
I. A Wager is Made 9
II. "Strange Countries for to See" 18
III. A Duel—of Wits 24
IV. The Gray Man 34
V. I am the Lady Trusia 46
VI. The Gray Man Again 53
VII. A Cool Reception 61
VIII. The Spectre of the Star 72
IX. If Zulka Were Here 80
X. The Glimmer of Suspicion 98
XI. You Love Trusia 101
XII. Carter Finds an Ally 115
XIII. A New Major of Hussars 121
XIV. Found in the Courtyard of the Inn 134
XV. The Dream Kiss 149
XVI. You are the King of Krovitch 159
XVII. At the Hotel des S. Croix 172
XVIII. I Saw—I Know 194
XIX. It was Judson's Fault 202
XX. A Sound at Midnight 214
XXI. Carrick was Far Behind 228
XXII. Carrick is King 240
XXIII. Noblesse Oblige 257
XXIV. Stolen Sleep 263
XXV. They Meet Josef 271
XXVI. The Vistula! 277
XXVII. You are Still My King 284
XXVIII. A Re-Union 294


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