I. AUTHORS QUOTED. - Allen, H., 208.
- Anaxagoras, 106.
- Arnold, M., 249, 271.
- Aristotle, 105.
- Augustine, St., 20, 57, 93, 128, 191, 194, 274.
- Bain, A., 9, 25, 52, 59, 87, 91, 244.
- Barlow, H. C., 201.
- Baxter, Richard, 60.
- Boehmer, H., 7.
- Boole, Geo., 24, 44, 104, 105, 108, 111.
- Bunsen, 109, 251.
- Butler, Bishop, 60, 119, 276.
- Carlyle, 243.
- Catlow, J. P., 14, 64.
- Chateaubriand, 250.
- Comte, A., 11, 39, 128, 187, 194, 252.
- Condorcet, 267.
- Cory, J. P., 191.
- Coulange, 245.
- Creuzer, 90, 106, 119, 127, 200, 212, 222.
- Cussans, 210.
- Dante, 93.
- Darwin, C., 71, 88.
- Dick, 266.
- Dickson, J. T., 73.
- Ferguson, 66.
- Ferrier, J. F., 20, 28, 43, 97.
- Feuchtersleben, 8, 54, 73.
- Feuerbach, 194.
- Fothergill, J. M., 61.
- Gibbon, 264.
- Goethe, 277.
- Gurney, J. J., 119.
- Hall, Bishop, 50, 77.
- Hamilton, Sir W., 24, 29, 91, 95, 99, 256.
- Helmholtz, 11, 14, 18, 22.
- Hegel, 29, 88.
- Herbert of Cherbury, 149, 260.
- Hobbes, 81.
- Hodgson, S. N., 104, 126, 128, 134.
- Holtzmann, A., 259.
- Humboldt, A. von, 92.
- Humboldt, W. von, 6, 53, 67, 93, 112, 113, 214, 246, 252.
- Hume, David, 81, 187, 219.
- Hunter, John, 9.
- Jacobi, 88.
- Jevons, W. S., 25, 204.
- Kant, I., 25, 29, 32, 40, 91, 105, 194.
- Kolk, Schroeder van der, 72.
- Kitto, 74.
- Koppen, 37, 214.
- Law, Wm., 49, 87, 263, 272.
- Laycock, 75, 245.
- Lessing, 56, 254.
- Lewes, 187.
- Liddon, H. L., 129, 250.
- Mansel, 87, 88.
- Maudsley, H., 9, 150.
- Mill, J. S., 18, 87, 91, 97, 223.
- Mohammed, 71, 75, 114, 256.
- Morell, J. D., 88.
- Morley, J., 223.
- MÜller, 130.
- MÜller, Max, preface.
- Naville, E., 256, 263.
- Neander, A., 241.
- Novalis, 41, 49, 107, 124, 243.
- Paget, J., 63.
- Parker, Theo., 88.
- Pascal, 56.
- Plath, 129.
- Rousseau, J. J., 118.
- Saussure, Necker de, 220.
- Schlagintweit, E., 187.
- Schleiermacher, 88, 275.
- Schoolcraft, 63, 146.
- Schopenhauer, A., 11, 13, 51, 82, 91, 269.
- Schwarz, 207.
- Senancourt de, 53, 180.
- Spinoza, 9, 14, 17, 41, 42, 51, 98, 104.
- Spencer, Herbert, 29, 39, 98, 104, 236, 260.
- Swedenborg, 75.
- Steinthal, 101, 246.
- Tertullian, 241.
- Theophilus, 191.
- Thompson, 31.
- Todhunter, 25.
- Tyndall, 87, 132, 255.
- Voltaire, 249.
- Westropp, 62.
- Wigan, A. L., 76.
- Williams, J., 76.
- Wordsworth, 41, 42, 180.
- Windelband, Dr., 101, 102, 108.
II. SUBJECTS. - Absolute, the, 102, 106.
- consciousness of, 161.
- Adam, as prophet of the moon, 170.
- Adjita, 178.
- Adonis, 165.
- Aeon, 163, 166.
- Agdistis, an epicene deity, 65.
- Ahura-Mazda, 113, 166, 184.
- Allah, 239.
- Amitabha, 175, 185.
- Analytic propositions, 32.
- Androgynous deities, 66.
- Animism, 163.
- Anointed, the, 176.
- Anya-Mainyus, 166, 184.
- Anthropomorphism, 193.
- Antinomies, of Kant, 29.
- Aphrodite, 65, 241.
- Apocalypse, the, 171.
- Apollo, 67, 241.
- Apperception, 156.
- Apprehension, 142.
- Arab idea of time, 165.
- Argumentum de appetitu, 231.
- Aronhiate, a Huron deity, 221.
- Arrenothele deities, 66.
- Art, religious, in Orient, 15;
- in Greece, 16;
- Christian, 209, 241;
- useless and immoral, 244.
- Assyria, flood myth of, 169.
- Athanasius, his doctrine of the Trinity, 191.
- Atonement, doctrine of, 222.
- Avalokitesvara, 214.
- Aztecs, 80.
- Baghavad Gita, the, 189.
- Babylon, rites of, 74.
- Baldur, 176.
- Baptism, 138, 226.
- Beauty, the line of, 15, 211.
- the religion of, 241, 244, 245.
- Belief, its kinds, 141.
- Brahma, 65, 169.
- Brahmans, highest bliss of, 57;
- doctrines, 168, 169.
- Breidablick, 176.
- Brutes, religious feeling in, 88.
- Buddha, 37, 57, 80, 120, 146, 156, 261, 271.
- Buddhism, four truths of, 13;
- theories of prayer, 121, 150, 214;
- last day, 169;
- myths, 175, 176;
- monotheism of, 187, 247, 256.
- Bull, as a symbol, 204.
- Cabala, Jehova in, 65.
- Canting arms, 212.
- Cause, not a reason, 38;
- in physical science, 91.
- Celibacy, Romish, 61.
- Cerebration, unconscious, 149.
- Chance, the idea of, 93.
- Chinese character for prayer, 129.
- Christ, see Jesus.
- Christianity, doctrines of, 190, 257, 264, 274;
- symbol of, 203.
- Christmas tree, the, 215.
- Cockatrice, the, 77.
- Commonwealth, ideal of, 247.
- Consciousness, forms of, 17, 20.
- Confucius, doctrine, 122, sq.
- Continuity, law of, 11, 16;
- principle of, 95.
- Contradiction, law of, 27, 102.
- Correspondences, doctrine of, 217.
- Cosmical relations of man, 112, 268.
- Cotytto, 65.
- Cow, as a symbol, 204.
- CraoshanÇ, 176.
- Creation, myth of, 166.
- Crescent, a phallic symbol, 62.
- Cross, a phallic symbol, 62;
- as phonetic symbol, 210;
- variants of, 210.
- Cult, the, 199 sq.
- Culture, religion of, 243, 244, 253.
- Cybele, 65; priests of, 66, 219.
- Dactyli, the, 184.
- Darkness, terror of, 185.
- Day of Judgment, the, 172.
- Deity, see God.
- Design, argument from, 110.
- Desire, meaning of, 53.
- Deus, 185; triformis, 191.
- Deva, 185.
- Didactic rites, 225.
- Divination and prayer, 137.
- Dramatic rites, 226.
- Dual law of thought, 27, 102;
- division of the gods, 182, 183.
- Edda, mythology of, 175, 215.
- Eden, garden of, 175.
- Ego, the, 19.
- Egoism of religion, 272.
- Egyptians, doctrines of, 80, 222;
- prayers, 115;
- pyramids, 212;
- lotus of, 214.
- Emotions, origin of, 10;
- exclude thought, 19;
- in religion, 49;
- of fear and hope, 50, 51;
- esthetic, 14.
- Entheasm, 148.
- Epochs of nature, 164 sq.
- Epicene deities, 66.
- Epilepsy and religious delusions, 75.
- Eros, 72.
- Esculapius, emblem of, 200.
- Esthetic emotions, 14, 244.
- Ethics, grounds of, 266.
- Excluded middle, law of, 27, sqq.
- Expectant attention, 74, 129.
- Explanation, limits of, 38.
- Faith in religion, 107.
- Fascination, 74.
- Fear, in religion, 50, sqq.
- Female principle in religion, 62, 183.
- Feridun, garden of, 175.
- Flood, myth of, 169, sq.
- Fingers, as gods, 184.
- Force, orders of, 133.
- Freedom, 105.
- Friends, sect of, see Quakers.
- Future life, doctrine of, 256, sq.
- Gallican confession, the, 138.
- Generative function in religion, 62, 72, 73.
- Genius as inspiration, 149.
- Gnosis, the genuine, 74.
- Gnostic doctrines, 166.
- God, as father, 70;
- spouses of, 69, 71;
- mother of, 68;
- sexless, 71;
- earliest notions of, 78;
- incomprehensible, 98;
- throne of, 167;
- love of, 73, 263, 276.
- Gods,
- hierarchy of, 181;
- quantification of the, 186;
- of lightning, 207.
- Good, final victory of, 179.
- Grasshoppers, prayers against, 131.
- Greeks, art of, 16;
- doctrines of, 80;
- sophists, 96.
- Gudmund, King, 175.
- Hades, 186.
- Hare, the Great, 212.
- Hell, 186, 258, 274.
- Hercules, 72.
- Hermaphrodite deities, 66.
- Hesperides, the, 175.
- Hierarchy of the gods, 181.
- High places, worship of, 215, 216.
- Historic ideas, 232.
- Holy spirit, as inspiring, 138;
- brooding, 167.
- Hope, in religion, 51 sqq.
- HorÆ, the, 165.
- Humanity, the religion of, 194, 253.
- Ignorance, in relation to religion, 82.
- Illumination, 140.
- Immortality, doctrine of, 255.
- Indians, American, 125, 157.
- Insanity, religious, 76.
- Inspiration, 137.
- Intelligence, one in kind, 96;
- as the first cause, 106, 111.
- Irmin, pillars of, 215.
- Ischomachus, prayer of, 126.
- Israelites, the Messiah of, 176.
- Janus, an epicene deity, 65.
- Jehovah, 65, 156.
- Jemschid, king, 175.
- Jesus, face of, 67, 241;
- conception of, 71;
- wounds of, 130;
- wisdom of, 144;
- as second Noah, 170;
- teachings, 178, 260;
- prayer to, 187;
- execution of, 203;
- death of, 222.
- Judaism, 187.
- Judgment, day of, 172.
- Kalpa, of Brahmans, 168.
- Knowledge, forms of, 21.
- Kosmos, the, 72, 144, 167.
- Lateau, Louise, 130.
- Law, defined, 40;
- of excluded middle, 27;
- oldest, 248.
- Laws, the, of thought, 26, sq.; 101, sq.;
- not restrictive, 105;
- as purposive, 108.
- Light, as object of worship, 185.
- Lightning, the, in symbolic art, 207.
- Life, the perfect, 57.
- Lingam, the, 66.
- Lingayets, sect of, 66.
- Logic, applied, 23;
- abstract or formal, 24;
- mathematical, 24;
- laws of, 101, sq.
- Logos, the, 42, 106.
- Lotus, as symbol, 213, sq.
- Love, as religious emotion, defined, 58, 60, 262;
- of sex, 61, 63;
- law of, 73;
- of God, 73, 263, 276.
- Ma, a goddess, 183.
- Maitreya, 176.
- Mamona, a Haitian deity, 68.
- MÄrchen, the, defined, 157.
- Marriage condemned,