, customs of, 89 Hamites, the, 26 Happiness and religion, 247 Hidatsa Indians, the, 63, 150 High places sacred, 155 Hills sacred, 77, 155 Hill of God, 77, 155 Hill of Heaven, the, 76, 155 Historic method, the, 5 Holiness, primitive idea of, 108, 230 Homi, deity of Hottentots, 77 Hua, a sacred interjection, 61 Huaca in Peru, 102, 182 Huemac, an Aztec deity, 82 Human sacrifices, 189 sq. Huracan, an American deity, 82 Hypnogogic hallucinations, 66 “Ideal of Reason,” the, 44 Idolatry in early religion, 238 Illogical reasoning of savages, 13 Incineration of dead, 210 “Indigetes dii,” the Roman, 71 Indigitamenta, of Romans, 97 Infinite, the perception of the, 45 Inhumation of dead, 209 “Inner light,” the, 43 Insanity, of savage mind, 14 Ipurinas, a Brazilian tribe, 140 Isis, the many-named, 99 Itelmen, a Kamtschatkan tribe, 165 Jade, in myths, 149 Joyous character of early rites, 179 Jupiter, his base traits, 166 Kaaba, a stone, 147 Kamtschatkans, the, 57, 65, 109, 165, 244 Ka-ne, a Polynesian deity, 74 Khonds, a Dravidian tribe, 105 Knowledge, tree of, 153 Koders, a Dravidian tribe, 149 Ku, a Polynesian deity, 121 Kutka, god of the Kamtschatkans, 109, 166 Language and myth, 114 sq. Law, the ceremonial, 218, 224 Life and Death, ideas of, 68 sq. Life, as a divine attribute, 68; and its transmission, 164, 200 Light,
f="@public@vhost@g@html@files@61220@61220-h@61220-h-5.htm.html#Page_155" class="pginternal">155, 169 Rain-making, rites of, 174 Reciprocal principle, worship of, 169 Revelation, universality of, 50 Ritual in Religion, 172 sq. Rongo, a Polynesian deity, 79 Sacrifice as a rite, 186 sq. Samoyeds, beliefs of, 14, 67, 83 Sanctuary, rite of, 226 Sangsangs of Borneo, 220 Saviour, myths of the, 128 Science and religion, 231 “Science of religion” premature, 3 Selene, the goddess, 37 Seminoles, customs of, 196 Semites, primitive, 23 Seposition of dead, 209 Serpent-worship, 160 Sex in deities, 20 Shamanism, origin of, 51, 57; nature of, 136, 218 Shamans, their occult powers, 65, 232 Sibiric tribes, the, 26 Sioux Indians, prayer of, 106 Sky, the notions concerning, 76 Sky-god, the, 78 Song in religion, 239 Soul, journey of the, 128 Souls, the doctrine of, 28, 70 sq.; beliefs concerning, 76 Star-worship, 140 Stone Age, the, 33 Stonehenge, monuments of, 33 Stones, worship of, 146 “Sub-limital consciousness,” the, 54 “Suggestion” explained, 54 sq. Sumerians, gods of, 20, 23 Sun-worship, 138 sq. Supa, a Samoan god, 223 Superstition, a form of religion, 27 Svastika, the, 119, 236 Swan-maidens, the, 223 Tabu, the, 32, 38, 108, 156, 222, 230 Tahitians, myths of the, 147 Tangaloa, a Polynesian deity, 74, 75, |