(The references are to pages.) - Abandonment, of cargo on disaster, 75
- to creditors, 114
- to insurers, 123
- to underwriters, 113
- of seamen, 197, 252
- Accounting, compellable by part owners, 30
- Acts of Congress:
- June 26, 1884 (23 St. at L.), 70, 116
- August 19, 1890 (26 St. at L. 320), 63
- September 4, 1890 (26 St. at L. 425), 158
- February 13, 1893 (27 St. at L. 445), 70, 72
- February 18, 1895 (28 St. at L. 667), 252
- December 21, 1898 (30 St. at L. 755), 196, 249
- March 3, 1899 (30 St. at L. 1151), 206, 209
- April 22, 1908 (35 St. at L. 65), 57
- March 4, 1909 (35 St. at L. 1088, 1142), 196
- April 5, 1910 (36 St. at L. 291), 57
- June 24, 1910 (36 St. at L. 629), 141, 200
- August 1, 1912 (37 St. at L. 242), 187
- August 24, 1912 (37 St. at L. 560), 229
- August 18, 1914 (38 St. at L. 698), 229, 246
- March 4, 1915 (38 St. at L. 1164), 56, 245, 247-252
- September 7, 1916 (39 St. at L. 729), 231, 260, 261
- June 7, 1918 (40 St. at L. 602), 258
- February 9, 1920, 16, 219
- March 30, 1920, 83, 84, 157, 250
- June 5, 1920, 12, 17, 18, 19, 27, 64, 79, 128, 130, 131, 135, 141, 200, 214, 232, 238-240, 250, 261, 263-289
- See also Revised Statutes: Compiled Statutes, 1916; Bills of Lading Act; Harter Act; Loss of Life Act; Panama Canal Act; Merchant Marine Act; Ship Mortgage Act; Stand-by Act.
- Acts of God, 89
- Adjuster, in general average, 191
- Admiralty. For specific subjects, see particular titles
- Admiralty Courts. See Courts
- Admiralty Law, sources, general, 1
- Admiralty remedies. See Remedies
- Admiralty Rules, general, 14
- Advances of wages (see also Wages), 247, 248
- Advances on bottomry, 141
- Adventure. See Frustration of adventure
- Affreightment, contract of, defined, 77, 78
- reciprocal obligations of ship and cargo, 34, 35
- See also Contracts of affreightment
- Agency, of master, right to delegate, 49
- for temporary owner or charterer, 33
- Agent, managing, responsibility of owner for, 31
- Alaska Railroad, under Merchant Marine Act, 277
- Alaska, trade with, coastwise, 14
- under Merchant Marine Act, 277
- Aliens, defined, in Merchant Marine Act, 288
- sales of Shipping Board vessels to, under Merchant Marine Act, 266, 267
- American Bureau of Shipping, under Merchant Marine Act, 276
- Anchorage, 215, 216
- Anchors, included in sale, 23
- Antitrust laws, marine insurance associations exempt from, under Merchant Marine Act, 278
- Antwerp, York-Antwerp Rules, 7
- Appurtenances, what included in sale, 23
- Arbitration clause, not enforceable, 107
- Arrest of passengers, 42
- Arrival and discharge, 76
- Arrived ship, 106
- Arson, maritime, 196
- Articles, shipping. See Shipping articles
- Assaults, 196
- Association, defined, in Merchant Marine Act, 278
- Attorneys, employment by Shipping Board, under Merchant Marine Act, 265
- Austrian vessels, sale of, under Merchant Marine Act, 266
- Average. See General average
- Bankruptcy, of shipbuilder during construction, 11
- Bare boat charter, 101
- Barges, inspection of, 255
- Barratry, 199, 200, 252
- Bathhouse, floating, a ship, 3
- Berths, separate for seamen, 249
- Bills of lading, Chapter VII, 86-111
- holder's claim to goods, 76
- liability of owner for cargo not received, 31
- limitations on, 76
- limitation of master's authority to bind owner, 41
- limitation on master's right to issue, 45
- not contracts of affreightment, when, 34
- Bills of sale, not required for documentation, 236
- recording, 237, 238
- recording, under Merchant Marine Act, 278, 279
- requirements, 236
- Blockade, violation of, 195
- Boats, included in sale, 23
- Boilers, included in sale, 23
- Bonds. See Mortgages and bonds for release of ship, 220
- for safe return, when compellable, 28, 29
- Bottomry bond, defined, 138
- nature and incidents of, 138-140
- Bowsprit, included in sale, 23
- Breach of charter, 106, 107
- Breakage, exception of, 99
- Breakdown clause, 102, 103
- Builder's lien, 136
- Bunkers, liability for, during temporary ownership, 33
- Cables, included in sale, 23
- Captain. See Master
- Capture. See Prize of war
- Cargo. See Affreightment, contracts of; Lien, etc.
- damage to, in collision, 152, 156
- deck, in general average, 191
- discharge of (see Arrival and discharge)
- injury to, personal liability of master, 41
- loading and stowage of, 72-75
- master's relation to, 44-47
- not involved in forfeiture, when, 195
- on wreck, owner's rights, 206
- out and back, 91
- reciprocal obligations of ship and cargo, 34, 35
- shipper must disclose character, 72, 73
- unlawful, annuls charter, 107
- Cargo vessels, provision of Merchant Marine Act, 276
- Carpenter, master. See Master carpenter
- ship's, lien for wages, 62
- Carpenter's certificate, 232
- Carriage by sea, Chapter VI, 69-84
- Carriers, common and private, defined, 69
- Certificate. See Carpenter's certificate, Surveyor's certificate, Inspection certificate
- Cesser clause, 103
- Changes, in structure, to be reported, 16
- Charter parties, Chapter VII, 86-111
- effect on lien, 133
- master must not alter, 45
- notice to creditor, when avoids lien, 33
- Charter rates, Emergency Act, repeal of, in Merchant Marine Act, 263, 264
- Charterer, agent of, may create lien, under Merchant Marine Act, 285
- liability, 113
- liability as temporary owner, 33
- may create lien on vessel, when, under Merchant Marine Act, 285
- Chartering Executive Committee, 86
- Chartering of vessels, authority of Shipping Board, under Merchant Marine Act, 267
- Chronometer, included in sale, 23
- Circuit Court of Appeals. See Courts
- Citizens, who are, 25
- defined in Merchant Marine Act, 288
- Citizenship, of owner (see also Corporations), 12, 13, 25, 27
- of master, 25, 39
- of pilots, 13
- of watch officers, 13
- Claim, notice of, 100
- Classification of Shipping Board vessels under Merchant Marine Act, 276
- Clearance. See Entry and clearance
- Coastwise trade, Alaska, under Merchant Marine Act, 277
- corporate owner, stock control, 28
- forfeiture for violation, 195
- insular possessions, executive control, under Merchant Marine Act, 274
- investigation of ports, etc., by Shipping Board, under Merchant Marine Act, 268
- Philippine Islands, not, under Merchant Marine Act, 274
- provisions of Merchant Marine Act, 277
- restrictions, 231, 232
- vessels to engage in, 13, 277
- via foreign port, under Merchant Marine Act, 277
- voyages, wages on, 247
- what is, 13, 14
- Code, Federal Criminal, 196
- Collector of Customs, duties with respect to recordation, under Merchant Marine Act, 279, 280
- Collision, Chapter XI, 148-158
- assistance in case of, 252
- investigation of, 244
- personal liability of master, 41
- responsibility of pilot, 175
- when a peril of the sea, 89
- Commanding officer. See Master
- Commerce, Department of, representation on American Bureau of Shipping, under Merchant Marine Act, 276
- routes to be established by Shipping Board, under Merchant Marine Act, 267
- Secretary of, authority to regulate recordation of mortgages, etc., under Merchant Marine Act, 286
- may remit certain fines, under Merchant Marine Act, 276
- Commissioner of Navigation (see also Navigation), 259
- Commissi
oners. See Shipping commissioners
- Common carriers. See Carriers Compass, included in sale, 23
- Compensation, just, under Merchant Marine Act, Law. See Workmen's Compensation Law, 264
- Competition, Shipping Board to make rules, under Merchant Marine Act, 272
- Compiled Statutes 1916:
- 4554, 63
- 7707, 25
- 7778, 7779, 143
- 7981, 173
- 7990-7994, 187
- 8020-8027, 115
- 8029-8035, 93
- 8036, 52
- 8204-8208, 173
- 8287-8297, 63
- 8300-8314, 63
- 8315-8337-A, 64
- 8343-8376, 66
- 9920, 206
- 10419-10444, 193
- 10445-10462, 193
- 10462-10469, 193
- 10470, 203
- 10470-10483, 193
- Congress, Acts of. See Acts of Congress, Revised Statutes
- Consignee, right to goods, 76
- Construction loan, fund under Merchant Marine Act, 269
- by Shipping Board, under Merchant Marine Act, 260
- Construction, title by, 10
- Contract, maritime, defined, 4
- status of ship mortgages, 141, 142
- shipbuilding, 10
- liens arising out of, 126
- of master, liability of owner, 31
- liability of temporary owner, 33
- seaman's, 55
- under Emergency Shipping legislation, validated by Merchant Marine Act, 263, 264
- Contracts of affreightment, Chapter VII, 86-111
- See also Affreightment, contracts of
- Contribution, in collision cases, 155
- Contributory negligence, none in admiralty, 156
- Control of ownership, effect on registry, 12, 25
- Corporal punishment, forbidden, 56, 197, 252
- Corporate owners, privity or knowledge of, 118
- Corporation, as owner, citizenship and stock control of, 13, 25, 27, 28, 123
- oath for documentation, 235
- under Merchant Marine Act, 288, 289
- Costs, in admiralty, 221
- Courts, United States:
- Circuit Court of Appeals, jurisdiction, 2
- district, jurisdiction, 2
- extent of judicial power, 2
- state courts, jurisdiction, 125
- General average, 189-192
- origins, 7
- preferred maritime lien for, under Merchant Marine Act, 280, 283
- German vessels, turned over to Shipping Board, 266
- sale of authorized by Merchant Marine Act, 266, 267
- Gift, title by, 10
- Great Lakes Rules, 150
- Guam, registry of vessels trading with, 12
- Guardians, may be owners, 25
- Harter Act, 70, 72, 119-122
- public vessels entitled to benefit of, under Merchant Marine Act, 266, 267
- Hawaii, foreign vessels may carry passengers from, to United States under permit, under Merchant Marine act, 274, 275
- Hawsers, length of, 254
- Heat, exception of, 99
- Home port, 233, 234
- defined, 12
- fixed by registry, 14, 15
- limitation on manager's authority when vessel in, 37
- maritime lien for supplies furnished in, under Merchant Marine Act, 285
- persons authorized by Merchant Marine Act to create liens in, 285
- Hospital accommodations for seamen, 250
- Hours of labor at sea, 248
- Houses, sale of, by Emergency Fleet Corporation, authorized by Merchant Marine Act, 270
- Housing law repealed by Merchant Marine Act, 270
- Husband, ship's, defined, 36
- Import rates, provisions of Merchant Marine Act, 277
- Income tax, vessels in foreign trade exempt from under Merchant Marine Act, 275
- Individuality of ship. See Personality, Vessel
- Injuries. See personal injuries Passengers, Seamen
- Inspection, certificate of outstanding, 235
- Insurance, charter provision for, 102
- effect of limitation of liability on, 123
- in collision cases, 157
- Insurance, fire, on vessels purchased from Shipping Board under Merchant Marine Act, 269
- Insurance, marine, associations exempt from antitrust laws by Merchant Marine Act, 278
- purchaser of Shipping Board vessel to provide, 268
- Shipping Board vessels, fund for, under Merchant Marine Act, 269
- Insurance company, marine, defined in Merchant Marine Act, 278
- Insurance of cargo, 75
- Interest, on mortgages, 239
- on preferred mortgages under Merchant Marine Act, 281
- on purchase price of vessels under Merchant Marine Act, 266
- Interlocutory sales, 221
- International Rules, 150
- Interstate Commerce Commission, 261
- power over, through rate rule under Merch
- Mortgagee, liability of, 113
- Mortgages and bonds, Chapter X, 138-147
- Mortgages, new to be given after admiralty sale, 18
- Mortgages, preferred, provisions of Ship Mortgage Act (§30 Merchant Marine Act), 278-286
- Mortgages, recording of, provisions of Ship Mortgage Act (§30 Merchant Marine Act), 279-282, 286
- Motor boats, numbering of, 258
- Murder, 196
- Mutiny, 60, 197, 200, 201, 251
ge_70" class="pginternal">70 4284, 115 4285, 70, 115 4286, 70, 113, 115 4287, 4288, 4289, 70 4319, 14 4439, 40 4445, 40 4450, 40 4501-4612 (Title LIII), 56 4511, 55 4528, 55 4564, 41 4569, 41 4581, 56 4596, 56 4612, 54 5363, 41 Revolt, 197 River steamers, registry of, 13 Road. See Rules of road Robbery, 196, 197 Rooles of OlÉron. See OlÉron Routes, trade, Shipping Board may establish under Merchant Marine Act, 267 Rules, navigation, 150 Rules of OlÉron. See OlÉron Rules of Rules of the road, 253 - Safe port, 101
- Sailor. See Seamen
- Sails, included in sale, 23
- Sale, bill of. See Bills of sale
- Sale, in admiralty proceedings, 17, 18
- effect on liens, 134, 135
- notice, by marshal, 18
- no warranty, 18
- interlocutory, 221
- Sale, in partition suit, 30
- Sale, judicial, discharge of mortgage upon under Ship Mortgage Act, 279, 280
- Sale of cargo, master's rights, 47
- Sale of shipbuilding plants of Shipping Board, under Merchant Marine Act, 270
- Sale of vessel, bill of, what to include, 17, 23
- by master (see also Master), 19-22, 50
- by mortgagee, 19
- by parole, 10, 20, 22, 23
- by trustees and executors, 18, 19
- to alien, 17
- to alien, Shipping Board vessels under Merchant Marine Act, 266, 267
- to alien, Shipping Board to approve under Merchant Marine Act, 284
- to American citizens, under Merchant Marine Act, 266
- of ship at sea, 22, 23
- proceeds exempt from taxation, when under Merchant Marine Act, 275
- representations prior to, 23, 24
- Salvage and general average, Chapter XIII, 194
- Trover, for wreck, 206
- Trustees and executors, sales by, 18, 19
- Trustees, may be owners, 25
- Tug. See Towage and pilotage
- Tutuila, registry of vessels trading with, 12
- Underwriters, liability of, 113
- Unfair practices, Shipping Board to make rules to meet under Merchant Marine Act, 272
- United States Compiled Statutes 1916. See Compiled Statutes
- United States Revised Statutes. See Revised Statutes
- United States Shipping Board. See Shipping Board
- Unseaworthiness, penalty for, 195
- Valuation in bill of lading, 99, 100
- Vessel[37] (see also Ship)
- defined, 2
- destruction before completion, effect on title, 11
- foreign, American-built, recording of, 16
- foreign-built, not to trade coastwise, 13
- loss before completion, effect on title, 11
- may sue and be sued, 5
- of United States, what is, 13
- personality of, 5, 33, 34
- sale of, Chapter II, 17-24
- territoriality of, 14, 15
- under construction, not subject to admiralty jurisdiction, 11, 12
- when subject to admiralty jurisdiction, 2
- Vessels, provisions of Merchant Marine Act definition, 288
- mortgaged, transfers of, 284
- requisition of, War Emergency Act, repealed, 264
- Voyage charter, dissolution by accident, 107
- Voyage, whether coastwise, how determined, 13, 14
- Wages (see also Seamen), 64, 247, 248
- in collision cases, 152
- liability of master, 41
- liability of owner, 31
- lien, seamen's, 55, 61-63
- lien under Merchant Marine Act, 280
- master's, 43
- War, effect on charters, 107
- Warranty, in sales, 23, 24
- none in admiralty sale, 18
- Washing places for seamen, 249
- Watch and Watch, 248
- Watch officers, nationality of, 246
- Watchman, lien for wages, 62
- Water tenders, hours of labor, 248
- Waters subject to admiralty Jurisdiction (see also Jurisdiction), 3, 4
- Wharfage and moorage, Chapter XVI, 209-217
- Wharfinger's lie
The several subjects treated of in this act are indexed under their titles throughout this index, with page references to the text of the act. The several subjects treated in this act are indexed under their titles throughout this Index, with page references to the text of the act. For what is or is not a vessel, see particular titles, such as Dredge, Raft, Drydock, etc. |