| | PAGE | Preface | xi | Table of Contents | xiii | INTRODUCTORY. RACIAL HISTORY AND CHARACTERISTICS. | Theories of the Origin of the American Race. The “ten lost tribes.” The “lost Atlantis.” Fu-sang. Supposed Asiatic immigrations. When man first appeared in America. The Glacial Epoch. The Post-glacial Era. Oldest relics of man in America; in California; in Nicaragua; in the Columbian gravel; in the modified drift; in the loess and moraines. Man did not originate in America. Physical geography of the early Quaternary Period. Land connection of North America with Europe. Opinions of geologists. Remoteness of the Glacial Epoch. Scheme of the Age of Man in America. “Area of characterization” of the American Race. Permanence of racial traits. Cranial forms. Cephalic index. Os IncÆ. Cranial capacity. Color. Hair. Stature. Uniformity of racial type. Mental endowments. Native culture. Gentile organization. Marriage. Position of woman. Agriculture. Domestic animals. Useful arts. Religions. Myths. Symbolism. Opinions about death. Medicine men. Languages. Linguistic stocks. General classification. | 17-58 | NORTH AMERICAN TRIBES. | I. THE NORTH ATLANTIC GROUP. | 1. | The Eskimos or Innuit, and Aleutians | 59-67 | 2. | The Beothuks | 67-68 | 3. | The Athabascans or TinnÉ | 68-74 | 4. | The Algonkins | 74-80 | 5. | The Iroquois | 81-85 | 6. | The Chahta-Muskokis | 85-89 | 7. | The Catawbas, Yuchis, Timucuas, Natchez, Chetimachas, Tonicas, Adaize, Atakapas, Carankaways, Tonkaways, Coahuiltecans, Maratins | 89-94 | 8. | The Pawnees or Caddoes | 95-97 | 9. | The Dakotas or Sioux | 98-101 | 10. | The Kioways | 101-102 | II. THE NORTH PACIFIC GROUP. | 1. | The Northwest Coast and Californian Tribes: The Tlinkit or Kolosch; the Haidahs; the Salish; the Sahaptins or Nez PercÉs, etc. | 103-109 | 2. | The Yumas | 109-113 | 3. | The Pueblo Tribes | 113-117 | III. THE CENTRAL GROUP. | 1. | The Uto-Aztecan Stock | 118 | | a. The Ute or Shoshonian Branch | 120-123 | | b. The Sonoran Branch | 123-127 | | c. The Nahuatl Branch | 128-134 | 2. | The Otomis | 135-136 | 3. | The Tarascos | 136-138 | 4. | The Totonacos | 139-140 | 5. | The Zapotecs and Mixtecs | 140-142 | 6. | The Zoques and Mixes | 143-144 | 7. | The Chinantecs | 144 | 8. | The Chapanecs and Mangues | 145 | 9. | Chontals and Popolocas, Tequistlatecas and Matagalpas | 146-153 | 10. | The Mayas | 153-159 | 11. | The Huaves, Subtiabas, Lencas, Xincas, Xicaques, “Caribs,” Musquitos, Ulvas, Ramas, Payas, Guatusos | 159-164 | SOUTH AMERICAN TRIBES. | General Remarks | THE AMERICAN RACE.
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