1759, October 23. (2)


[Thanksgiving in Scotland for Defeat of French.]



For a Publick Thanksgiving.

George R.

We do most devoutly and thankfully acknowledge the great Goodness and Mercy of Almighty God who hath afforded Us his Protection and Assistance in the just War in which for the common safety of Our Realms and for disappointing the boundless Ambition of France We are now engaged; and hath given such signal Successes to Our Arms both by Sea and Land particularly by the defeat of the French Army in Canada and the taking of Quebeck and who hath most seasonably granted Us at this time an uncommonly plentiful Harvest And therefore duly considering that such great and publick Blessings do call for publick and solemn Acknowledgments, We have thought fit by and with the Advice of Our Privy Council to issue this Our Royal Proclamation hereby appointing and commanding That a general Thanksgiving to Almighty God for these His Mercies be observed throughout that part of Our Kingdom of Great Britain called Scotland upon Thursday the Twenty Ninth day of November next. And we do strictly charge and command That the said Publick Thanksgiving be reverently and decently observed by all Our loving Subjects in Scotland on the said Twenty Ninth day of November next as they tender the favour of Almighty God and would avoid his Wrath and Indignation and upon pain of such Punishment as We may justly inflict upon all such as shall contemn or neglect the Performance of so religious a Duty. Our Will and Pleasure is therefore and We charge That incontinent this Our Proclamation seen Ye pass to the Market Cross of Edinburgh and all other Places needful and there in Our Name and Authority make Publication thereof that none pretend Ignorance And Our Will and Pleasure is That Our Sollicitor do cause printed Copies hereof to be sent to the Sherifs of the several Shires Stewarts of Stewarties and Baillies of Regalities and their Clerks whom We ordain to see the same published; And We appoint them to send Doubles thereof to the several Paroch Kirks within their Bounds that upon the Lords day immediately preceding the Day above mentioned the same may be published and read from the Pulpits immediately after Divine Service.

Given at Our Court at Kensington the twenty third day of October One Thousand Seven hundred and Fifty nine in the thirty third Year of Our Reign.

God save the King.

1 p. folio. Only printed copy noted by the editor was advertised for sale by the Museum Book Store of London in 1909, priced at £27. 10s. Entered on Patent Rolls; entered in Privy Council Register, II Geo., vol. 18, p. 171, from which this transcript was made. Printed in "London Gazette," October 27, 1759.



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