Native words explained, in Italics; names of Authors quoted, in SMALL CAPITALS. - Achiutla, 40
- Acosta, J., 9, 34
- Aguilar, P. S., 32
- Ahau, 35
- Ah Kih, 26, 51
- Ah-toc, 45
- Aissaoua, the, 60
- Alaghom Naom, a goddess, 56
- Alom, deity, 50
- Alva, B. De, 8, 46, 47
- Anahuac, 58
- Ancona, E., 30, 31
- Andagoya, P. De, 33
- Andree, R., 59
- Antichrist, appealed to, 28
- Apehualco, 44
- Aubin, M., 48, 49
- Ay, Antonio, 30
- Aztecan language, 5, 11
- Aztecs, 7
- Baal-che, 9
- Baeza, P., 9, 25
- Balboa, P., 10
- Bancroft, H. H., 13, 32, 36
- Bandelier, A., 39
- Baptism, 27, 43
- Baptism by fire, 37
- Barba Figueroa, 29
- Bautista, J., 6
- Berendt, C. H., 50, 59
- “Black King,” the, 39
- Blowing, as a rite, 19, 20
- Boban, M., 48
- “Books of Chilan Balam”, 45
- Bourke, Capt., 44
- Brasseur (de Bourbourg), 25, 28, 29, 32, 33, 37, 57
- Buk xoc, 45
- Burgoa, P., 16
- Cabrera, Dr. P. F., 4
- Cakchiquel language, 20, 23
- Calendar, the native, 13-16, 45, 53
- California, 10
- Cancuc, town, 29
- Candelaria, Maria, 35
- Can Ek, Jacinto, 30
- Carpio, Bernardo del, 55
- Carriedo, J. B., 15, 30, 38, 46
- Cave God, the, 38, 41
- Cavo, P., 28, 32, 40
- Ceiba tree, 47
- Cerquin, province, 4, 5, 34
- Chac Mool, 31
- Chacuaco, 10
- Chalcatongo, 40
- Chalchihuitl, 39, 46, 47
- Chalcos, 12
- Chalma, place, 38
- Chanes, 49
- Charnay, D., 13
- Chi, Andres, 31
- Chi, Cecilio, 30
- Chichimecs, 7, 54
- Chilan Balam, 31, 45
- Chontales, 17, 32
- Chorti dialect, 5 n.
- Chotas, tribe, 41
- Clairvoyance, 9
- Coamizagual, 34
- Coanamoa, 41
- Coatlan, 40
- Coaxihuitl, 8
- Cohuacihuatl, 34
- Cohuatl, sign of, 49 n.
- Codex cruciformis, 48
- Cohen, H., 45
- Copan, ruins of, 5 n.
- Copavitoos, 30
- Cordova, J., 14, 15
- Coto, P., 23, 35, 42
- Coyopy, king, 15
- Cozaana, 38, 50
- Cross, as symbol, 42, 43, 48
- Cuculchan, 17, 19, 42
- “Dark House,” the, 38, 39
- Dawn, as deity, 41
- Dionysos Pyrigenes, 45
- Delpino, 26
- Drum, the sacred, 31, 38
- Drunkenness, god of, 44
- Duran, D., 44, 45, 48
- Earth, as deity, 41, 53
- “Essays of an Americanist,” 4, 31, 45, 49, 50
- Ferguson, David, 55
- “Field mass,” the, 25
- Fingers, names for, 54
- Fire worship, 28, 43, 45, 53, 54
- Four Winds, Lord of, 43
- Frog, symbol, 46
- Fuensanta del Valle, 9
- Fuentes y Guzman, 22, 35
- Gage, Thomas, 24, 39
- Gagern, C., 10
- Galindo, Ig., 35
- “Ghost dance” of Mayas, 31
- Gnosis, the, 57
- Goupil collection, 48
- Green stones, 46
- Gspoxil, 20
- Guatemala, 24, 39
- Gucumatz, king, 24, 42
- Hand, as deity, 54
- “Heart of the Hills”, 41, 46
- “Heart of the Maguey”, 41
- “Heart of the Towns”, 38, 39, 47
- Hernandez, F., 7, 10, 28, 43
- Herrera, A. de, 4, 5, 11, 16, 33, 34, 40, 42
- Hicalahau, 21, 39
- “Hoddentin”, 44
- Holmes, W. H., 48
- Honduras, 4, 34
- Huasteca dialect, 58
- Huehuetan, town, 28, 39
- Huehueteotl, 46
- Huijatoos, 30
- Ical ahau, 21, 39
- Iglesias, A., 13
- Inquisition, the, 54
- Intoxicants, 7, 9
- Istlavacan, town, 25
- Jadeite, 46
- Juarros, P., 36
- Justlahuaca, 41
- Kab, the hand, 54
- Kingsborough, Lord, 48
- Labarthe, Ch., 12
- Lacandons, tribe, 59
- Landa, D., 49
- Lara, P., 19, 20
- Leon, Dr. N., 9
- Leon, N. de, 6, 43, 45
- Life, ideogram of, 48
- Life, tree of, 48
- Lingam, the, 49
- Maguey, Heart of the, 41
- Maitl, the Hand, as deity, 54
- Maler, T., 35, 47
- Mallinalco, town, 34, 38
- Manso de Contreras, 32
- Mappe Quinantzin, 48
- Maria de MoxÒ, B., 29, 49
- Maury, A., 60, 61
- Mayan stock, 32
- To Ta, 41, 46, 48
- Totomachiapa, 40
- Totonicapan, 22, 28
- Tree, sacred, 31, 47
- Tree of the Cross, 42
- Tree of Life, 48
- Tres Micos, 16
- Trinity, the native, 41
- Triplets, 19, 31
- Tzentals, tribe, 16, 19, 21, 32, 33
- Tzihuizin, 20
- Tzitzime, the, 34 n.
- Tzitzimecihuatl, 34
- Venegas, P., 10
- Venus Impudica, 50
- Vera Cruz, 13, 26
- Vetancurt, A., 8, 32, 39, 44
- Villa SeÑor y Sanchez, 40
- Votan, 33, 38, 41
- Ward, S. A., 33
- Water, divination by, 6
- Water, as deity, 53, 54
- Were-wolf, 59
- Wisdom, goddess of, 56
- Witches, 10
- “Witches’ Sabbaths”, 48
- Xihuitl, 46 n.
- Xihuitzin, 20
- Ximenes, Francisco, 43
- Ximenes, P., 20
- Xiquipilli, 42
- Xiuhtecutli, 20, 46
- Xochimilca, 30
- Yahuiltoca, 43
- Yanhuitlan, town, 16
- Yaocihuatl, 34
- Yax che, 47
- Yax ha, 9
- Yiahuitli, the, 43
- Yollometli, 41
- Yoni symbols, 50
- Ytzamatl, 47
- Yucatan, 9, 25, 30