1780, December 20.


[Relations of England to Holland.]


George R.

Through the whole Course of Our Reign, Our Conduct towards the States General of the United Provinces has been that of a sincere Friend and faithful Ally. Had they adhered to those wise Principles which used to govern the Republic, they must have shewn themselves equally sollicitous to maintain the Friendship which has so long subsisted between the two Nations, and which is essential to the Interests of both: But from the Prevalence of a Faction devoted to France, and following the Dictates of that Court, a very different Policy has prevailed. The Return made to Our Friendship, for some Time past, has been an open Contempt of the most solemn Engagements, and a repeated Violation of Public Faith.

On the Commencement of the Defensive War, in which We found Ourselves engaged by the Aggression of France, We shewed a tender Regard for the Interests of the States General, and a Desire of securing to their Subjects every Advantage of Trade, consistent with the great and just Principle of Our own Defence. Our Ambassador was instructed to offer a friendly Negotiation, to obviate every Thing that might lead to disagreeable Discussion; and to this Offer, solemnly made by him to the States General, the 2d of November, 1778, no Attention was paid.

After the Number of Our Enemies increased by the Aggression of Spain, equally unprovoked with that of France, We found it necessary to call upon the States General for the Performance of their Engagements. The Fifth Article of the perpetual Defensive Alliance between Our Crown and the States General, concluded at Westminster the 3d of March, 1678, besides the general Engagement for Succours, expressly stipulates, "That that Party of the two Allies that is not attacked, shall be obliged to break with the Aggressor in two Months after the Party attacked shall require it." Yet two Years have passed, without the least Assistance given to Us, without a single Syllable in Answer to Our repeated Demands.

So totally regardless have the States been of their Treaties with Us, that they readily promised Our Enemies to observe a Neutrality, in direct Contradiction to those Engagements; and whilst they have withheld from Us the Succours they were bound to furnish, every secret Assistance has been given the Enemy; and Inland Duties have been taken off, for the sole Purpose of facilitating the Carriage of Naval Stores to France.

In direct and open Violation of Treaty, they suffered an American Pirate to remain several Weeks in one of their Ports; and even permitted a Part of his Crew to mount Guard in a Fort in the Texel.

In the East-Indies, the Subjects of the States General, in Concert with France, have endeavoured to raise up Enemies against Us.

In the West-Indies, particularly at St. Eustatius, every Protection and Assistance has been given to Our Rebellious Subjects. Their Privateers are openly received in the Dutch Harbours; allowed to refit there; supplied with Arms and Ammunition; their Crews recruited; their Prizes brought in and sold; and all this in direct Violation of as clear and solemn Stipulations as can be made.

This Conduct, so inconsistent with all good Faith, so repugnant to the Sense of the wisest Part of the Dutch Nation, is chiefly to be ascribed to the Prevalence of the leading Magistrates of Amsterdam, whose secret Correspondence with Our Rebellious Subjects was suspected, long before it was made known by the fortunate Discovery of a Treaty, the first Article of which is:

"There shall be a firm, inviolable and universal Peace, and sincere Friendship, between their High Mightinesses the Estates of the Seven United Provinces of Holland, and the United States of North America, and the Subjects and People of the said Parties; and between the Countries, Islands, Cities, and Towns, situated under the Jurisdiction of the said United States of Holland, and the said United States of America, and the People and Inhabitants thereof, of every Degree, without Exception of Persons or Places."

This Treaty was signed in September, 1778, by the express Order of the Pensionary of Amsterdam, and other principal Magistrates of that City. They now not only avow the whole Transaction, but glory in it, and expressly say, even to the States General, that what they did "was what their indispensable Duty required."

In the mean Time, the States General declined to give any Answer to the Memorial presented by Our Ambassador; and this Refusal was aggravated by their proceeding upon other Business, nay upon the Consideration of this very Subject to internal Purposes; and while they found it impossible to approve the Conduct of their Subjects, they still industriously avoided to give Us the Satisfaction so manifestly due.

We had every Right to expect, that such a Discovery would have roused them to a just Indignation at the Insult offered to Us, and to themselves; and that they would have been eager to give Us full and ample Satisfaction for the Offence, and to inflict the severest Punishment upon the Offenders. The Urgency of the Business made an instant Answer essential to the Honour and Safety of this Country.[1] The Demand was accordingly pressed by Our Ambassador in repeated Conferences with the Ministers, and in a Second Memorial: It was pressed with all the Earnestness which could proceed from Our ancient Friendship, and the Sense of recent Injuries; and the Answer now given to a Memorial on such a Subject, delivered about Five Weeks ago, is, That the States have taken it ad referendum. Such an Answer, upon such an Occasion, could only be dictated by the fixt Purpose of Hostility meditated, and already resolved, by the States, induced by the offensive Councils of Amsterdam thus to countenance the hostile Aggression, which the Magistrates of that City have made in the Name of the Republic.

There is an End of the Faith of all Treaties with Them, if Amsterdam may usurp the Sovereign Power, may violate those Treaties with Impunity, by pledging the States to Engagements directly contrary, and leaguing the Republic with the Rebels of a Sovereign to whom she is bound by the closest Ties. An Infraction of the Law of Nations, by the meanest Member of any Country, gives the injured State a Right to demand Satisfaction and Punishment: How much more so, when the Injury complained of is a flagrant Violation of Public Faith, committed by leading and predominant Members in the State? Since then the Satisfaction we have demanded is not given, We must, though most reluctantly, do Ourselves that Justice which We cannot otherwise obtain: We must consider the States General as Parties in the Injury which they will not repair, as Sharers in the Aggression which they refuse to punish, and must act accordingly. We have therefore ordered Our Ambassador to withdraw from the Hague, and shall immediately pursue such vigorous Measures as the Occasion fully justifies, and Our Dignity and the essential Interests of Our People require.

From a Regard to the Dutch Nation at large, We wish it were possible to direct those Measures wholly against Amsterdam; but this cannot be, unless the States General will immediately declare, that Amsterdam shall, upon this Occasion, receive no Assistance from them, but be left to abide the Consequences of it's Aggression.

Whilst Amsterdam is suffered to prevail in the general Councils, and is backed by the Strength of the State, it is impossible to resist the Aggression of so considerable a Part, without contending with the Whole. But We are too sensible of the common Interests of both Countries not to remember, in the Midst of such a Contest, that the only Point to be aimed at by Us, is to raise a Disposition in the Councils of the Republic to return to our ancient Union, by giving Us that Satisfaction for the past, and Security for the future, which We shall be as ready to receive as They can be to offer, and to the Attainment of which We shall direct all Our Operations. We mean only to provide for Our own Security, by defeating the dangerous Designs that have been formed against Us. We shall ever be disposed to return to Friendship with the States General, when they sincerely revert to that System which the Wisdom of their Ancestors formed, and which has now been subverted by a powerful Faction, conspiring with France against the true Interests of the Republic, no less than against those of Great Britain.

St. James's, December 20, 1780.

G. R.

No printed copy found, except as published in the "London Gazette Extraordinary," December 21, 1780, from which this transcript was taken.


[1] The Privy Council, by an order of April 17, 1780, declared that whereas the United Provinces had not lived up to the terms of their alliance with Great Britain, they should henceforth be considered a neutral power not privileged by treaty. On the same date as the publication of the Manifesto, December 20, 1780, the Council ordered that general reprisals should be granted against the ships of the United Provinces (Privy Council Register, III Geo., vol. 18). On December 27, 1780, the King issued a proclamation providing for the distribution of the prizes during the hostilities with the United Provinces, which is not here printed since it remotely concerns America.



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