With reference to this word I have been favored with the opinions of Gen. Clark, Mr. Horatio Hale, and the Rev. J. A. Cuoq, all able Iroquois scholars.
Gen. Clark and Mr. Hale believe that it is a dialectic or corrupt form for agotsaganha, which is a derivature from atsagannen (Bruyas, Radices Verborum Iroquaeorum, p. 42). This verbal means, in one conjugation, "to speak a foreign language," and in another, "to be of a different language, to be a foreigner." The prefix ago or ako is an indefinite pronoun, having the same form in both singular and plural, and is used with national or tribal appellations, as in akononsionni, "People of the Long House," the general name of the Five Nations. Gen. Clark notes that the term agotsaganens, or agotsaganes, was the term applied by the Iroquois to the Mohegans, = "People who speak a foreign tongue." (Jogues, Novum Belgium (1646), and Pa. Colonial Records, vol. vi, p. 183.)
The Rev. Mr. Cuoq believes that the proper form is akotsakannha, which in his alphabet is the same as agotsaganha, but he limits its meaning to "on est Abnaquis," from aktsakann, "Être Abnaquis." (See his Lexique de la Langue Iroquoise, pp. 1, 155.) The general name applied by the Iroquois to the Algonkins he gives as Ratirontaks, from karonta, tree, and ikeks, to eat, "Tree-eaters" (Lexique, p. 88); probably they were so called from their love of the product of the sugar maple.
An interesting specimen of the South Jersey dialect of the Lenape is preserved in the office of the Secretary of State, Trenton, N.J. It is a list of 237 words and phrases obtained in 1684, at Salem, N.J. It was published in the American Historical Record, vol. I, pp. 308-311, 1872. The orthography is English, and it is evidently the same trader's jargon which Gabriel Thomas gives. (See p. 76.) The r is frequent; man is renus leno; devil is manitto; God is hockung tappin (literally, "he who is above"). There are several typographical errors in the printed vocabulary.
REV. ADAM GRUBE. (p. 84.)
His full name was Bernhard Adam Grube. Between 1760-63 he was missionary in charge of the Moravian mission at Wechquetank, Monroe County, Pa., and there translated into Delaware, with the aid of a native named Anton, a "Harmony of the Gospels," and prepared an "Essay of a Delaware Hymn Book." Both these were printed by J. BrandmÜller, at Friedensthal, Pa., and issued in 1763; but no copy of either is known to exist.
Quite recently M. Emile Petitot, in an article entitled, "De la pretendue Origine Orientale des Algonquins" (Bulletin de la SociÉtÉ d'Anthropologie, 1884, p. 248), has attacked the theory that the Algonkin migrations were from the northeasterly portions of the American continent, toward the west and south. His arguments are based on two Cree legends which he relates, one of which is certainly and the other probably of modern date, as the incidents show; and on his criticism of the derivation of the name "Abnaki". Of this he says: "Wabang signifie plutÔt detroit que orient; et quant au mot askiy ou ahkiy, il vent dire terre, et non pas peuple".
Now, no one ever claimed that abnaki meant eastern people. The AbbÉ Maurault translates the form Abanki by "terre au Levant." (Histoire des AbÉnakis, Introd. p. ii, Quebec, 1866.) In Cree wapaw, in Chipeway wabi, mean narrows or strait; but they are derivatives from the root wab, and mean a light or open place between two approaching shores, as Chip. wabigama, or wabimagad, "there is a strait between the two shores." (Baraga, Otchipwe Dictionary.) The name Abnaki is, moreover, no argument either for or against the eastern origin of the Algonkin stock, as it was merely a local term applied to a very small branch of it by the French. Hence M. Petitot's criticisms on the theory under consideration are misplaced and of no weight.
To what has been said in the text I may add that the Algonkins who visited Montreal early in the 17th century retained distinct traditions that they had once possessed the land to the east of that city, and had been driven south and west by the Huron-Iroquois. See the AbbÉ Maurault, Histoire des AbÉnakis, p. 111, and Wm. W. Warren, Hist. of the Ojibways, Chap. IV (Minnesota, Hist. Colls., 1885).
(The principal references are in full-faced type.)
Abbott, C. C.,44,52,57,69.
Adair, J., 61.
Alsop, G., 14.
Anthony, A., 156,161,219.
Aupaumut, H., 18,20,23, 45,113.
Baraga, J., 35,59,62.
Barton, B. S., 146.
Beach, W. W., 115,125.
Beatty, C., 23,47, 69,138.
Bozman, J., 15,23,29.
Brainerd, D., 46,62,65, 127,137.
Brickell, J., 64.
Brunner, D. F., 52,57.
Campanius, T., 66,75,96, 116,126,131.
Clark, W. P., 152.
Copway, G., 61,160,219.
Cummings, A., 87.
Cuoq, F. H., 71,105.
Darlington, W., 50.
Darwin, C., 140.
De Laet, 31.
Dencke, C. F., 84.
Denny, E., 86,94.
Donkers, J., 132.
Drake, S. G., 163.
Duponceau, P. S., 77,102, 121,155.
Durant, M., 122.
Eager, 36.
Ettwein, J., 14,18,47, 51,83, 132,229,etc.
Evelin, R., 41.
Fast, C., 125.
Fleet, H., 27.
Force, M. J., 29,31.
Foulke, W. P., 116.
Gallatin, A., 31,112,120.
Gray, A., 149,155.
Grube, B. A., 83,256.
Guss, N. L., 14.
Haldeman, S. S., 150,162.
Hale, H., 12,17,18, 36,95, 112,156.
Hammond, W. A., 110.
Harrison, W. H., 64,112.
Haven, S. F., 150.
Haywood, J., 17.
Heckewelder, J., 15-16,18,20-23, 30,35,43, 78,92,128,
136,140, 146,219, etc.
Hendricks, Capt., 21.
Henry, M. J., 37,45,86.
Hoffman, W. J., 152.
Holland, F. R., 85.
Hough, 125,229.
Howse, J., 13,94,98, 103,105.
James, E., 61,152.
Jogues, I., 225.
Jones, D., 60.
Jones, P., 16.
Johnston, J., 26,30, 125,145.
Kalm, P., 46,50,52.
Kampman, Rev., 28,84.
Lacombe, A., 12,26, 43,103,etc.
Lawson, J., 61.
Lindstrom, 131.
Long, J., 20.
Loskiel, G. H., 18,29,47, 70,91, 137,229,etc.
Luckenbach, A., 85.
McCoy, I., 125.
McKenney, T. L., 224.
Mallery, G., 152.
Martin, H., 54.
Maurault, J. A., 256.
Mayer, B., 162.
Meeker, J., 87.
Mezzofanti, Cardinal, 108.
Morgan, L. H., 12,19,21, 34,40, 47,93.
Morse, J., 31,113,145.
Murray, W. V., 24.
Neill, E. D., 27.
Occum, S., 67,70.
Peale, F., 51.
Peet, S. D., 124.
Penn, Wm., 58,75,122.
Petitot, E., 256.
Pickering, J., 94.
Porter, T. C., 57.
Proud, R., 20,37,45.
Rafinesque, C. S., 148,etc.
Rasles, S., 60,94,etc.
Reichel, W. C., 22.
Richardson, J., 58.
Roth, J., 78.
Ruttenber, E. M., 20,21,36, 42,55, 116,119.
Schmick, J. J., 22.
Schoolcraft, H. R., 20,58,62, 87,109,133, 160,129,etc.
Schweinitz, E. de, 25,62,129,etc.
Scull, N., 36.
Shea, J. G., 14,231.
Silliman, B., 155.
Sluyter, Peter, 132.
Smith, G., 38.
Smith, J., 23,26,114.
Smith, S., 37.
Squier, E. G., 163,167,219, etc.
Stiles, Pres., 35.
Strachey, W., 67.
Tanner, J., 152,160,219.
Thomas, C., 17.
Thomas, G., 54,75, 91,96.
Thompson, C., 48,115,121.
Tobias, G., 87,88.
Trumbull, J. H., 20,30,33, 46,49,71,
74,90, 97,105,219,etc.
Tryon, G. W., 150.
Van der Donck, 44,51,136.
Vincent, F., 60.
Ward, Dr., 153-4.
Wassenaer, 55,72.
Watson, J., 115(Footnote [185]).
Weiser, Conrad, 60,123.
Whipple, Lt., 87,96.
White, A., 27,28.
Wied, Prince of, 55.
Williams, R., 30,55, 61,94.
Young, T., 38,63.
Zeisberger, 35,55,62, 69,76,105, 113,129,134,etc.