; weekly, 1906-. Started 1896 but radically syndicalistic only since 1906; represents revolutionary syndicalism in Germany. L'Émancipation, Industrial unionist monthly, Lawrence, Mass. Freedom, San Francisco, monthly (publication suspended). Der Freie Arbeiter, Anarchist, Berlin; weekly. Golos Truda (Voice of Labor), Russian, advocates Syndicalism, New York; weekly, published by the Russian Labor Group. La guerre sociale, Paris. Herald of Revolt, Anarchist, London; monthly, Jan., 1911-____. L'HumanitÉ, Socialist daily published since 1905, Paris. Contains many articles by Revolutionary and Reformist Syndicalists, strong syndicalist leanings. The Industrial Socialist (semi-syndicalist organ), Bridgeport, Conn. The Industrial Syndicalist, London, monthly. Edited by Tom Mann, vol. i (1910-1911) issued monthly in pamphlet form, a special article making up each number. The Industrial Unionist, London; weekly. The Industrialist, official organ "Industrialist League," London, monthly. The International. "A journal devoted to the cause of Syndicalism," International Socialist Review (Industrial Socialism), Chicago, monthly; C. H. Kerr, editor; C. H. Kerr & Co., publishers. Suspended. The Journal of the Knights of Labor, Washington, D. C. (1890-), early volumes published in Philadelphia; suspended publication May, 1904 to July, 1905. Land and Liberty, Anarchist monthly, Apr., 1914, Hayward, Calif., Wm. C. Owen, editor. Suspended. The Liberator, New York, monthly (Max Eastman, ed.), vol. i, no. 1, March, 1918-. Successor to The Masses. The Masses, New York, monthly, publication suspended. The Maoriland Worker (industrial unionism), weekly, Wellington, New Zealand. Miners' Magazine, The, weekly; published by the Western Federation of Miners (International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers), Denver, Colo. Mother Earth, Anarchist monthly, New York; Emma Goldman, editor. Le mouvement socialiste, Paris. Revue de critique sociale, littÉraire et artistique—bi-mensuelle internationale, 1899-; semi-monthly, Jan., 1903 to August, 1905; monthly, September (1905-). Hubert Lagardelle, editor. Neo-Marxian. Especially valuable for student of revolutionary syndicalism. Was for a time the organ of the intellectuels of the French syndicalists. The Nevada Workman, Goldfield. A weekly newspaper devoted to the organization of the workers along industrial lines, August, 1907. The New International (published monthly by the Socialist Propaganda League) (1917-) "A journal of revolutionary socialist reconstruction." New York. The New Review. A critical review of international socialism, New York, weekly to April, 1913, then monthly to April, 1915, then semi-monthly. Publication suspended. Pagine Libere, Lugano. The People, Sydney, N. S. W., So. Australia; weekly, Industrial unionism. The People (continued as The Weekly People, q. v.), New York, 1891-1908, vol. xi-vol. xvii has title "The Worker," vol. xviii title reads, "New York Socialist," ceased publication with vol. xviii, 1908, daily. Pionier, UnabhÄngiges sozialrevolutionÄres Organ; Berlin, weekly, Jan., 1911-. Represents the revolutionary syndicalist movement in Germany. Pluma Roja, Anarchist, Los Angeles, Calif., Oct., 1913. El Producidor, Santiago, Chile, weekly, syndicalist paper. The Proletarian. In Japanese, with some articles in English, Chicago; a monthly advocate of Industrial unionism for Japanese workers; 35c. a year. The Proletarian (monthly), Detroit, Proletarian Publishing Co. (vol. i, May, 1918). The Proletariat. Published every other month by the Jack London Memorial Institute, vol. i, no. 1, May-June, 1918, San Francisco. Pueblo Courier (Pueblo Labor Advocate, 1904-), Pueblo, Colo.; official newspaper of the Western Labor Union. The Question, official organ of the Unemployed Army; San Francisco; Jan., 1914-; published irregularly, no. 5 appeared. Suspended publication. The Radical Review ("Devoted to the critical study of scientific socialism"). Published monthly by the Radical Review Publishing Association, New York, vol. i, no. 1, July, 1917. The Referendum. Exponent of Marxian socialism and industrial unionism, weekly, Faribault, Minn. RegeneraciÓn, Los Angeles, Calif.; syndicalist weekly. Includes an English section. Revolt. "The voice of the Militant Worker"; advocates industrial socialism; weekly, San Francisco, July, 1910-. suspended. Thos. J. Mooney, publisher. Social Justice, Pittsburgh. The Social War, anarchist, published every three weeks; subscription voluntary, New York, 1913-. Solidarity, monthly syndicalist magazine issued by the Industrial Democracy League of New South Wales. Solidarity, organ of the Industrial Democracy League (London, England); monthly, "A journal of industrial unionism." The Syndicalist (formerly The Agitator), Chicago. Edited by W. Z. Foster and J. A. Jones twice a month, published by the Syndicalist Publ. Association, vol. iii, no. 1, Jan. 1, 1913. The Syndicalist, London, monthly, 1912-(formerly the Syndicalist Railwayman). The Syndicalist and Amalgamation News, London, monthly, edited under auspices of Industrial Syndicalist Education League, February, 1914. Syndicalist Railwayman, London, monthly. Syndikalisten, Lund, Sweden, fortnightly, official organ of Sveriges Arbetares Central Organisation. The Toiler. A monthly review of international syndicalism, May, 1912-, Kansas City, Mo.; published by the Toiler Publishing Bureau; official organ of the Syndicalism League. El Trabajo. Published by the Magellan Labor Federation (Syndicalist) at Punta Arenas, Chile. La vie ouvriÈre, Paris; Revue syndicaliste, bi-mensuelle. Voice of Labor, organ of American Labor Union, Chicago; monthly, January, 1905, combining American Labor Union Journal and Railway Employees Journal; published by the American Labor Union; vol. ii, nos. 30-41, title reads "American Labor Union Journal." The Voice of Labor. Published twice a month by the Labor Committee of the National Left Wing. New York City. (August 15, 1919-.) "For Labor's organization by industries in the One Big Union." La Voix du Peuple, Paris: ConfÉdÉration GÉnÉrale du Travail; weekly, Dec. 1, 1900-. Vorbote, UnabhÄngiges Organ fÜr die Intersessen des Proletariats; Chicago, weekly. The Wage Worker. "The only 3-color 'roughneck' revolutionary monthly on earth;" Seattle, Wash.; Aug., 1910-, $1.00. Weekly People. Organ of the Socialist Labor Party, New York, 1899-. Before vol. x, no. 13, title reads, The People, edited by Daniel DeLeon to 1914. Why. A semi-monthly Revolutionary Advocate of Anarchism. Tacoma, Wash., $1.00. 5. Partial List of Books and Articles on the I. W. W.In this section have been included references to matter, (1) dealing directly with the I. W. W. as an organization, (2) on I. W. W.-ism, syndicalism, socialism, anarchism, etc., as related to the I. W. W., (3) written by or about persons who have been members of the organization, (4) published by the I. W. W. or any of its publishing agencies, and (5) to any other secondary material cited in the foregoing pages. Names of authors who have belonged to the I. W. W. at one time or another are marked with an asterisk. (a) BOOKS AND PAMPHLETSAmerican Federation of Labor, Executive Council, Industrial unionism in its relation to trade unionism; being a report of the Executive Council of the A. F. of L. to the Rochester, N. Y., Convention, in which the subject is fairly presented, Washington, D. C., Amer. Fed. of Labor [1912], 7 pp. Babson, R. W., "American Federation of Labor or Industrial Workers of the World, Which?" (in Babson's Reports on Economical CoÖperative Movements, Confidential Bulletin of the CoÖperative Service, No. L, 63, Wellesley Hills, Mass., October, 1916. Labor Forecast), 4 pp. Batdorf, J. W., The Menace of the I. W. W., New York: Anti-socialist Press, 1917 (32 pp., 10c.). Bliss, W. D. P., "Industrial Workers of the World"—Article in the New Encyclopedia of Social Reform. New edition, pp. 619-20. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1908. Brissenden, P. F., Launching of the Industrial Workers of the World, University of California Publications in Economics, vol. iv, no. 1, 82 pp., Berkeley, 1913. Brooks, J. G., American Syndicalism, The I. W. W. (Bibliography), New York: MacMillan, 1913, 264 pp. * Brown, William Thurston, The Revolutionary Proletariat, Chicago, I. W. W. Press, n. d. Pamphlet. ----, Will You Have War or Peace? Chicago, I. W. W. Press, n. d. Pamphlet. BruÈre, Robert W., "Notes on the I. W. W. in Arizona and the Northwest," in Reconstruction after the War. (Journal of the National Institute of Social Sciences, vol. iv, April 1, 1918), pp. 99-108. Bruette, Wm. A., The Industrial Workers: A clear and forcible exposÉ of the crimes and policies of the I. W. W., Chicago, Bureau American, no date. Quotes from Brooks, "American Syndicalism" which the author does not mention. Pamphlet. Callender, Harold, The truth about the I. W. W. (illus.), Chicago [I. W. W.], n. d., 14 pp. Reprinted from The Masses. ----, "The war and the I. W. W." In the Proceedings of the National Conference of Social Work ..., Forty-fifth annual session ..., Kansas City, Mo., May 15-22, 1918. (Chicago, 1919), pp. 420-425. * Chaplin, Ralph, When the Leaves Come Out, Chicago, I. W. W. Publicity Bureau, 1917? (Revolutionary songs and poems). * Chumley, L. S., Hotel, Restaurant and Domestic Workers, Chicago, I. W. W. Publishing Bureau, n. d., 38 pp. Chunks of I. W. W.-ism, Auckland, N. Z., I. W. W., n. d., pamphlet, 16 pp. * [Cole, James Kelly], Revolutionary Writings of James Kelly Cole, Chicago, I. W. W. Publicity Bureau, n. d., 85 pp., 25 cents. Comstock, A. P., "History of the Industrial Workers of the World in the United States" (Thesis for M. A. degree) (Typewritten MSS. in Columbia University library), 54 pp., bibliography, 3 pp., 1913. * Debs, E. V., Class Unionism, Chicago, C. H. Kerr & Co., 1909, 32 p. ----, Industrial Unionism, New York, New York Labor News Co., 1911, pamphlet, 25 pp. Address at Grand Central Palace, New York, December 10, 1905. (Advocates formation of one union for all wage-workers.) ----, Revolutionary Unionism, Chicago, C. H. Kerr & Co., 1909. Speech delivered at Chicago, November 23, 1905, 27 p. Debs, E. V., and others. Unionism, Industrial and Political, Chicago, C. H. Kerr & Co., 1909. Pamphlet. Debs, E. V., and Russell, C. E., Danger Ahead for the Socialist Party * DeLeon, Daniel (editor), As to Politics: a Discussion upon the relative importance of Political Action and of Class Conscious Economic Action, and the Urgent Necessity of Both, New York, Labor News Press, 1907, 78 pp. ("The contents of this pamphlet is a discussion that took place in the columns of The People, under the head 'As to Politics' during the months of November and December, 1906, and January and February, 1907."—Introduction.) * DeLeon, Daniel, The Burning Question of Trade Unionism, New York: New York Labor News Co., 1904, pamphlet, 27 pp., 5 cents. A lecture delivered at Newark, N. J., April 21, 1904. ----, Flash-Lights on the Amsterdam [socialist] Congress (1904), New York: New York Labor News Co., pamphlet, 25 cents. ----, Industrial Unionism, New York, N. Y. Labor News Co., 1918, 32 pp. Contains also an address on the same subject by Eugene V. Debs (delivered at Grand Central Palace, New York, December 10, 1905), pp. 11-32. ----, Preamble of the Industrial Workers of the World, New York: New York Labor News Co., 1905, 48 pp., pamphlet. (Also reprinted in Miners' Magazine, 1905, Oct. 19, 26, Nov. 2, Nov. 9). Address delivered in Minneapolis, July 10, 1905, 5 cents. German and Norwegian translations. ----, Reform or Revolution, New York: New York Labor News Co., 1906, pamphlet, 32 pp., 5 cents. Address delivered at Wells Memorial Hall, Boston, January 26, 1896. ----, Socialism vs. Anarchism, New York: New York Labor News Co., n. d. "Buzz Saw" series, vol. i, no. 1. Pamphlet. ----, Socialist Unity, New York: New York Labor News Co., n. d., pamphlet, 5 cents. ----, Unity, New York: New York Labor News Co., 1908, 24 pp. Address in New York City February 21, 1908. Stenographically reported by Sidney Greenburg. (Resolutions on Unity Question, pp. 25-27.) ----, What Means this Strike? New York: New York Labor News Co., 1903, 31 pp., 5 cents. (Address delivered by Daniel DeLeon in the City Hall of New Bedford, Mass., February 11, 1898.) Daniel DeLeon, the Man and his Work: a Symposium. 336 pp., illus. New York: Socialist Labor party, National Labor Committee: 1919. * DeLeon, D., and Harriman, Job, The Socialist Trade and Labor Alliance versus the "Pure and Simple Trade Union," New York: New York Labor News Co., 1900, The People Library, no. 19, December, 1900, 44 pp., 5c. * Doran, J. T, ("Red"), Evidence and cross-examination of "Red" * Ebert, Justus, The A. B. C. of the I. W. W. What it is. What it has done. What it aims to do. Chicago: I. W. W. Press: (In press). ----, American Industrial Evolution—from the frontier to the factory. Its social and political effects. New York: New York Labor News Co., 1907, pamphlet, 88 pp., 15 cents. ----, Trades Unionism in the United States, 1742-1905—Bulwark of Capitalism or framework of Socialism? An historical glimpse. New York: New York Labor News Co., n. d., pamphlet, 26 pp., 5c. ----, The Trial of a New Society, Cleveland, Ohio: I. W. W. Publicity Bureau, 1913, 75 cents, 160 pp. (The Lawrence strike). Ethics and Aims of the I. W. W. [Chicago, I. W. W. Press, 1919]. Pamphlet. Translated into Yiddish. * Ettor, J. J., Industrial Unionism: The Way to Freedom, Chicago, I. W. W. Press, 1912, pamphlet, 22 pp. ----, Testimony before United States Commission on Industrial Relations, New York City, May 22, 1914, The American Federation of Labor, the Socialist Party and the Industrial Workers of the World, Final Report and Testimony, vol. ii, pp. 1549-57. (Also includes testimony of St. John, Gompers and Hillquit.) * Ettor and Giovannitti before the Jury at Salem, Massachusetts, November 23, 1912—containing their speeches before the jury and Giovannitti's poem "The Walker," pp. 73-80, Chicago: Industrial Workers of the World, no date, pamphlet, 80 pp., 25 cents. * Flynn, E. G., Sabotage: The Conscious Withdrawal of the Workers' Industrial Efficiency, Cleveland: I. W. W. Publicity Bureau, April, 1915, pamphlet, 32 pp., 10 cents. Ford, E. C., and * Foster, Wm. Z., Syndicalism, Chicago, W. Z. Foster, 1912, pamphlet, 47 pp., 10 cents. * Foster, Wm. Z., and Titus, H. F., Insurgency: The Economic Power of the Middle Class, Seattle, Trustee Printing Co., 1908, 14 pp., 10 cents. Reprinted from Workingman's Paper of Seattle, September 10, 1910. G. B., "The Last War" (in Haywood, The General Strike, pp. 19-44), Chicago: I. W. W. Publicity Bureau, n. d., pamphlet, 48 pp. * George, Harrison, History of the I. W. W. trial, Chicago, Industrial Workers of the World [1919], 208 pp. ----, Is Freedom Dead? (Chicago, I. W. W. Publishing Bureau, n. d., 22 pp., 10c.) "Sequel to the suppressed pamphlet, Shall freedom die?" (illus.). * George, Harrison, The Red Dawn: The Bolsheviki and the I. W. W., 25 pp., Chicago, I. W. W. Publishing Bureau [1918]. * Giovannitti, Arturo, Arrows in the Gale (poems), Riverside, Conn., Hillacre Bookhouse, 1914, 108 pp. ----, "The Walker" (poem), (in Ettor and Giovannitti before the Jury at Salem, Mass., pp. 73-80). (Also in International Socialist Review, vol. xiii, p. 201, September, 1912.) Glynn, T., Industrial Efficiency and its Antidote, in Hanson, N. H., Onward Sweep of the Machine Process, pp. 9-21. Groat, Geo. G., "Revolutionary industrial unionism," chs. xxvii and xxviii (pp. 426-452) in his Organized Labor in America (New York, 1916). * Hagerty, Thomas J. ("Father" Hagerty), Economic Discontent and its Remedy, Terre Haute. Ind.: Standard Publishing Co., 1902, pamphlet, 47 pp., 10 cents. * Hagerty, Thomas Joseph, A. M., S. T. B., Why Physicians Should be Socialists, Terre Haute, Ind.: Standard Publishing Co., 1902, pamphlet, 24 pp., 5 cents. Hanson, Nils H., The Onward Sweep of the Machine Process, Chicago: I. W. W. Publicity Bureau [1917?], 32 pp. HarrÉ, T. Everett, The I. W. W. an Auxiliary of the German Espionage System. History of I. W. W. anti-war activities, showing how the I. W. W. program of sabotage inspired the Kaiser's agents in America, with introduction by R. M. Easley, 64 pp. [1918], 25 cents. * Haywood, William D., Evidence and Cross-examination in the case of the U. S. A. vs. Wm. D. Haywood et al. [Chicago, General (I. W. W.) Defense Committee, 1918], 312 pp. * Haywood, Wm. D., The Case of Ettor and Giovannitti, Lawrence, Mass., Ettor and Giovannitti Defence Committee, 1912. Pamphlet. ----, The General Strike, Chicago: I. W. W. Publicity Bureau, n. d., pamphlet, 48 pp. (Address delivered in New York, Mar. 16, 1911.) (New edition, containing also "The Last War" by "G. B.," pp. 19-44.) Printed also in Polish. ----, Letters relating to Free Speech Fights. (Copies of letters received from I. W. W.s on the firing line) and extract from Grant S. Youman's book, Legalized Bank Robbery, "The Labor Troubles," 10 pp., typewritten MS. (23 1.), United States Commission on Industrial Relations. U. S. Department of Labor Library. ----, Testimony before United States Commission on Industrial Relations, Washington, D. C., Industrial Relations, Report of Hearings, vol. xi, pp. 10569-10599, "Labor and the Law," Washington, D. C., May 11, 13, 1915. Reprinted in pamphlet form by I. W. W. Publishing Bur. (Chicago, n. d., 70 pp.) * Haywood, Wm. D., and Bohn, Frank, Industrial Socialism, Chicago: C. H. Kerr and Co., 1911, pamphlet, 64 pp., 10 cents. HervÉ, Gustave, Patriotism and the Worker, New Castle, Pa.: I. W. W. Publicity Bureau [1912], 31 pp. Hillquit, Morris [The I. W. W.], pp. 332-339 in his History of Socialism in the U. S., 5th ed., New York, 1910. Hoxie, Robt. F., "The Industrial Workers of the World and revolutionary unionism," ch. vi (pp. 139-176) in his Trade Unionism in the United States (Bibliography on I. W. W. and Syndicalism, pp. 175-6). Appleton, 1917. [The I. W. W. and the Chicago conspiracy trial] in The Labor Scrap Book, pp. 16-19 (Chicago, Kerr, 1918), (10c., pamphlet). I. W. W, One big Union of all the Workers. The greatest thing on earth, Chicago, I. W. W. Publishing Bureau, n. d., 32 pp. [Industrial Workers of the World], in the New International Year Book, 1917, pp. 356-357. Karsner, David, The I. W. W. trial [Chicago, 1918]. New York: Irving Kaye Davis: 1919. The "Knights of Liberty" Mob and the I. W. W. Prisoners at Tulsa, Okla. (Nov. 9, 1917), New York: National Civil Liberties Bureau, February, 1918, 16 pp. Reprinted in The Class Struggle, vol. ii, pp. 371-375 (May-June, 1918). * Koetgen, Ewald, One Big Union in the Textile Industry, Cleveland, Ohio: I. W. W. Publicity Bureau, 1914. * Kurinsky, Philip, The I. W. W., its Principles and Methods, Brooklyn, Yiddish I. W. W. Publicity Association [1916], 63 pp., pamphlet, 10c. Text in Yiddish. Legien, Carl, "Die Knights of Labor und die Industrial Workers of the World" (in his Aus Amerikas Arbeiterbewegung, Berlin, Verlag der Generalkommission der Gewerkschaften Deutschlands, 1914, pp. 162-184). Includes a reproduction of "Father" T. J. Hagerty's "Wheel of Fortune" (p. 176) and a German translation of the January Manifesto (of 1905). Lewis, Austin, Proletarian and Petit-Bourgeois, Chicago, I. W. W. Publishing Bureau [1914?], 47 pp. Contains also: What comes of playing the game, by Chas. Edw. Russell, and Those who earn and those who work, by Scott Nearing. * McDonald, Edward, The Farm Laborer and the City Worker—A Message to Both, Newcastle, Pa.: Solidarity Literature Bureau, n. d., pamphlet, 13 pp. Macy, John, Socialism in America, "The American Books" series, New York: Doubleday Page, 1916, ch. ix, "Industrial Workers of the World," pp. 157-84 (Sympathetic and pro-I. W. W.). Marot, Helen, American Labor Unions, New York: Holt, 1914, ch. iv, "Industrial Workers of the World," pp. 48-64. "Les MÉcontents de la FÉdÉration [the I. W. W.s]"—in Report of the Socialist Party of America to the Stuttgart International Socialist National Civil Liberties Bureau, War-time Prosecutions and Mob Violence, involving the rights of free speech, free press and peaceful assemblage. From April 1, 1917 to March 1, 1919. New York, 1919, 55 pp. "Compiled from the correspondence and press clippings of the National Civil liberties Bureau...." Cases "involving primarily the I. W. W.," pp. 11-12; Prosecutions specifically involving I. W. W. activity, pp. 34-37; I. W. W. cases of "search and seizure," pp. 38-39; other I. W. W. cases, passim. * Nilsson, B. E., Political Socialism: Capturing the Government, Portland, Ore., n. d., pamphlet, 32 pp. An "attempt to show that the working class have little or nothing to gain through political action, and that the energy expended in such action is worse than wasted." Ol' rags and bottles, New York, National Civil Liberties Bureau, 1919, 7 pp. Reprinted from the New York Nation, Jan. 25, 1919. An account of the I. W. W. trial at Sacramento, California, by a special correspondent. * Perry, Grover H., The Revolutionary I. W. W., Cleveland, Ohio: I. W. W. Publicity Bureau: 1915, 24 pp., 5 cents. Contains also How scabs are bred, by the same author, and The constructive program of the I. W. W., by B. H. Williams. Plotting to convict Wheatland Hop Pickers, Oakland, Cal., International Press, 1914, 28 pp. The Revolutionary I. W. W., London: n.d., pamphlet. Robertson, James, Labor unionism based upon the American shop steward system [Portland, Ore.], c1919, 16 pp. Russell, Bertrand, Democracy and direct action, London, Independent Labour Party, 1919. Reprinted from the English Review, May, 1919. ----, Roads to freedom: socialism, anarchism and syndicalism. London, Allen and Unwin, 1919, 210 pp. * St. John, Vincent, The I. W. W.: Its History, Structure and Methods, Chicago: I. W. W. Publicity Bureau (1917), "Revised 1917" to Jan. 1, 1917, 32 pp., pamphlet, contains also the "Industrial Union Manifesto" (of 1905), pp. 25-9, and "The trend toward industrial freedom," by B. H. Williams (pp. 30-32). Reprinted from American Journal of Sociology symposium on "What is Americanism?" Finnish and Russian translations. ----, Industrial Unionism and the I. W. W., Chicago: I. W. W. Publicity Bureau, 1913, 16 pp., pamphlet. ----, Testimony before United States Commission on Industrial Relations Schroeder, Theodore A., "The history of the San Diego free speech fight," ch. x (pp. 116-190) in his Free speech for radicals (1916 enlarged ed.). New York: Free Speech League, 1916. (This chapter originally appeared in the New York Call, Sunday issues beginning Mar. 15, 1914.) Shall freedom die? Chicago, I. W. W. Publishing Bureau [1917], 20 pp., 10c., "166 union men in jail for labor ... by one of them." * Smith, Walker C., The Everett Massacre, A history of the class struggle in the lumber industry, 358 pp. (illus.), Chicago: I. W. W. Publishing Bureau, 1918. ----, Sabotage, its History, Philosophy and Function, Spokane, Wash.?; 1913, pamphlet, 32 pp. ----, War and the Workers, Cleveland: I. W. W. Publicity Bureau, n. d., leaflet. Also under title, "War! United States, Mexico, Japan." (Also in Solidarity, May 20, 1911.) ----, What is the I. W. W.? pp. 42-46 of pamphlet: On the firing line. * Speed, Geo., Testimony before United States Commission on Industrial Relations, San Francisco, August 27, 1914, in Industrial Relations, Hearings, vol. 5: 4936-49. Spielman, Jean E., The Tramp as a Home Guard, New Castle, Pa.: I. W. W. Publicity Bureau, I. W. W. leaflet, n. d. * Steiger, J. H., The Memoirs of a Silk Striker; an Exposure of the Principles and Tactics of the I. W. W. (Paterson, N. J.?), privately printed, 1914. * Thompson, Jas. P., Testimony before United States Commission on Industrial Relations, Seattle, Wash., August 10-12, 1914—in Industrial Relations, vol. v, pp. 4233-42. * Trautmann, Wm. E., Direct Action and Sabotage, Pittsburgh; Socialist News Company, 1912, 43 pp., illustrated, 10 cents. ----, Industrial union methods, Chicago, C. H. Kerr [1912], 29 pp. ----, Industrial Unionism, Chicago: C. H. Kerr & Co., 1909, pamphlet, 29 pp., 5 cents. Same as "Industrial Union Methods." ----, Industrial Unionism: The Hope of the Workers, Pittsburgh: Socialist News Co., 1912, pamphlet. ----, Vom Niederlagen zum Sieg, Chicago: I. W. W., 1911, pamphlet, 5 cents. ----, Why Strikes are Lost: How to Win, 23 pp., Newcastle, Pa.: Solidarity Literature Bureau, n. d. * Trautmann, Wm. E., and Rovin, A. M., War against war, Los Angeles, Cal. [1915], price 15 cents, 46 pp. * Trautmann, Wm. E., and Schlecweis, A., Industrial Combinations, New York: Industrial Literature Bureau, 1909, pamphlet, 32 pp. Chart * Tridon, AndrÉ, The New Unionism, New York: B. W. Huebsch, 1917, 198 pp. The truth about the I. W. W., New York: National Civil Liberties Bureau, Apr., 1918, 55 pp., 5 cents. "Facts in relation to the trial at Chicago by competent industrial investigators and noted economists." Symposium of opinions expressed by various writers. Turner, Jno. Kenneth, Story of a New Labor Union—(reprinted from Oregon Sunday Journal), written during the strike of the Portland Mill Workers, Industrial Union Leaflet No. 16—also in Industrial Union Bulletin, April 13, 1907. Two Enemies of Labor. The complaints of the Anarchists [Chicago I. W. W.], Socialist Labor Party leaflet, n. d. United Cloth Hat and Cap Makers of North America, General Executive Board, The Deceit of the I. W. W.: A year's record of the activity of the Industrial Workers of the World in the cloth, hat and cap trade, New York, 1906, 31 pp. The United Stales of America vs. William D. Haywood et al. (No. 6125). In the District Court of the United States, northern district of Illinois, eastern division. Indictment on sections 6, 19 and 37 of the criminal code of the United States, and section 4 of the "Espionage Act" of June 15, 1917 (32-page pamphlet). Chicago: I. W. W. Publishing Bureau [1918]. United States Commission on Industrial Relations, The American Federation of Labor, the Socialist Party and the Industrial Workers of the World. Testimony of representatives (Gompers, Hillquit, St. John and Ettor) before United States Commission on Industrial Relations (New York: May 21-23, 1914), "Final Report and Testimony," vol. ii, pp. 1443-1579. ----, Industrial Conditions and Relations in Paterson, N. J.—Industrial Relations 3:2413-2645 (I. W. W. strikes in the silk mills and the relations between the two factions of the I. W. W.). ----, Report on I. W. W. Activities; especially its Strikes and Free Speech Fights—Lawrence, Paterson; Free speech at Denver, Spokane, Fresno, San Diego, Aberdeen, and Minot, S. D. (by Daniel O'Regan?), 106 pp., typ. MS. U. S. Department of Labor Library. United States Congress, House of Representatives, Papers relative to Labor Troubles at Goldfield, Nev. Message from the President of the United States transmitting Report of Special Commission on Labor Troubles at Goldfield, Nev., and papers relating thereto—House Doc. No. 607, 60th Cong., 1st Sess. (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1908, 30 pp.) United States Congress. Senate Committee on the Judiciary. Hearings before a subcommittee on Bolshevik Propaganda. (65th Cong., 3rd Sess. and thereafter; February 11 to March 10, 1919) 1265 pp. Washington: Govt. Printing Office, 1919. Extracts from I. W. W. papers, pamphlets, etc., pp. 1034-1135. Untermann, Ernest, No compromise with the I. W. W., typed MSS., 4 pp., published in 1913 in New York Call and the National Socialist. Vanderveer, Geo. F., Opening Statement [to the jury] in the case of the U. S. A. vs. Wm. D. Haywood, et al., Chicago: I. W. W. Publishing Bureau [1918], pamphlet, 25 cents, 102 pp. Varney, Harold L., Industrial communism—the I. W. W., Butte, Mont., The Bulletin Print [1919], 16 pp. ----, Revolt, New York: Irving Kaye Davis, 1919, 416 pp., illus. An I. W. W. novel by an I. W. W. Veblen, Thorstein, On the nature and uses of sabotage. New York, Dial Publishing Co. [1919], 21 pp., Dial Reprints, No. 2. Warbasse, James Peter, The ethics of sabotage, New York, 1913, 12 pp. Reprinted from the New York Call, June 29, 1913. Weinstock, Harris, Report to the Governor of California on the disturbance in the city and county of San Diego in 1912, Sacramento, State Printing Office, 1912, 22 pp. * Williams, B. H., Eleven Blind Leaders, New Castle, Pa.: Solidarity Literature Bureau, n. d., 32 pp., 10 cents. Contains also "Syndicalism and Socialism" by B. H. W(illiams), (editorial reprinted from Solidarity, April 27, 1912, pp. 30-31). Woehlke, W. V., The I. W. W. [Cleveland, O., Nat'l. Metal Trades Assn., 1912], 16 p. A sketch of the I. W. W. Reprinted from the Outlook, July 6, 1912. ----, "The problem of the I. W. W.," ch. xiii (pp. 125-133) in his Union labor in peace and war (San Francisco, Sunset Publishing House, 1918). * Woodruff, Abner E., The Advancing Proletariat: A Study of the Movement of the Working Class from Wage Slavery to Freedom, Cleveland: I. W. W. Publicity Bureau, Aug., 1914, pamphlet, 32 pp., 10 cents. * Woodruff, Abner E., The Evolution of Industrial Democracy, Chicago: I. W. W. Publishing Bureau [1917], 40 pp. (Originally published in Solidarity, issues of November and December, 1916). (b) MAGAZINE ARTICLES1903 * Trautmann, Wm. E., "The United Brewery Workers and Industrial Organization," American Labor Union Journal, Sept. 3, 1903. 1904 * Debs, E. V., "Unionism and Socialism." Wayland's Monthly, Girard, Kans., August, 1904, no. 52, pp. 2-44, pamphlet. 1905 * Debs, E. V., "The industrial convention," International Socialist Rev., vol. v, pp. 85-6, August, 1905. * DeLeon, Daniel, "The preamble of the Industrial Workers of the World." Miners' Magazine, vol. vii, nos. 121-124, Oct. 19. 26; Nov. 2, 9, 1905. Address delivered in Minneapolis, July 10, 1905. Published also in pamphlet form. * Hagerty, "Father" Thomas J., "Reasons for Industrial Unionism," Voice of Labor, March, 1905. Hamilton, Grant, "A story of 'funny' unionism," American Federationist, vol. xii, p. 137 (March, 1905). The American Labor Union from the A. F. of L. standpoint. * Haywood, Wm. D., "Industrial Unionism," Voice of Labor, June, 1905. * Simons, A. M., "Industrial Workers of the World," International Socialist Review, vol. vi, pp. 65-77, August, 1905. * Trautmann, Wm. E., "The Smashing Process Against Industrial Unionism and Socialism." Letter (dated at Cincinnati, June 17, 1905) in Weekly People, June 17, 1905, pp. 1, 2, 3. Open letter to the Brewery Workers and the working class. 1906 Conlon, P. J., "Went up like a rocket; came down like a stick," Machinists' Monthly Journal, vol. xviii, pp. 1108-1111 (December, 1906). A trade-union obituary of the I. W. W. after its second convention. "The [1906] Convention of the Industrial Workers at Chicago." Editorial, Miners' Magazine, Oct. 4, 1906, vol. viii, no. 171, pp. 6-7. * Debs, E. V., "Industrial Unionism," Miners' Magazine, Jan. 25, 1906, pp. 8-12, vol. vii, no. 135. Reprinted from the Daily People. Also in International Socialist Review, August, 1910, vol. xi, p. 90. O'Neill, Jno. M., "Our comment on the various reports of the [second] I. W. W. convention," Miners' Magazine, Nov. 8, 1906, pp. 6-9. * St. John, V., "Vincent St. John on the [1906] I. W. W. Convention." (Letter to Editor), Miners' Magazine, Nov. 8, 1906, pp. 4-6, vol. viii, no. 176. 1906 * Simons, A. M., "Die Lage in den Vereinigten Staaten," Neue Zeit. 24 Jahrg. Bd. 1, Feb. 3, 1906, pp. 622-27. 1907 Currie, B. W., "How the West Dealt with the Industrial Workmen [sic] of the West," Harpers Weekly 51:908-10, June 22, 1907. * Foote, E. J., "The Positive [Value] of Industrialism," Industrial Union Bulletin, May 4, 1907. * Heslewood, F. W., "Relations of Trade-Unions and the Political Party," Industrial Union Bulletin, September 14, 1907. Spielman, Jean E., "Are the I. W. W. still Revolutionary?" Mother Earth, Dec., 1907, vol. ii, pp. 457-460. * Trautmann, Wm. E., "A brief history of the industrial union manifesto," Industrial Union Bulletin, Dec. 14, 21, 1907, Aug. 22, 1908. ——, "The Question of Might," Industrial Union Bulletin, Dec. 7, 1907. Turner, Jno. Kenneth, "Story of a new labor union," Industrial Union Bulletin, April 13, 1907. Reprinted as Industrial Union Leaflet, no. 16. 1908 Bohn, Frank, "Mission and Functions of Industrial Unionism," Industrial Union Bulletin, May 2, 1908. * DeLeon, Daniel, "The Intellectual Against the Worker" (being extracts from DeLeon's protest against his own disbarment from a seat in the Fourth Convention), Industrial Union Bulletin, Oct. 10, 1908, pp. 1-2. * St. John, V., "The Worker Against the Intellectual" (extracts from St. John's reply to DeLeon and his argument for refusing DeLeon a seat), (Fourth Convention), Industrial Union Bulletin, Oct. 10, 1908, pp. 1-2. 1909 * Foote, E. J., "The Ethics of Industrial Unionism," Industrial Union Bulletin, Feb. 20, 1909. * Flynn, E. G., "The Free Speech Fight at Spokane," International Socialist Review 10: 483, December, 1909. * Trautmann, Wm. E., "German Syndicalism," Industrial Union Bulletin, March 6, 1909. * Williams, B. H., "The Physical Force Fallacy," Industrial Union Bulletin, February 20, 1909. 1910 * Flynn, E. G., "Latest News from Spokane," International Socialist Review, March, 1910, vol. x, pp. 828-34. ——, "The Shame of Spokane," International Socialist Review, January, 1910, vol. x, p. 610-619. * Heslewood, F. W., "Barbarous Spokane," International Socialist Review, February, 1910, 10: 705-713. Parks, Wade R., "Spokane Analyzed by the Light of Lester F. Ward's 'Dynamic Sociology'", Weekly People, January 15, 1910, pp. 1-2. The author was Secretary of the Spokane local of the I. W. W. before 1908. He charges "wholesale graft, boodle," etc., in the I. W. W. in the Northwest. 1910 * St. John, Vincent. "The Brotherhood of Capital and Labor: its Effect on Labor," International Socialist Review, Jan., 1910, vol. x, pp. 587-593. 1911 Bohn, Frank, "Is the I. W. W. to Grow?" International Socialist Review 12: 42-44, July, 1911. * Ebert, Justus, "Modern Industrialism," series of articles running in Solidarity, August 12, 1911—Nov. 4, 1911. * Foster, W. Z., "Syndicalism in Germany," Industrial Worker, September 14, 1911. ----, "Un grand effort des industrialistes. La lutte pour la libertÉ de parole À Spokane" (États-Unis). Vie OuvriÈre, January, 1911, pp. 91-100. * St. John, Vincent, "Fake industrial union versus real industrial union," Industrial Worker, Apr. 6, 1911. * Williams, B. H., "Sixth I. W. W. Convention," International Socialist Review 12: 300-2, Nov., 1911. 1912 Bohn, W. E., "Development of the Industrial Workers of the World," Survey 28: 220-5, May 4, 1912. Brooks, Jno. G., "The Shadow of Anarchy," "The Industrial Workers of the World," Survey, April 6, 1912, vol. xxviii, no. 1, pp. 80-2. Reprinted from (Boston) Evening Transcript, February 10, 1912. Cannon, J. P., "The Seventh [1912] I. W. W. Convention," International Socialist Review 13: 424, Nov., 1912. Duff, Hezekiah N., "The I. W. W.'s; What They are and What They are Trying to do," (illustrated), Square Deal 10: 297-310, May, 1912. (Intemperately conservative). * Foster, W. Z., "Revolutionary Tactics," The Agitator, April 15, 1912, May 1, 1912, May 15, June 1, 15, and July 1, 1912. (Comprehensive discussion by a syndicalist writer.) ----, "Syndicalism in France," The Agitator, July 15, 1912 and Aug. 1, 1912. Ghent, W. J., "The Devotees of Syndicalism," Miners' Magazine, Aug. 29, 1912, p. 13. From the Social Democratic Herald. * Haywood, W. D., "The Fighting I. W. W.," International Socialist Review, vol. xviii, pp. 246-7—September, 1912. * Haywood, Wm. D., "Timber Workers and Timber Wolves," International Socialist Review 13: 105-10—August, 1912. (The strike of the Louisiana timber workers). "The Industrial Workers of the World" (series of three articles), The Evening Post (N. Y.), Nov, 2, 1912, Saturday supplement, pp. 1, 2; Nov. 9, Saturday supplement, pp. 1, 3; Nov. 16, Saturday supplement, p. 2. (Excellent general description and analysis). 1912 "The I. W. W.," Miners' Magazine, Aug. 1, 1912. Reprinted from the Western Clarion. "I. W. W. and Labor," The Protectionist, September, 1912, 308-10—From Boston Traveller. "Inside Views on the I. W. W.'s," Toledo Union Leader, June 14, 1912. "Lawrence and the Industrial Workers of the World," Survey, vol. xxviii, no. 1, April 6, 1912, pp. 79-80. (Statement in brief of the Lawrence Textile Workers' Strike Committee on March 24, the date on which it went out of existence. Its place was taken by a permanent body, Local 20, National Industrial Textile Workers' Union, of the I. W. W. The statement as it appears here is somewhat condensed....) Lenz, Hugo, "The 'menace' of the I. W. W.," Labor Clarion (San Francisco), February 16, 1912, also in Solidarity, February 24, 1912. "Menace of the I. W. W.," Houston Labor Journal, November 2, 1912, p. 1. Randolph, H. S., "The I. W. W.," The Common Cause, vol. i, no. 5, May, 1912, pp. 1-9. "The Real Menace to Unionism," Labor Digest (monthly), Minneapolis, Minn., April, 1912. * Richter, H., "The I. W. W.: Retrospect and prospects," Industrial Union News, Jan., 1912. Rosebury, A., "Industrialism the bugbear of society. The I. W. W. and its poverty of philosophy," Leather Workers Journal, October, 1912, pp. 42-3. "Rumored Split in the Ranks of the Workers of the World. Rival Branches of the Organization in Chicago and Detroit Apparently at Each Other's Throats," Square Deal 11:65-8, August, 1912. * Russell, Phillips, "The Strike at Little Falls," International Socialist Review 13:455-60, December, 1912. Steffens, Lincoln, "The Labor Contract of the I. W. W.," Solidarity, April 6, 1912. Stevens, F. B., "The I. W. W.—A World Menace to Civilization," Brooklyn Eagle, Sunday, April 28, 1912, magazine section, pp. 1, 2, illustrated. "Syndicalism, sabotage, socialism and the Industrial Workers of the World," Labor World (New York), December 28, 1912, p. 2. 1912 Thompson, Chas. W., "The New Socialism that threatens the social system" (illustrated), New York Times, Sunday, March 17, 1912, pt. v., pp. 1, 2. (Exaggerates the strength of the I. W. W.). * Thompson, J. P., "The Meaning of the Lawrence Strike," Solidarity, March 9, 1912. * Tridon, AndrÉ, "Syndicalism, 'sabotage' and how they were originated," Square Deal 10:407-14, June, 1912. "History of the foreign industrial movement, which is developing startlingly in America." "What the I. W. W. is—history of the organization," Boiler Makers' Journal, August, 1912, 675-6; Toledo Union Leader, April 19, 1912, p. 1; Union Leader, June 29, 1912, p. 7. "Why the I. W. W. is Dangerous," Labor Clarion (San Francisco), April 5, 1912. Woehlke, W. V., "I. W. W.," Outlook, 101:531-6, July 6, 1912. Reprinted in pamphlet form by the National Metal Trades Association. 1913 Babson, R. W., "What of the I. W. W.'s?"—Special letter September 16, 1913—reprinted in The Masses, December, 1913, vol. v, no. 3, p. 20. "Barren Record of the I. W. W. Movement," New York Times "Annalist," September 22, 1913, p. 378. Berkman, Alexander, "The [Eighth: 1913] I. W. W. Convention," Mother Earth, October, 1913. Bethune, W. T., "The I. W. W.: Its Significance," The Mediator 6:16-20, July, 1913. ("Significance of the I. W. W. movement is that it marks the breaking down of the popular belief that man must look for some superior intelligence, some power outside of himself, to decide for him ... his attitude towards his fellowman.") Boyle, James, "Fiendish aims and policies of the Industrial Workers of the World" (Syndicalism and sabotage), Union Reporter (Canton, Ohio), September, 1913, p. 4. Reprinted from Labor World. Brooks, J. G., "The real trouble with the Industrial Workers of the World," Survey, October 25, 1913. Its defects lie in its "atomistic view of industry and politics." Reprinted in The Wooden Shoe, Nov. 8, 1913. Bryan, J. W., "Seattle Riots," Congressional Record, vol 1, 60th Cong., 1st sess., pp. 2900, 2902, 2903, 4400, 4410, 4411, 4413, 5980-3; July 29, Sept. 6, 1913, Nov. 22, 1913. ----, "The Seattle Riots," speech in House of Representatives, July 28, 1913, Congressional Record, July 29, 1913, pp. 3252 1913 "The Constructive Program of the I. W. W." (editorial), Solidarity, August 2, 1913. Cooper, C. I., "Stogy makers and the I. W. W. in Pittsburgh," Survey, 31:214, November 29, 1913. "Destruction the Avowed Purpose of the 1. W. W." (editorial), American Federationist, July, 1913. * Doran, J. T., "Industrial unionism clearly explained to electrical workers and incidentally to the rest of the working class," Solidarity, Sept. 6, 1913. Dosch, Arno, "What the I. W. W. is," World's Work 26:406-20, August, 1913. * Downing, Mortimer, "The Case of the Hop Pickers," International Socialist Review 14:210-13, October, 1913. "Fallacies of the I. W. W.," Coast Seaman's Journal (San Francisco), September 17, 1913, p. 2. Reprinted from Eureka Labor News. Fitch, J. A., "The I. W. W. an outlaw organization," Survey 30:355-62, June 7, 1913. * Foster, W. Z., "Syndicalism in the United States," The Syndicalist, January, 1913. Fraina, Louis, "Syndicalism and Industrial Unionism," International Socialist Review, July, 1913. * Giovannitti, Arturo, "The Bum" (poem), The Masses, January, 1913. ----, "Syndicalism—The Creed of Force," Independent 76:209-11, October 30, 1913. Gompers, Samuel, "Destruction the avowed purpose of the I. W. W.," American Federationist 120, pp. 533-7, Washington, July, 1913. ----, "The Industrial Workers of the World," The Mediator 5:5-9, September, 1912—reprinted from American Federationist, July, 1913. Hall, Henry N., "Two Wings of Labor's Big Army Warring on Each Other," The World (New York), July 27, 1913, p. 1, editorial section. Illustrated. Full page feature article. (A. F. of L. vs. I. W. W.). * Haywood, W. D., "On the Paterson Picket Line," International Socialist Review, June, 1913, vol. xiii, pp. 847-51. Hoxie, R. F., "The Truth About the I. W. W.," Journal of Political Economy, Nov., 1913, vol. xxi, pp. 785-97. Reprinted in International Molders' Journal 50:6-13, January, 1914. "Industrial War," Locomotive Engineers' Monthly Journal, August, 1913:702-3 (A criticism of the I. W. W.). 1913 "The Industrial Workers of the World," Motorman and Conductor (Detroit), August, 1913, pp. 4-5. (A criticism). "The Industrial Workers of the World make confession," Square Deal 13: 236-8, October, 1913. (Reprint of editorial signed "L. C. R." "Sensationalism versus organizing ability," Solidarity, August 23, 1913). "The Industrial Workers of the World and the New York Waiters," (editorial), Square Deal, February, 1913. "The I. W. W.—An Inside View of its Methods," Industrial World, Pittsburgh, December 22, 1913, pp. 1526-7. Copy of an editorial in Solidarity. "The I. W. W. 'machine' and the Industrial Worker" (Letters and statements in regard to the Heslewood-Smith controversy and the management of the Industrial Worker) The Social War, August 16, 1913. "I. W. W. Strikes" (editorial), American Federationist, August, 1913. * Koeltgen, Ewald, "I. W. W. Convention" (September 13-27, 1913), International Socialist Review (Chicago), November 1913, 275-6. Levine, Louis, "Development of Syndicalism in the United States," Political Science Quarterly, vol. xxviii, pp. 451-479 (September, 1913). (An exceedingly good historical analysis). Lippmann, W., "The I. W. W.—Insurrection or Revolution?" New Review, August, 1913. Owen, Wm. C., "Economic revolution and the I. W. W." The Social War, September, 1913. * Pease, Frank C., "The I. W. W. and Revolution," Forum 50: 153-68, August, 1913. (Eulogy by a member.) Portenar, A. J., "The Perversion of the Ideal. A reply to the doctrine of syndicalism as advocated by the I. W. W.," International Molders' Journal, August, 1913, 635-8. Address before the Sagamore Sociological Conference, Sagamore Beach, Mass., July 2, 1913. (For a reply to Portenar's article, see ibid., September, 1913, pp. 764-6). Reitman, Ben. L., "Impressions of the Chicago Convention" (Eighth I. W. W. Convention, 1913), Mother Earth, October, 1913. "Reverses for the I. W. W." Protectionist (Boston), October, 1913, pp. 437-9. Reprinted from the Boston Transcript. * St. John, Vincent, "The economic argument for industrial Unionism," International Socialist Review, September, 1908, vol. 9: 172. Also in Solidarity, January 18, 1913. "Some Comments on the I. W. W.," Typographical Journal, February, 1913, pp. 149-50. 1913 * Trautmann, Wm. E., "Free graft fights," New York Call, May 2, 1913. * Tridon, AndrÉ, "Haywood," New Review 1: 502-6, May, 1913. ----, "The New Unionism in Germany," Industrial Worker, February 13, 1913. ----, "Syndicalism: What It means," The International, January, 1913. Abridged reprint in Industrial Worker, January 23, 1913. ----, "The workers' only hope—Direct action," Independent 74:79-83, January 9, 1913. Tucker, Irwin St. J., "The Church and the I. W. W.," Churchman (New York), August 30, 1913, pp. 278, 290. (Describes the I. W. W. organization and explains how the church can reach its members). "The War Is On" [with the I. W. W.], Miners' Magazine, September 4, 1913, p. 7. Weston, E., "Some Principles of the I. W. W.," American Employer, July, 1913. Williams, B. H., "The constructive program of the I. W. W." Editorial, Solidarity, June 7, 1913. Reprinted on pp. 12-20 of The Revolutionary I. W. W. by G. H. Perry. 1914 * Ashleigh, Chas., "The floater," International Socialist Review, 15: 34-38, July, 1914. * Debs, E. V., "A Plea for Solidarity," International Socialist Review, March, 1914, 14: 535-8. Dueberg, Helmuth, "I. W. W.'s attempt to organize discontent," Los Angeles Times, August 16, 1914, pt. vi, p. 4. Eastman, Max, "I. W. W.: The great American scapegoat," New Review 2: 465-70, August, 1914. * Ettor, Jos. J., "I. W. W. versus A. F. of L.," New Review, May, 1914, 2: 275-85. * Ettor, Jos, J. and Haywood, W. D., "What the I. W. W. intends to do to the U. S. A.," The World (New York), June 14, 1914, sec. E, p. 1. Reprinted in Solidarity, June 27, 1914. Foster, W. Z., "The miners' revolt in Butte," Mother Earth, September, 1914, pp. 216-220. Fraina, L. C., "Daniel DeLeon," New Review 2: 390-99, July, 1914. * Haywood, Wm. D., "An Appeal for Industrial Solidarity," International Socialist Review 14: 544-6, March, 1914. ----, "Jaures and the General Strike," International Socialist Review, September, 1914. ----, "The Revolt at Butte," International Socialist Review, August, 1914. "Industrial Workers of the World: their French progenitors," Steam Shovel Magazine, September, 1914, pp. 9-10. 1914 "I. W. W.," Social Tidskrift, May, 1914, pp. 214-17. "I. W. W. tactics" (editorial), International Molders' Journal 50: 652-3, August, 1914. Lewis, Howard T., "The I. W. W.," (an historical sketch), The Mediator 6: 21-30, February, 1914. McGregor, J., "Wreckers of peace—Industrial Workers of the World are railroad strike advocates all over the World. An illustration of the fact from New Zealand," Labor World (Pittsburgh) 22, no. 14, pp. 4, 13, February 12, 1914. * Quinlan, Patrick L., "The Paterson Strike and After," New Review 2: 26-33, January, 1914. * St. John, Vincent, "The working class and war," International Socialist Review, August, 1914, 15: 117-18. Somerville, H., "Successors to socialism," Catholic World 99: 173-80, May, 1914 (I. W. W.). United States Congress, House of Representatives, "Riots in Seattle, Wash., in (July), 1913 between Industrial Workers of the World and United States soldiers and sailors." Speech of William E. Humphrey, of Wash., in House, Sept. 3, 1914. (In Congressional Record of Sept. 4, vol. I, no. 105, pp. 4679-4693. Includes newspaper clippings on the subject.) Woehlke, W. V., "Porterhouse heaven and the hobo," Technical World, August, 1914, vol. xxi, pp. 808-18. "Work and the police mortal foes of the I. W. W.," New York Tribune, April 12, 1914, Part V, special feature section—full page article, illustrated. 1915 Fitch, J. A., "Baiting the I. W. W.," Survey 33: 634-5, March 6, 1915. "I. W. W. Beaten in Dominion" [of Canada]. (Description of I. W. W. activities in British Columbia). Special correspondence of the Los Angeles Times, Sunday, June 6, 1915, pt. vi, p. 3, columns 1, 2, 3. Katz, Rudolph, "With DeLeon Since '89," serially in Weekly People, March 20, 1915 to Jan. 29, 1916. * Williams, B. H., "The trend toward industrial freedom." In a symposium, on "What is Americanism?" American Journal of Sociology, vol. xx, pp. 626-8, March, 1915. Reprinted in St. John's I. W. W., Its history, structure and methods, pp. 30-32. 1916 Babson, R. W., "The I. W. W.'s Latest Move" (in Minnesota and Michigan, etc.), in Babson's Reports on Economic Co-operative Movements (confidential bulletin of the CoÖperation Service No. L-59, Wellesley Hills, Mass.). Aug., 1916 (Labor forecast). 1916 Bindley, Barbara, "Helen Keller would be I. W. W.'s Joan of Arc.," New York Tribune, January 16, 1916, sec. v, p. 5. * Dodd, J. Stephen, "The forerunner of industrial democracy," Solidarity, Dec. 30, 1916. (The industrial union, as embodied in the I. W. W., is the author's forerunner.) * Nef, W. T., "Job Control in the Harvest Fields," International Socialist Review, September, 1916, vol. xvii, pp. 140-3. * Smith, Walker C., "The Voyage of the Verona," International Socialist Review 17:340-6, December, 1916. (The "riot" at Everett, Wash.). * Woodruff, Abner E., "Evolution of Industrial Democracy," Solidarity, Nov. 4, 11, 18, 25 and Dec. 2, 9, 1916. (Also published in pamphlet form.) 1917 "America's cancer sore—the I. W. W.," Los Angeles Times, Dec. 9, 1917, pp. 4, 18 (magazine supplement). * Ashleigh, Charles, "Everett, November Fifth" (poem), International Socialist Review, February, 1917, vol. xvii, p. 479. Ashurst, H. F., "The I. W. W. menace" (speech in U. S. Senate, Aug. 17, 1917) Congr. Record, vol. lv (no. 113), p. 6687. * Baldazzi, Jno., "Ethics of Revolutionary Syndicalism," Solidarity, January 27, 1917, p. 3. Colby, E., "The Industrial Workers of the World," Bellman, 22:233-5, Mar. 3, 1917. Coleman, B. S., "The I. W. W. and the law; ... the result of Everett's Bloody Sunday" (illus.), Sunset Magazine, vol. xxxix, pp. 3, 5, 68-70 (July, 1917). Crawford, A., "The spectre of industrial unionism" (illus.), International Socialist Review, vol. xviii, pp. 80-83 (Aug., 1917). * Doree, E. F., "Ham stringing the sugar hogs," International Socialist Review, xvii, 615-17, April, 1917 (Sugar workers' strike). "Enemy within our midst," Gateway, vol. xxix, pp. 13-16 (Dec., 1917). Fraina, Louis C., "The I. W. W. trial," The Class Struggle, vol. i, no. 4, pp. 1-5 (Nov.-Dec., 1917). "From the I. W. W. Indictments," International Socialist Review, vol. xviii, pp. 271-277 (Nov.-Dec., 1917). (Contains comprehensive excerpts from the indictments brought by the U. S. Government in Sept., 1917.) [I. W. W. activities in the Pacific Northwest, 1917]. Remarks in the U. S. Senate, Aug. 11, 1917. Congr. Record, vol. lv, pp. 6533-6534. "The I. W. W.[s] as prison reformers," Survey, vol. xxxvii, pp. 461-462 (Jan. 20, 1917). 1917 "I. W. W. raids and others," New Republic, vol. xii, pp. 175-177. "The Industrial Workers of the World," Industrial Peace (London), October, 1917, pp. 14-20. "The iron heel in Australia," International Socialist Review, vol. xvii, no. 8, pp. 473-475. Johnson, Albert, "The preaching of treason and the breeding of sedition must stop," Congressional Record, vol. lv, no. 145, p. 8037. (Speech on the I. W. W. and the war in the U. S. House of Representatives, June 25, 1917). "Lay Australian arson plot to I. W. W.," New York Times, Apr. 14, 1917, p. 6, cols. 1-3. * Macdonald, J., "From Butte to Bisbee" (illus.), International Socialist Review, vol. xviii. pp. 69-71 (Aug., 1917). (The I. W. W. in the copper camps.) Merz, C., "Tying up western lumber," New Republic, vol. xii, pp. 242-244 (Sept. 29, 1917). Myers, H. L. (U. S. Senator from Montana). (Speech on the I. W. W. with special reference to the Butte copper-mining situation), U. S. Senate, Aug. 23, 1917. Congr. Record, vol. lv, no. 118, pp. 6869-6871. "Organization or anarchy," New Republic, vol, xi, pp. 320-322 (July 21, 1917). Parker, C. H., "The I. W. W.," Atlantic Monthly, vol. 120, pp. 651-662 (Nov., 1917). (An extremely good psychological interpretation of the I. W. W. movement and personnel.) "Patriotism in the Middle West," The Masses, 9: 19-21 (June, 1917). (The militia raid on the I. W. W. hall in Kansas City, Mar. 27, 1917.) "The tenth annual I. W. W. convention," International Socialist Review, vol. xvii, pp. 406-409 (Jan., 1917). "What Haywood says of the I. W. W.," Survey, vol. xxxviii, pp. 429-430 (Aug. 11, 1917). Woehlke, Walter V., "The I. W. W. and the Golden Rule: Why Everett [Wash.] used the club and gun on the Red Apostles of direct action," Sunset Magazine, vol. xxxviii, pp. 16-18, 62-65 (February, 1917). 1918 Blythe, Samuel G., "Our imported troubles and trouble makers," Saturday Evening Post, May 11, 1918. (The I. W. W. and the war.) Browne, L. A., "Bolshevism in America," Forum, 59: 703-17. June, 1918. BruÈre, Robert W., "Copper camp patriotism," (The I. W. W. and the war. The Bisbee deportations). The Nation, vol. 106, pp. 202-3, 235-6 (Feb. 21 and 28, 1918). 1918 ——, "Following the trail of the I. W. W.," "A first-hand investigation into labor troubles of the West." Series of articles on conditions in mining, lumbering and agriculture, The New York Evening Post, Nov. 14, 17, 24; Dec. 1, 8, 12, 15, 1917; Feb. 13, 16, 23; Mar. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30; Apr. 6, 13, 20, 1918. ----, "The Industrial Workers of the World"—an interpretation, Harper's Magazine, July, 1918 (pp. 250-257). Callender, Harold, "The truth about the I. W. W.," International Socialist Review, vol. xviii, no. 7, pp. 332-342 (Jan., 1918). "Colonel Disque and the I. W. W.," New Republic, vol. xiv, pp. 284-285 (April 6, 1918). (The I. W. W. in the lumber industry of the Northwest.) * Debs, E. V., "The I. W. W. bogey," International Socialist Review, vol. xviii, pp. 395-396 (Feb., 1918). Easley, Ralph M., "Survey of I. W. W. activities during the war," New York Times, July 7, 1918, sec. iii, p. 3, cols. 1-6. "Defensive propaganda for accused leaders answered...." Based on brochure written by T. E. HarrÉ who, the editors state, "has made a careful survey of the activities of the International [sic] Workers of the World since the outbreak of the war." "Great Labor Trial Astounding Verdict," The Labor Defender, vol. i, no. 14, pp. 3-6 (Sept. 1, 1918). Green, W. R., "I. W. W. organization," Congressional Record, vol. lvi, pp. 6799-6800 (May 9, 1918). Hartman, F. H., "The I. W. W.—a scapegoat," The Radical Review, July, 1918. "The I. W. W. as an agent of pan-Germanism," World's Work, vol. xxxvi, pp. 581-2 (Oct., 1918). [The I. W. W. in the lumber industry of the northwest]. Remarks of various members of the U. S. Senate, Mar. 21, 1918. Congr. Record, vol. lvi, no. 82, pp. 4095-4101. * Keller, Helen, "In behalf of the I. W. W.," The Liberator, March, 1918. King, William H., (U. S. Senator from Utah), [The I. W. W.], Congressional Record, vol. lvi, pp. 6565-6566 (May 6, 1918). Landis, K. M. [Address to the jury in the case of Wm. D. Haywood v. The United States of America, August 17, 1918]. Defense News Bulletin, Aug. 24, 1918, pp. 3-4. "Misconceptions of the I. W. W.," Labor Defender, Dec. 1, 1918, pp. 4-5. Published also as a leaflet. * Phillips, Jack, "Speaking of the Department of Justice," International Socialist Review, vol. xviii, pp. 406-407 (February, 1918). (On the U. S. Government indictments of the I. W. W.) 1918 Reed, John, "The social revolution in court" (illus. by Art Young), Liberator, September, 1918, pp. 20-28. Reprinted in Cal. Defence Bulletin, Nov. 4 1918. Sherman, Lawrence Y. (U. S. Senator from Illinois), [The I. W. W. and the war], Congressional Record, vol. lvi, pp. 8742-8745 (June 20, 1918). Speech in the United States Senate, June 20, 1918. "Spruce and the I. W. W.," New Republic, vol. xiv, pp. 99-100 (Feb. 23, 1918). "Telling it to Wilson," Labor Defender, vol. i, no. 16, pp. 4-5, 11 (Oct. 15, 1918); reprinted in The Liberator, November, 1918, pp. 43, 47. Also reprinted in The Nation under the title: "Is civil liberty dead?". Reprint of a memorandum on the Federal Government and the I. W. W. sent to President Wilson by the National Civil Liberties Bureau. * Thompson, Jas. P., "Industrial unionism: what it is," International Socialist Review, vol. xviii, pp. 366-73 (Jan., 1918). A reprint of his testimony before the U. S. Commission on Industrial Relations. "Tulsa, November 9th" (story of deportation of I. W. W.s from Tulsa, Oklahoma, Nov. 9, 1917. The sworn statement of the secretary of the Tulsa local of the I. W. W.) The Liberator, vol. i, pp. 15-17 (April, 1918). Walsh, John T., "The I. W. W. trial," The Labor Defender, vol. i, no. 12, pp. 3-5 (July 30, 1918). Walsh, Thomas J. (United States Senator from Montana), [The Industrial Workers of the World], Congressional Record, vol. lvi, pp. 6566-6569 (May 6, 1918). Excerpts from I. W. W. papers and pamphlets. Warren, W. H., "Treason by the wholesale; an exposÉ of I. W. W. methods," Oregon Voter, vol. xii, pp. 310-311 (Mar. 9, 1918). "What has been proved at the I. W. W. trial. Review of evidence introduced at Chicago ...," New York Times, Aug. 4, 1918, sec. iv, p. 4, cols. 1-6. "This article, in which is presented a concise statement of what the trial has brought to light, was written by an observer, acting under official auspices, having access to all the records and sources of information." "What shall be done with the I. W. W.?" Seattle Municipal News, vol. vii, pp. 1-2 (May 4, 1918). Wolff, W. A., "The northwestern front," Collier's Weekly, Apr. 20, 1918. (The I. W. W., the lumber industry and the war.) Yarros, Victor S., "The I. W. W. trial," Nation, Aug. 31, 1918, vol, 107, pp. 220-223. 1918——, "The story of the I. W. W. trial"; I. "The atmosphere of the trial," Survey, Aug. 31, 1918; II. "The case for the prosecution," Survey, Sept. 7, 1918; III. "The nature and pith of the defense," Survey, Sept. 14, 1918. Vol. xl, pp. 603-604. 630-632, 660-663. Young, Arthur, "The social revolution in court," The Liberator, September, 1918, pp. 20-28 (illus.). The Chicago I. W. W. trial. 1919 A Silent Defense Prisoner, "A direct appeal to the American people. A statement of the Sacramento case," One Big Union Monthly, March, 1919, pp. 32-34. * Andreytchine, George, "Industrial unionism versus Bolshevism," Industrial Worker, November 1, 1919. * Blossom, Frederick A., "Misconception of the I. W. W.," Industrial Worker, August 9, 1919. Reprinted from Gale's Magazine. * Bruner, Roberta, "The 11th annual I. W. W. convention," May, 1919, One Big Union Monthly, June, 1919, pp. 46-47; July, 1919, pp. 18-19. Carleton, Frank T., "Pedagogy and syndicalism," The Public, February 8, 1919, vol. xxii, pp. 133-134. On the I. W. W. after the war. * Ebert, Justus, "Reconstruction: A working-class presentation of its problems," One Big Union Monthly, September, 1919, pp. 22-25. * Edwards, Forrest, "The merits of legal defense," One Big Union Monthly, September, 1919, pp. 10-11. Ferguson, I. E., "The I. W. W. convention," Revolutionary Age, June 14, 1919. "The future and the I. W. W.", by a Washington official. The Public, February 8, 1919, vol. xxii, pp. 134-136. The I. W. W. and the lumber industry. Gale, Linn A. E., "The Mexican communists and industrial unionism," Industrial Worker, November 15, 1919. Hedrick, P. C., "The I. W. W. and Mayor Hanson," Unpartizan Review, July, 1919 (vol. xii, pp. 35-45). "Industrial Workers of World organize anew," Labor Opinion (Portland, Oreg.), July, 1919. Report of the May, 1919, convention. "The invincible I. W. W.," Liberator, May, 1919, pp. 9-10. Lanier, A. S., "To the President: An open letter in regard to case of United States versus Wm. D. Haywood, et al.," The New Republic, vol. xviii, pp. 383-384 (April 19, 1919). 1919 Lyons, Eugene, "Tulsa: A study in oil," One Big Union Monthly, December, 1919, pp. 35-37. McMahon, Theresa S., "Centralia and the I. W. W.," The Survey, November 29, 1919, pp. 173-174. Marcy, Mary E., "The I. W. W. convention," Liberator, July, 1919, pp. 10-12. "Ol' rags and bottles," The Nation, January 25, 1919, vol. cviii, pp. 114-116. An account of the I. W. W. trial at Sacramento, California, by The Nation's special correspondent. "The One Big Union," The Round Table, June, 1919, pp. 611-619, The I. W. W. in Australia. Parsons, Geoffrey, "Wichita's way with a wave of I. W. W. Bolshevism," New York Tribune, March 2, 1919, sec. vii, p. 3. * Payne, C. E., "The fundamental principles of the I. W. W.," One Big Union Monthly, November, 1919, pp. 38-39. Price, A. H., "How the I. W. W. men brought about the 8-hour day in the lumber industry," One Big Union Monthly, March, 1919, pp. 16-18. * Sandgren, John, "The I. W. W. needs an industrial encyclopedia," One Big Union Monthly, November, 1919, pp. 42-4. Urges upon the organization the study and practice of industrial administration. ----, "Industrial unionism versus Bolshevism," Industrial Worker, November 8, 1919. * Soltis, John Gabriel, "The Bolsheviki in America," One Big Union Monthly, May, 1919, pp. 19-20. ----, "The realism of the Bolsheviki," One Big Union Monthly, September, 1919, pp. 39-40. Sterling, Jean, "The silent defense in Sacramento," The Liberator, February, 1919, pp. 15-17. The Sacramento conspiracy case. * Varney, Harold L., "Butte in the hands of the I. W. W.," One Big Union Monthly, March, 1919, pp. 36-37. ----, "The story of the I. W. W.," One Big Union Monthly, March, 1919, and subsequent issues. A detailed history of the organization by a member, running serially in the O. B. U. Monthly beginning with the issue of March, 1919. "What's wrong with labor? Federation threatened with I. W. W. control from the inside," New York Times, October 26, 1919, sec. 4, pp. 1-2, 12. "What the I. W. W. black cat and wooden shoe emblems mean." Literary Digest, vol. 61, pp. 70-75 (April 19, 1919). 1919 * Woodruff, Abner E., The evolution of American agriculture. With an introduction by Wm. D. Haywood. Chicago: Agricultural Workers Industrial Union No. 400: 1919, 77 pp., illus. 1920 * Doran, J. T. (of the I. W. W.), "Murder in Centralia," The Liberator, February, 1920, pp. 16-18. Hard, William, "William Z. Foster," The New Republic, January 7, 1920, pp. 163-166. Spargo, John, "Why the I. W. W. flourishes," World's Work, January, 1920, pp. 243-247. Turner, George Kibbe, "The Possibilist," Saturday Evening Post, issues beginning with January 31, 1920. * Varney, Harold Lord, "The I. W. W. exposed by its chief propagandist. Harold Lord Varney, 'Bill' Haywood's counsellor and aid, charges that the main object of the leaders is to bring about the destruction of the American Federation of Labor...." The World (New York), February 8, 1920, sec. E., p. 1. |