On the 24th of December, 1891, fifteen persons interested in promoting the historical study of religions united in issuing a circular-letter, inviting a conference in the Council Chambers of the Historical Society of Philadelphia, on the 30th of the same month, for the purpose of instituting “popular courses in the History of Religions, somewhat after the style of the Hibbert lectures in England, to be delivered annually by the best scholars of Europe and this country, in various cities, such as Baltimore, Boston, Brooklyn, Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, and others.” There participated in this conference personally or by letter from Philadelphia, Rev. Prof. E. T. Bartlett, D.D., Rev. George Dana Boardman, D.D., Prof. D. G. Brinton, M.D., Sc.D., Horace Howard Furness, LL.D., Prof. E. J. James, Ph.D., Prof. Morris Jastrow, Jr., Ph.D., Provost Wm. Pepper, M.D., LL.D., of the University of Pennsylvania, Hon. Mayer Sulzberger, Mrs. Cornelius Stevenson, and Talcott Williams, LL.D.; from Baltimore, Prest. D. C. Gilman, LL.D., of the Johns Hopkins University, and Prof. Paul Haupt, Ph.D.; from Boston At this conference Prof. Jastrow submitted a plan for establishing popular lecture courses on the historical study of religions by securing the co-operation of existing institutions and lecture associations, such as the Lowell, Brooklyn, and Peabody Institutes, the University Lecture Association of Philadelphia, and some of our colleges and universities. Each course, according to this plan, was to consist of from six to eight lectures, and the engagement of lecturers, choice of subjects, and so forth were to be in the hands of a committee chosen from the different cities, and representing the various institutions and associations participating. This general scheme met with the cordial approval of the conference, 1.—The object of this Association shall be to provide courses of lectures on the history of religions, to be delivered in various cities. 2.—The Association shall be composed of delegates from institutions agreeing to co-operate, or from local boards, organised where such co-operation is not possible. 3.—These Delegates—one from each Institution or Local Board—shall constitute themselves a council under the name of the “American Committee for Lectures on the History of Religions.” 4.—The Council shall elect out of its number a President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. 5.—All matters of local detail shall be left to the Institutions or Local Boards, under whose auspices the lectures are to be delivered. 6.—A course of lectures on some religion, or phase of religion, from an historical point of view, or on a subject germane to the study of religions, shall be delivered annually, or at such intervals as may be found practicable, in the different cities represented by this Association. 7.—The Council (a) shall be charged with the selection of the lecturers, (b) shall have charge of the funds, (c) shall assign the time for the lectures in each city, and perform such other functions as may be necessary. 8.—Polemical subjects, as well as polemics in the treatment of subjects, shall be positively excluded. 9.—The lecturer shall be chosen by the Council at least ten months before the date fixed for the course of lectures. 10.—The lectures shall be delivered in the various cities between the months of October and June. 11.—The copyright of the lectures shall be the property of the Association. 12.—One half of the lecturer’s compensation shall be paid at the completion of this entire course, and the second half upon the publication of the lectures. 13.—The compensation offered to the lecturer shall be fixed in each case by the Council. 14.—The lecturer is not to deliver elsewhere any of the lectures for which he is engaged by the Committee, except with the sanction of the Committee. The Committee appointed to carry out this plan as now constituted, is as follows: Prof. C. H. Toy, of Harvard University, Chairman. Prof. Morris Jastrow, Jr., of the University of Pennsylvania, Secretary. Rev. John P. Peters, D. D., of New York, Treasurer. Prof. Richard J. H. Gottheil, of Columbia University. Prof. Paul Haupt, of the Johns Hopkins University. Prof. F. W. Hooper, of the Brooklyn Institute. Prof. J. F. Jameson, of Brown University. Prof. F. K. Sanders, of Yale University. President J. G. Schurman, of Cornell University. For its first course the Committee selected as lecturer Prof. T. W. Rhys Davids, Ph.D. LL.D., of London, England, who delivered a course of lectures in the winter of 1894-95 on The History and Literature of Buddhism, at the following places, with the co-operation of the institutions named: Baltimore, before the Johns Hopkins University. Boston, at the Lowell Institute. Brooklyn, at the Brooklyn Institute. Ithaca, before the Cornell University. New York, before the Columbia University. Philadelphia, before the University of Pennsylvania Lecture Association. Providence, before the Brown University Lecture Association. Professor Davids’ lectures were published in 1896 by arrangement with Messrs. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, the publishers to the Committee, as the First Series of The American Lectures on the History of Religions. As the second lecturer, the Committee chose Prof. Daniel G. Brinton, A.M., M.D., LL.D., Sc.D., of Philadelphia; and as the subject, “The Religions of Primitive Peoples.” Dr. Brinton, who holds the chair of American ArchÆology and Linguistics in the University of Pennsylvania, is a leading authority on the languages and customs of the American Indians, and on Anthropology in general. His studies have led him also into the domain of Prehistoric ArchÆology and Comparative Mythology. As the product of his investigations in the latter field, he published as early as 1868, The Myths of The New World, which at once attracted the attention of scholars, and has passed through several The lectures delivered by him under the auspices of the Committee represent the ripe fruit of many years of study, and will, we feel assured, be welcomed as an important contribution to a subject now attracting much attention. The lectures were delivered during the winter of 1896-97, at the following places: Boston, (Lowell Institute). Brooklyn, (Brooklyn Institute). Ithaca, (Cornell University). New Haven, (Yale University). New York, (New York University). Philadelphia, (University of Pennsylvania). Providence, (Brown University Lecture Association). The object of this Association is to provide the best opportunities for bringing to the knowledge of the public at large the methods and results of Arrangements have been made for a course of lectures during the winter of 1897-98, by the Rev. T. K. Cheyne, M.A., D.D., Professor of Old Testament Interpretation at Oriel College, Oxford, and Canon of Rochester; whose subject will be Religious Thought and Life among the Hebrews in Post-Exilic Days, to be followed in 1898-99 by a complementary course on Religious Life and Thought among the Hebrews in Pre-Exilic Days, by Professor Karl Budde, of the University of Strasburg, Germany. John P. Peters, Committee on Publication. May 10, 1897. |