General Scheme for Instruction in Anthropology. SYNOPSIS OF

General Scheme for Instruction in Anthropology. SYNOPSIS OF LECTURE COURSE. PRINCIPAL SUBDIVISIONS. I. Somatology. --Physical and Experimental Anthropology. II. Ethnology. --Historic and Analytic Anthropology. III. Ethnography. --Geographic and Descriptive Anthropology. IV. ArchAEology. --Prehistoric and Reconstructive Anthropology. I.-- Somatology.

A. Internal Somatology.

a. Osteology.—Bones of the skeleton, names, forms, measures, proportions, peculiarities, such as flattened tibia, perforated humerus, form of pelvis, os calcis, etc. Craniology; measurements of skull and face, sutures, angles, nasal and orbital indices, dentition, artificial deformations.

b. Myology and Splanchnology.—The muscular system and viscera so far as they concern racial peculiarities, as deficient calves, proportions of liver and lungs, etc. Steatopygy.

B. External Somatology.

Stature and Proportion. Anthropomometry. Tests for strength and endurance. Color of skin, hair, and eyes. Color scales. Shape and growth of hairs. Canons of proportion. Physical beauty.

C. Psychology.

Application of experimental psychology to races. Comparative rates of nervous impulse, sensation, muscular movements, and mental processes. Right- and left-handedness. Anomalous brain actions.

D. Developmental and Comparative Somatology.

Embryology of man. Doctrines of heredity and congenital transmission. Teratology, or the production of varieties and monstrosities. Ethnic and racial anatomy. Evolution of man. Comparative anatomy of man and anthropoids. Simian and lemurian analogies. Fossil remains of man.

Biology of man. Changes produced by nutrition (food supply), climate, humidity, altitude, etc. Comparative physiology and pathology. Medical geography. Comparative nosology of different races. Criminal anthropology. Pathology of races. Fertility and sterility of races. Reproduction and stirpiculture. Comparative longevity. Immunity from disease. Vital statistics. Anatomical classifications of races. (Historical review; present opinions.)


A. Definitions and Methods.

Meaning of Race, People (ethnos, folk), Nation, Tribe. Culture and civilization. Measures and stages of culture. Causes and conditions of ethnic progress. Ethnic aptitudes for special lines of progress. Ethnic psychology (VÖlkerpsychologie).

B. Sociology.

a. Government.—Primitive forms. The gens; the tribe; the confederacy; chieftainship; monarchy; theocracy; democracy, etc.

b. Marriage.—Theories of primitive marriage; promiscuity; polygamy; polyandry; monogamy. Limitations of marriage. Forms and rites of marriage. Laws of descent and consanguinity. Social position of woman. Gynocracy.

c. Laws.—Origin of laws. Primitive ethics. Dualism of ethics. Evolution of the moral sense. The Taboo. Blood revenge. Tenures of land. Classes above law. Castes. Privileged classes. Codified laws. International laws.

C. Technology.

a. The Utilitarian Arts.—Manufacture of tools, utensils, weapons, and agricultural, etc., implements. Architecture and building. Clothing and fashions. Means of transportation by land and water. Agriculture. Domestication of plants and animals. Weights, measures, and instruments of precision. Media of exchange, currency, money, articles of barter and commerce.

b. The Esthetic Arts.—Theory of the sense of the beautiful. Decorative designs in line and color. Skin-painting. Tattooing. Sculpture and modeling. Music and musical instruments. Scents and flowers. Games and festivals.

D. Religion.

a. Psychological Origin of Religions.—Principles and method of the science of religion. Personal, family, and tribal religions. Ancestral worship. Doctrines of animism; fetichism; polytheism; henotheism; monotheism; universal religions.

b. Mythology.—Definition and growth of myths. Solar light and storm myths. Creation and deluge myths. Relation of myths to language.

c. Symbolism and Religious Art.—Relation of symbolism to fetichism. Primitive idols. Charms and amulets. Tokens. Tombs, temples, altars. Sacrifice. Symbolism of colors and numbers. Special symbols; the bird; the serpent; trees; the cross; the svastika; the circle, etc.

d. Religious Teachers and Doctrines.—The priestly class. Shamanism. Theocracies. Secret orders. Initiations. Diviners. Augurs and prophets. Doctrines of soul. Fatalism.

e. Analysis of Special Religions.—Egyptian religion; Buddhism; Judaism; Christianity; Mohammedanism, etc.

E. Linguistics.

a. Gesture and Sign Language.—Examples. Plan of thought in relation to picture writing.

b. Spoken Language.—Articulate and inarticulate speech. Imitative sounds. The phonology of languages. Universal alphabets. Logical relations of the parts of speech. The vocabulary and the grammar of languages. Distinctions between languages and dialects. Mixed languages and jargons. Relations of language to ethnography. Polyglottic and monoglottic peoples. Causes of changes in language. Extent and nature of such changes. Examples. Classifications of languages. Relative excellence of languages. Criteria of superiority. Rules for the scientific comparison of languages.

c. Recorded Language.—Systems of recording ideas. Thought-writing. Pictography. Symbolic and ideographic writing. Examples. Sound-writing. Evolution of the phonetic alphabets. Egyptian, Cuneiform, Chinese, Aztec, and other phonetic systems.

d. Forms of Expression.—Rhythmical. Origin of meter. Poetry of primitive peoples. Rhythm and rhyme. Characters of prose. Relation of prose and poetry to national language and character. Dramatic. The primitive drama and its development.

F. Folk-lore.

Definition, nature, and value of folk-lore. Methods of its study. Relations to history and character of a people. Traditional customs. Traditional narratives. Folk-sayings. Superstitious beliefs and practices.


A. The Origin and Subdivisions of Races.

Theories of monogenism and polygenism. Doctrine of “geographical provinces” or “areas of characterization.” The continental areas at the date of man’s appearance on the earth. Eurafrica, Austafrica, Asia, America, Oceanica. Causes and consequences of the migrations of races and nations.

a. The Eurafrican Race.—Types of the white race. Its first home. Early migrations. The South Mediterranean branch (Hamitic and Semitic stocks). The North Mediterranean branch (Euskaric, Aryan, and Caucasic stocks).

b. The Austafrican Race.—Former geography of Africa. The Negrillos or Pigmies. The true Negroes. The Negroids. The race in other continents. Negro slavery.

c. The Asian Race.—The Sinitic branch (Chinese, Thibetans, Indo-Chinese). The Sibiric branch (the Tungusic, Mongolic, Tataric, Finnic, Arctic, and Japanese groups).

d. The American Race.—Peopling of America. Groups of North and South American tribes.

e. Insular and Litoral Peoples.—The Negritic stock (Negritos, Papuans, Melanesians). The Malayic stock (Western Malayans, Eastern, or Polynesians). The Australic stock (Australian tribes; Dravidians and Kols, of India).


A. General ArchÆology.

a. Geology of the epoch of man. Late tertiary and quaternary periods. Glacial phenomena. River drift. Diluvial and alluvial deposits. Physical geography of the quaternary. Prehistoric botany and zoÖlogy.

b. Prehistoric Ages.—The Age of Stone (chipped stone, or palÆolithic period; polished stone, or neolithic period). The Age of Bronze. The Age of Iron. Epochs, stations, and examples. Methods of study of stone and bone implements, pottery, and other ancient remains. Indications of prehistoric commerce. Palethnology. Proto-historic epoch.

B. Special ArchÆology.

Egyptian, Assyrian, Phenician, Classical, and Medieval ArchÆology.

ArchÆology of the various areas in America. Art in stone, bone, shell, wood, clay, paper, etc., in these areas.


A. Physical Laboratory.

Comparing and identifying bones. Measuring skulls. Dissections of anthropoids and human subjects. Examination of brains. Study of embryology and teratology. Practical study of the hair, skin, nails, etc., of different races. Use of color scales, etc. Practice in anthropomometry, with the necessary instruments. Testing for sense perceptions.

B. Technological Laboratory.

Study of stone implements; simple and compound; rough and polished; primary and secondary chipping; cleavage; firing; bulb of percussion; mineralogy of implements; patine, etc. Bone implements.

Study of metal implements. Hammering, smelting, casting. Results of exposure. Analysis of alloys. Coins, etc. Study of pottery. Pastes; burning; glazing; forms; decorative designs; painting and coloring.

Textile materials; ancient cloth and basket work; feather work.

Methods of making casts and models; taking squeezes, rubbings, copies, and photographs. Drawing, shading, and coloring ethnographic charts.

Practice in preserving, mounting, arranging, and classifying specimens. Tests for the detection of frauds. Incrustations, dendrites, etc. Practice in reducing unknown tongues to writing, by the ear. Practice in the repetition of unfamiliar phonetic elements. Study of the actions of the lingual muscles in the production of sounds.


Researches in the history of anthropology.

Making lists of works and articles on special subjects, with brief abstracts.

Notes of the proceedings of anthropological societies and the contents of journals.

Presentation of the theories of particular writers on the science.

Familiarize the student with the past and present literature of his branch.


Methods of surveying, photographing, and plotting ancient remains.

Plans for taking field-notes.

Instruction in the proper methods of opening mounds, shell heaps, etc., and in excavating rock-shelters and caverns. The preserving and packing of specimens.Study of quaternary geology; alluvial deposits; river terraces; glacial scratches; moraines; river drift; loess; elevation and subsidence.

The collection of languages and dialects; of folk-lore, and local peculiarities.


As the plan of study here proposed is largely that which I have pursued and developed in my own lectures and published works on the subject, I may be permitted to insert the following list of these:—

Anthropology and Ethnology. 4to, pp. 184. In Vol. I of the Iconographic EncyclopÆdia (Philadelphia, 1886).

Prehistoric ArchÆology. 4to, pp. 116. In Vol. II of the Iconographic EncyclopÆdia (Philadelphia, 1886).

Races and Peoples; Lectures on the Science of Ethnography. 8vo, pp. 313 (N. D. C. Hodges, New York, 1890).

The American Race; a Linguistic Classification and Ethnographic Description of the Native Tribes of North and South America. 8vo, pp. 392 (N. D. C. Hodges, New York, 1891).

In addition to these I would name the following as among the best works for the student of this branch:—

Anthropologische Methoden. By Dr. Emil Schmidt (Leipzig, 1888).

ElÉments d’Anthropologie GÉnÉrale. By Dr. Paul Topinard (Paris). Also L’Homme dans la Nature (Paris, 1891), by the same author.

PrÉcis d’Anthropologie. By Hovelacque and HervÉ (Paris).

Allgemeine Ethnographie. By Friederich MÜller.

Die Urgeschichte des Menschen. By Moritz Hoernes (Leipzig, 1891).

La PrÉhistorique AntiquitÉ de l’Homme. By G. de Mortillet (Paris).

Anthropology. By Dr. Tylor (New York).

Elements de Sociologie. By Ch. Letourneau (Paris).

To this list I add the names of some others of the distinguished foreign living writers on various departments of Anthropology:—

In France: Bertrand, Collignon, Letourneau, de Nadaillac. In England: Buckland, Flower, Gallon, M. MÜller. In Germany: Andree, Bastian, Meyer, F. MÜller, Ranke, Schaafhausen, Steinthal, Virchow, Ratzel, Gerland. In Italy: Giglioli, Mantegazza.

It is highly likely that many modifications and improvements on this scheme will suggest themselves to instructors; but I may say for it that it is the carefully considered result of a comparison of the methods employed in the European schools, combined with a personal experience of some years in the presentation of the topics to classes.

Of course, the amount of attention which will be given to the separate divisions of the subject will depend on the position which the branch occupies in the student’s plan of studies—whether a major or a minor. If the latter, he should attend a course of thirty or forty lectures about equally divided between the four headings under which the science is here presented, and should give double as many hours to laboratory work.

This is the minimum which would give him any adequate notion of the science. If, on the other hand, it be taken as a major, or principal subject, the greater part of his time for two or three years will be fully occupied in preparing himself for independent work, or for the instruction of others.

Transcriber’s Note

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Page Error Correction
6 since, since
14 Elements ElÉments


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