
This unpretending little book is designed to give the visitor to Florida such information as will make his trip more useful and more pleasant. In writing it I have had in mind the excellent European Guide-Books of Karl BÆdeker, the best, to my mind, ever published. Though I have not followed his plan very closely, I have done so to the extent the character of our country seems to allow.

I have borrowed from him the use of the asterisk (*) to denote that the object so designated is especially noteworthy, or that the hotel thus distinguished is known to me to be well-kept, either from my own observation or that of friends.

Most of the localities are described from my own notes taken during an extended tour through the peninsula, but for much respecting railroad fare, accommodations, and charges, I am indebted to a large number of tourists and correspondents who have related to me their experience. To all these I express my warmest thanks for their assistance.

As of course such matters are constantly changing, and as I shall be most desirous to correct any errors, and bring the work fully up to the times in future editions, I shall esteem it a particular favor if those who use this book will forward me any notes or observation which will aid me in improving it. Such communications may be addressed “care of the Penn Publishing Co., 710 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Penna.”

The map of the St. John River is based on that drawn by my friend, Mr. H. Lindenkohl, U. S. Coast Survey.

Philadelphia, August, 1869.


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