- P. 67, changed “has certain” to “has a certain”.
- P. 132, changed “Leixque de la Langue Algonquine” to “Lexique de la Langue Algonquine”.
- P. 172, changed ‘yalahi: Zazaba’ to ‘yalahi: “Zazaba’.
- P. 255, changed “qus se doblaban” to “que se doblaban”.
- P. 255, changed “de un libo encuardenado” to “de un libro encuardenado”.
- P. 293, changed “A maiden who loves me we” to “A maiden who loves me well”.
- P. 301, changed “allegiance turn to hatred” to “allegiance turns to hatred”.
- P. 433, changed “these where spoken” to “these were spoken”.
- P. 452, removed footnote anchor from the end of “THE CURIOUS HOAX OF THE TAENSA LANGUAGE” as there was no corresponding footnote.
- Silently corrected typographical errors and also variations in spelling.
- Retained anachronistic, non-standard, and uncertain spellings as printed.