National Affiliation of Carpet Trade Unions | 10 | | General Union of Textile Workers | 2 | | The Amalgamated Society of Gas, Municipal, and General Workers | 1 | | Workers’ Union | 1 | | | — | | | 14 | | Mr. Herbert Smith, of Kidderminster (Employers), was elected Chairman, and Mr. Thomas Lindsay, of Paisley (Employees), Vice-Chairman. CHAPTER XIV CONCLUSION It may be of interest to consider briefly the prospects of the industry. The Carpet Trade is in several respects a peculiar one. Its principal raw materials, wool, cotton, and jute, are of such outstanding importance to more essential industries, that their supply and their price are conditioned by the latter; so that the Carpet Trade has to accommodate itself to a market which is not controlled to any extent by its own needs. It is not a large industry; but it employs a number of operatives in whom a high degree of technical skill is required in a great variety of branches; and it utilises a considerable quantity of ingenious machinery of many kinds. It is, strictly speaking, a luxury trade. That is to say, it is obvious that it is theoretically more possible to exist in a house with no carpets, than in a house, say, with no tables and chairs, while a floor covering is perhaps less of a necessity than wall-paper or curtains. Of course, as a matter of fact, the line is not drawn sharply between carpets and other articles of furnishing. A person who is furnishing a house, if he can afford curtains can probably afford carpets, though he may, indeed, find his mind divided between his desire to provide his home with a comfort that is almost a necessity, and his hesitation to indulge himself in a comfort that may be regarded as a luxury. Where the practical test of the trade being a luxury trade comes, is in the matter of renewals. It is here that the Carpet Industry is sensitive to the periodical changes in commercial prosperity, which seem to be inherent in modern civilisation. Generally speaking, when trade is bad the Carpet Industry is the first to suffer; and when there is a recovery it is some time before it feels the benefit. It seems that, with the first pinch of adversity, the carpet consumer decides upon a policy of economy that excludes the purchase of carpets, whatever else may or may not be bought. Hence arises a period of depression in the carpet trade, with a decrease of profitable production, and consequent unemployment; and this in the future, in the face of higher wages and more keenly realised responsibilities towards employees, will certainly be an even more serious matter than it has been in the past. The matter of the import of foreign goods has been mentioned in the chapter on Hand-made Carpets; and all that was said therein as regards the unrestricted entrance into the British market of Eastern and Continental productions applies to some extent to their competition with all makes and grades of carpet. The home market for carpets is a large one normally, but it is not capable of indefinite expansion; the consumption has its limits; and if the market is invaded by foreign goods, the consumption and the price of the domestic product will quickly fall with unpleasant if not disastrous results upon the industry. The dangers indicated axe real ones, serious alike for Capital and Labour, who, more than ever in the past, will have to stand or fall together; and they deserve consideration, as regards the way in which they may best be met. As previously indicated, various Associations exist in the Carpet Trade; but it may be admitted that there is scope for better organisation as regards consideration of matters that affect the Industry as a whole. If it is to be on a firm foundation, there should be a more complete recognition of the fact that the interests of all units of the trade are identical. Further, in any new scheme of combination the position of Labour will have to be recognised, and its co-operation cordially welcomed. Some such scheme as is outlined in the well-known Whitley Report, though it is by no means free from difficulties, may materialise, possibly in a modified form. The principle at any rate is a good one; and carpet manufacturers have had no cause to complain of their relations with their employees (nor vice versÂ) in the past, nor any cause for doubting a reasonable attitude on the part of Trade Unions in the future. No reasonable employers in the Carpet Trade will begrudge their employees a fair remuneration for their work, nor improved conditions of working. Nor, on the other hand, will they be sorry to admit Trade Union representatives to a share in dealing with general trade problems. It seems manifestly right, for instance, that men no less than masters should consider how the Industry is affected by tariff questions, or how high wages or reduced working hours may be made compatible with the maintenance of the export trade. Apart from this, it remains to be seen whether the manufacturers themselves can devise any satisfactory scheme for protecting their own interests and those of the Industry generally. All are pretty well agreed as to the desirability of closer and more efficient combination: differences of opinion exist as to the best methods by which this may be achieved. INDEX Art squares, 88 Aubusson, 4, 22 Axminster, 5 —— carpeting, 49 —— qualities, 50-52 ——, seamless, 61 ——, setting, 54 —— weaving process, 54, 55 —— weft motion, 58 Beauvais, 4, 22 Brussels carpeting, 29 ——, chain warp, 31 ——, finishing, 38 ——, pressing, 38 —— qualities, 35, 36 ——, sprouting, 37 ——, stuffer warp, 31 ——, weaving process, 32 ——, winding, 30 ——, worsted, 29 Cairo squares, 38 Carlisle, 23 Carpets, antiquity of, 1 ——, artificial ageing of, 26 ——, doctoring of, 25 ——, earliest makers of, 24 ——, European and Asiatic, 26 ——, export of, 105, 106 ——, import of, 106 ——, introduction into England, 3 ——, sewing of, 42 Carpet trade associations, 107 —— ——, commercial conditions of, 119 —— ——, District Association, 110 —— ——, distribution of, 104 Carpet Trade Industrial Council, 118 —— —— Rationing Committee, 109 Chenille, 63 ——, fur cutting, 65 ——, qualities, 67 ——, setting, 66 ——, weft weaving, 64 Chlidema squares, 38 Colour, 92 Competition, foreign, 27, 120 Cotton, 11 Creel bobbin, 30 Design, 92 Distribution of carpet industry, 104 Donegal, 23 Drying yarns, 19 Dyeing, 13 —— yarns, 14 —— machines, 15, 16 —— process, 18 Dyes of Oriental carpets, 25 Dyestuffs, 18, 25 Dye vats, 14 Eclecticism in design, 102 Egyptian loom, 1 Employees, number of, 104 Employers and employed, 107 Export carpet trade, 105, 106 Fine Wiltons, 45 Flax warp, 23 —— yarn, 11 Foreign competition, 27, 120 Hakluyt, 3 Halifax, 7 Hand-made carpets, 20 Henry IV, 4 —— VIII, 4 Imperial Axminster, 50 Ingrain carpeting, 86 —— qualities, 87 Jacquard, 31 —— Axminster, 59 Jute yarn, 10 Kidderminster, 5, 104 —— carpeting, 86 —— Carpet Weavers’ Association, 100 Kilmarnock, 6 Knots, Turkish and Persian, 21 Linen yarn, 11 Louis XIV, 4 Maffersdorf, 23 Materials, 9 ——, consumption of, 104 Medallion squares, 42 Mohair, 10 Morris, influence of, 99 National Affiliation, 117 Northern Counties Association, 112 Ornament, classes of, 97 Owen Jones, 97, 99 Paper yarn, 11 Plain Wilton, 47 Planting, 34 Qualities, standardisation of, 108 Ramie yarn, 11 Reproduction, 100 Saxony Wilton, 46 Scotch carpeting, 86 Scouring of yarns, 13 Seamless Axminster, 61 Self colours, 95 Silk, 9 Starching, 34 Statistics, 104 Tapestry, 7, 71 ——, printing, 74 ——, scaleboard, 78 ——, setting, 81 ——, steaming, 81 ——, stripping, 80 ——, velvet, 84 ——, weaving, 83 Trade unions, 110 Two-colour effect, 96 Washing of carpets, 26 Whytock, 6, 71 Wilton, 4, 5, 23 Wilton carpeting, 44 ——, plains, 47 ——, qualities, 45 ——, shading of, 47 Wool, character and consumption of, 9, 10 ——, characteristics of, 17 Woollen Wiltons, 46 Yarn drying, 19 —— scouring, 13 Printed by Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd., Bath, England BRINTONS LIMITED KIDDERMINSTER Tel. Address: Brintons, Kidderminster. Telephone No. 5 WORSTED AND WOOLLEN SPINNERS CARPET AND RUG MANUFACTURERS Brussels, Wilton, Axminster, Chenille, and Hand Tufted .... Carpeting .... Cotton, Jute, Hemp, Linen .. and Worsted Webbing .. WAREHOUSES— | London | 10 | Ivy Lane, Newgate St., E.C. | Tel. | 7529 | Cent. | Manchester | 53 | Portland Street | Tel. | 4739 | City | Glasgow | 50 | Wellington Street | Tel. | 7314 | City | Tel. Addresses: Brintons, London; Brintons, Manchester; Brintons, Glasgow Robert Hall & Sons Bury Ltd. Bury, Lancashire Makers of all classes of Looms, Preparing & Finishing Machinery ¶ Complete Plants of Machinery for Brussels and Wilton Carpets, Squares, etc., Tapestry and Velvet Carpets, Carriage Linings, Rugs, Slipper Tops, Cocoa Matting and Mats, Royal Axminster and Chenille Axminster Carpets, Turkey Carpets, Scotch and Kidderminster Carpets, etc., in all widths, including Winding, Warping, Beaming, Sizing Printing, Setting, Starching, Drying and Steaming, Rolling and Shearing or Cropping Machines Special Hand Looms for Carpets Makers of the Noted Moxon Carpet Loom Also Preparing, Weaving and Finishing Machinery for Cotton, Woollen, Linen, Jute, Ramie, Silk, etc. Common Commodities and Industries Series Each book in crown 8vo, cloth, with many illustrations, charts, etc. 2s. 6d. net. Tea: From Grower to Consumer. By A. Ibbetson. Coffee: From Grower to Consumer. By B. B. Keable. Sugar: Cane and Beet. By Geo. Martineau, C.B. Cotton: From the Raw Material to the Finished Product. By R. J. Peake. Rubber: Production and Utilisation of the Raw Product. By C. Beadle and H. P. Stevens, M.A., Ph.D., F.I.C. Iron and Steel: Their Production and Manufacture. By C. Hood. Silk: Its Production and Manufacture. By Luther Hooper. Tobacco: From Grower to Smoker. By A. E. Tanner. Wool: From the Raw Material to the Finished Product. By J. A. Hunter. Coal: Its Origin, Method of Working, and Preparation for the Market. By Francis H. Wilson, M.Inst. M.E. Linen: From the Field to the Finished Product. By Alfred S. Moore. Timber: From the Forest to its Use in Commerce. By William Bullock. Clays and Clay Products. By A. B. Searle. Leather: From the Raw Material to the Finished Product. By K. J. Adcock. Oils: Animal, Vegetable, Essential, and Mineral. By C. Ainsworth Mitchell, B.A., F.I.C. Wheat and its Products. By A. Millar. Copper: From the Ore to the Metal. By H. K. Picard, Assoc. Royal School of Mines, Mem. Inst, of Min. and Met. Paper: Its History, Sources, and Production. By H. A. Maddox. Glass and Glass Manufacture. By Percival Marson. Soap: Its Composition, Manufacture, and Properties. By William H. Simmons. The Motor Industry. By Horace Wyatt, B.A. The Boot and Shoe Industry. By J. S. Harding. Gums and Resins. By Ernest J. Parry. Furniture. By H. E. Binstead. Other Volumes in preparation. Transcriber’s Notes: Some illustrations have been moved slightly to keep paragraphs intact. Archaic spellings and hyphenation have been retained. A few obvious typesetting errors have been corrected without note. The advertisements and publisher's catalogue have been moved from the front of the book to the end of the book. [End of Carpets, by R. S. Brinton] |