(T. signifies the Tzental dialect.) - ac, a tortoise, or turtle, 35, 74
- acan, mead, 42
- ac ek, a constellation, 35
- aghan, T., young ear of maize, 62
- ahau, ruler, lord, 41; a day name, 115
- ahau can, rattlesnake, 68, 75
- ahau can mai, chief priest, 68
- ahau katun, 22
- ahau tzab can, the rattlesnake, 75
- ah-caluac, the staff bearer, the mayordomo, 52
- ah-ch’om, a vulture, 73
- ah-chun can, high priest, 68
- ah-coy-can, v. p. 110, note
- ah-cunal than, word-conjurer, 68
- ah-kin, priest, 68
- ah-kin-mai, chief priest, 68
- ah koh-keuel, a masked priest, 69
- ahlo, the macaw, 73
- ah-mac ik, wind conjurer, 68
- ah-poou, the milky way, 35
- ah-pul, a conjurer, 68
- ah-uai-chac, rain conjurer, 68
- ah-uai xibalba, conjurer of departed souls, 68
- ah-zahcab, Venus, 34
- akbal, night, darkness, 56; a day name, 116
- alau (64,000,000), 19
- anhel, to stand erect, 46
- bacab, 40
- bac-baquetic, a numeral, 19
- balam, the jaguar, 72
- bak, four hundred, 19
- bat, an axe; hail, 104
- batab, a chief, 104
- batul, to fight, 104
- be, footprints, 88
- be che, a bridge, 113
- ben, or been, a day name, 91, 113
- ben-ik, a graphic sign, 90, 123
- bolon, nine, 25
- bolon paxche, a large drum, 92
- budz ek, a comet, 35
- bul, a bean; all, the whole, 89
- bulcabal, a destruction, 46
- caan, the sky, 52
- cab, down, downward, etc., 60, 99, 114
- caban, a day name, 114
- cac, to pull out, 86
- calab (160,000), 19
- calacal, perforated, 61
- much, a frog, 75
- mucul canan, Venus, 34
- mucul mam, a numeral, 19
- mucul u, the waning moon, 61
- muluc, a day name, 111
- muyal, clouds, 48, 52, 74
- muyan, see muan
- nak caan, the sky, 99
- na, a house, 37
- nen, a mirror, 105
- noh, great, strong; right hand, 34
- noh ek, great star, 34
- nohnial, 39
- nuc, old, 43
- nech, provisions, 42
- oc, to enter; a day name, 112
- ol, the soul or spirit, 48
- oxlahun, thirteen, 25
- paakal, to frighten, 44
- pacat, face, 44
- pax, a musical instrument, 92; a month name, 120
- paxan, completed, finished, 92, 125, 129
- pax che, a wooden drum, 92
- pec, to rattle, to thunder, 63, 71
- pec chac, thunder, 63
- pechhec hol, flat-headed, 62
- pek, a dog, 71
- pic, eight thousand, 19
- picit, a fan, 105
- pixan, the soul, 25
- pocam, a cleansing, 55
- pop, a mat; a month name, 116
- ppeta, to perform religious rites; to cry with pain, 69
- ppua, dew, 42
- pputum, small, 43
- ppuz, bent over, 43
- puch, to spoil, to undo, to destroy, 44
- puhaa, to blow forth water from the mouth, 98
- puy, a shell, 19
- ta, a knife; excrement, 89
- tah, a dramatic representation, 89
- tab, cord, twenty 19, 42
- tamacaz, the milky way, 35
- tan kukul, before the gods, 44
- tankul, a drum, 93
- tem, an altar of stone, 48
- tixl (Cak.), the tapir, 55
- tub, to spit, 42
- tun, a stone, a jewel, 42
- tunkul, see tankul
- tup, to stop up, to extinguish; also, ear-rings,