
Koi mÚrio, It is already dawn.
Koi yujmi, It is already night.
Koi prijpi, It is already growing dark.
Koi Újumbo, He has already urinated.
Koi gaimi ndiro, He gave me his hand.
Koi pajo nama siÑÚ, I am going to die (ya me voy a la muerte).
Koi-li nimbuyati, I drank some brandy.
Koi-t? cutaca Ñumbi´, I ate like a dog.
Koi-li gipomo ga muningui, I ate broth with chile.
TagÜaime ga muÑunso yok?e, Give me a large jar.
Tari nimbuin, on gÜari? Will you drink some tiste, or will you not?
Oyat us ma? How do you like it (i. e., hot or cold)?
PÓkopi ndijpo, } Many people.
Taku pÁmu ndijpÚ,
Koi jini kÚjk?e, His father died.
Muri kagro?, Here is the old woman.
Ai nambunÚ ju, I have a pain in the belly.
Ni koi sime, You have already bought.
Pe ya puti nakutÁ, Go and lie down in the room.
Tiki numapuna, It is the town.
Nam bu mejo, His stomach is weak.
Koi tsujmÚ nimbu, The water is already warm.
Koi purÓ nimbu, The water is already cold.
Koi piro, He has already come.
Pami nyumuta, The food is good.
Cajo rismoh, I am seated.
Neje zuma rimah, They are lying down.
Guay cane noy, Give me a piece of tortilla.
Koi guaja, I have already given you some.
Garoh, Not yet.
Ejeh } Take some!
Susupusca? } How are you?
Kuj mi mo?
Ko´ mi muya´ i ku? And you, how are you?
Camo cujmi umyaique, Nasi pujimo camo? There is nothing new; and you, how are you?
Gusapo, Take a seat.
Nam bro´ gatsuro yaji? Why did you not come yesterday?
Koi k?eme, I was up there.
Kupa kastai, SeÑor, Good-by, SeÑor.
Nohue opome, A tall man.
Nya opome, A high tree.
Nya nyamo, A short tree.
Nyumbi yok?e, A large dog.
Nyumbi pusit?u, A brave dog.
K?yÓmo nikÚj?i nÍmbu, With thunder comes rain.
Ko? pirami nimb?Í, Already comes the rain.
Tapuko kuno tipo kunyo, Let us go to see the sick man.
MundamÓ, The pigeon sings.
Nde yat supu is ya? Where are you going?
Tsupu nekajui, I am going to the garden.
Munsu supu kujkui, They are (go) lame.
Ropia, Come here.
Ropia no somÍngamo, Come here and sweep.
Koi apiÑame naturi, The Chocollo (bird) has already cried.
Koi pÍndih JuanÁ, Joanna is with child.
Pieyas mah, She already was.
La puta (Span.) ansu punah, The whore that bore thee.
CumbÚ puy muh, I do not remember.
Neje rumu coy cuhme, He is already a great man.
Nis puzu punah? What did she bring forth?
Naci Ñamu, A little girl.
Taru miro, They are all mine.
Neja guirmiÑo, That is my half.
Niora mÚta pu ninda? Are you going to the shore?
Taspo, Yes.
Ya pu camu, In a little while.
Mu koi cu pumÉ, Thou hast already seen it.
Koi cu pumÉ, I have already seen it.
UÑo! See!
Mis upa´? Where are you going?
Umimo uyako, } We are out of breath.
Pasi pÚjimo,
Pangare´ manijitarÉ, Be quiet, I will pay you to-morrow.
Gugapi, koy ujmi, Let us sleep, it is night.
Bu?si na?, munikako, Get away from here, you son of a devil!
Nim bu´ tajo pa´yamo? What were you doing by the water?
Tapame, Be good.
Motan atima nyumpia, You come on horseback.

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