  1. P. 67, changed “has certain” to “has a certain”.
  2. P. 132, changed “Leixque de la Langue Algonquine” to “Lexique de la Langue Algonquine”.
  3. P. 172, changed ‘yalahi: Zazaba’ to ‘yalahi: “Zazaba’.
  4. P. 255, changed “qus se doblaban” to “que se doblaban”.
  5. P. 255, changed “de un libo encuardenado” to “de un libro encuardenado”.
  6. P. 293, changed “A maiden who loves me we” to “A maiden who loves me well”.
  7. P. 301, changed “allegiance turn to hatred” to “allegiance turns to hatred”.
  8. P. 433, changed “these where spoken” to “these were spoken”.
  9. P. 452, removed footnote anchor from the end of “THE CURIOUS HOAX OF THE TAENSA LANGUAGE” as there was no corresponding footnote.
  10. Silently corrected typographical errors and also variations in spelling.
  11. Retained anachronistic, non-standard, and uncertain spellings as printed.


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