Doctrina Cristiana en Lengua Chiapaneca. Por Fray Luis Barrientos. These two publications comprise Vol. i of the BibliothÈque de Linguistique et d’Ethnographie Americaines, publiÉe par Alph. L. Pinart (Paris, 1875). Dr. Berendt states that the natives pronounce the name of the province Chapa, not Chiapa, and that the word is the Mangue Chapa, which means their sacred bird, the Ara or Guacamayo, from which they named their fortress in the State of Chiapas. Father Juan NuÑez, who was missionary among them about 1620, and who preached and wrote in their tongue, also called it “la lengua Chapaneca.” See Brasseur (de Bourbourg), BibliothÈque Mexico-Guatemalienne, pp. 109, 110. |