files@60170@60170-h@60170-h-4.htm.html#Page_13" class="pginternal">13. Dauphin, the (Williams), 52, 53. Davis, Mr., 64. Dayton’s Bluff, 381. Debauchery of the Mexican Indians, 272, 403. Demons, Indian offerings to, 363, 364. Des Moines River, 138. Delaware Indians, 94, 134, 385. Dialect at Ocosingo, 266, 267. Dialects of the North American Indians, 151–154: of Guatemala Indians, 232. Diaz, Bernal, 197, 220, 223–227, 323–328, 331–333, 346, 396–398, 404. Digger Indians, 147, 148. Dighton, rock at, 33. Dowding, Captain Herbert, xv. Dupaix, Captain, 309. Earthworks in Ohio, ancient Indian, 54–103, 379–385. Emerson, Mr. Ralph Waldo, 22–26, 28, 29. Escalanta, SeÑor, 335. Esconauba, River, 36. Escuintla, town of, 181. Esquipulas, pilgrimage to, 186–188. Evans, chief Elder of the Shakers, 8, 9. Faribault, half-breed Indian, 117–119, 161, 164–169, 172, 173. Fasting of the Dakotas, 159, 160. Festival, Indian, at Jacaltenango, 243–245. Festival of San Caralampio, 255. Fire, Indian method of lighting a, 241, 261. Flathead Indians, 20. Florida, 102, 103: Professor Agassiz and, 12, 13: shell mounds in, 14, 21: rivers in, 322: coast of 374–377: Indians in, 376, 377. Forests; in Michigan, 41, 139, 140: near Palenque, 42, 138,
, 362: mounds in Ohio, 54–103: pilgrims, 186–188: population in North America, 153: reservations in North America, 34: rebellion in Guatemala, 183, 191: religious devotion, 240, 241, see also Yucatan: skulls, 19, 20: statue at Ocosingo, 264: steam bath, 279: traditions, Ohio earthworks, 94–103: warfare, 112: war customs, 134–5: well, an, 370. Indians, diversity of languages, 150–154: hunting grounds of, the U S. Government and, 122, 123: shell heaps of, 14, 21, 28–33. Indians; see Abenakis, Algonquins, Apaches, Californian, Cheyennes, Chippewas, Chontal, Dakotas, Delaware, Flathead, Florida, Foxes, Hurons, Iroquois, Kachiquels, Lacandon, Maya, Mohawks, Natchez, Oaxaca, Oneidas, Onondagas, Pawnees, Pipiles, QuichÉs, Sacs, Senecas, Shawnees, Shoshones, Sioux, Tzendales, Utes, Winnebagoes, Yucatan, Zambos, &c., &c. Insurrections of Indians in Guatemala, 183–4, 191. Iowa, prairies in, 124–127, 129, 137. Iron mines in Michigan, 35, 45–51. Iroquois, Indians, 34, 77, 111, 112, 134, 150, 159: battle with the Chippewas, 49: burial mounds of the, 63, 376: traditions and customs of, 151–155: the Grand River, 155, 156. Ishpeming, village of, 36, 40, 50, 140. Itzqueye, idol of, 221–223. Izamal, 393. Jacaltenango, 235, 243–249, 369, 402. James, Mr. William D., xiv, 131. Jesuit Mission at Sault St. Marie, 48. Jonuta, 322, 326. JotÁna, 260. Juarez, President, 256–258. Juarros, the historian, 226, 386, 387, 48. Scherzer, Dr., 176, 180, 183, 185. Scioto River, 76, 77. Seal rocks, the, 177. Senecas tribe, 34, 151, 152, 155, 157. Sequechul, Indian named, 227. Serpent totems, xiv, 350, 351. Serpent worship, 398, 399: by the Dakotas, 170. Seward, Mr., 257–258. Shakers, the, 8, 9. Shawnee tribe, 94, 153: burial mounds of, 78. Shell heaps at Concord, 21. Shell mounds in Florida, 14, 375, 377: in Maine, 28–33. Shoshone Indians, 146–148, 174. Sierra Madre mountains, 238, 246, 247. Sierras between San Pedro & Palenque, 282–284, 290–294. Sinigiglia, 253. Sioux Indians, 131: methods of burial with, 63: an encampment of, 114–116: worship of spirit rocks, 117–119, 169: the Ogallalas tribe of, 122, 123: Red Cloud, chief of the, 123: and sun worship, 162, 163: medicine man, 164, 165: mourning customs, 165–166: and lightning, 166: and transmigration, 167–168: human sacrifice of, 172, 173. Sioux War, the, 120–122. Sisal, port of, 372, 373. Sissiton tribe of Sioux, 172, 173. Skulls of Indians, 19, 20. Smith, Mr. James, 134. Smith, Joseph, founder of Mormonism, 111, 112. Snowstorm, a violent, 128, 129. Socoleo, fortress of, Farmer & Sons, Printers, 295, Edgware Road, W. Transcriber’s Notes: Redundant title page has been removed. Blank pages have been removed. Silently corrected typographical errors. Spelling and hyphenation variations made consistent. Page 416: Nicuaragua corrected to Nicaragua. Anchor added for footnote 111. |