[Continuing Officers in Georgia.]
Hardwicke, C. Hartington,
Granville, P. Holdernesse.
[1] Whereas by Letters Patent of his present Majesty, under his great Seal, which erected the Territories and Country of Georgia in America into One Free Province, under the Trustees for establishing the Colony of Georgia in America, the immediate Government thereof was, after the Determination of a Term of Twenty-one Years therein mentioned, to come to his said Majesty, his Heirs and Successors; which Term is not yet expired: And whereas the said Trustees having voluntarily made a Proposal to his Majesty, to make an absolute Surrender of all the Powers, Rights, and Trusts, vested in them by the said Charter; which his Majesty having been pleased graciously to accept, the said Trustees did, by their Indenture of Grant and Surrender, bearing Date the Twentieth Instant, grant and surrender to his Majesty, his Heirs, and Successors, the said Charter, and all Powers, Jurisdictions, Countries, and Territories, thereby granted to them; by which, the immediate Care of the said Province, and of his Majesty's Subjects there, is now devolved upon his Majesty;[2] We being desirious of making Provision for the present Government of the said Province, and securing the Peace and good Order thereof, until his Majesty shall establish such other Form and Order of Government therein, as to his Majesty, in his Royal Wisdom, shall seem most for the Honour of his State, and the Happiness of his Subjects there; have thought fit, with the Advice of his Majesty's Privy-Council, to issue this Proclamation; and do hereby order, signify, and declare his Majesty's Pleasure, That all Persons who now are, or, at the Time of the Publication of this Proclamation, shall be duly and lawfully possessed of, or invested in, any Offices or Places of Authority, Government, or Employment, Ecclesiastical, Civil, or Military, in his Majesty's said Colony of Georgia, and particularly all Governors, Lieutenants, or Deputy Governors, President, and Assistants, Council, Judges, Justices, Magistrates, Provost Marshals, Sheriffs, Justices of the Peace, and all others in any Place or Rank of Government, or concerned in the Administration of Government, either Inferior or Superior, and all other Officers and Ministers holding any Office, Place, or Employment there, shall hold under his Majesty, and be continued in their said several and respective Places, Offices, or Employments, and enjoy the same with the like Salaries, Fees, and Emoluments thereto belonging, which have hitherto been actually paid, until his Majesty's Pleasure be further known, or other Provision be made for the due Government and Ordering of his Majesty's said Colony: And that in the mean Time, for the Preservation of the publick Peace and Tranquillity of the said Province, We do strictly command all the said Persons, of whatsoever Rank, Degree, or Condition, to proceed in the Execution of their respective Offices, and to perform all the Duties thereunto belonging: And further, We do hereby will and command all and singular his Majesty's Subjects in the said Colony, of what Estate or Degree they, or any of them, be, to be obedient to, and aiding, helping, and assisting the said Officers and Ministers in the Performance and Execution of their said Offices, Places, and Employments, as they tender his Majesty's Displeasure, and will answer the contrary at their utmost Perils: All which Matters and Things, herein before commanded and directed, We do, by this Proclamation, order and direct to be done, performed, submitted to, and obeyed, until his Majesty shall further make known his Royal Will and Pleasure thereupon.
Given at Whitehall the Twenty-fifth Day of June, 1752, in the Twenty sixth Year of his Majesty's Reign.
God Save the King
Manuscript copy in P. C. No printed copy found. Entered on Patent Rolls, and in Crown Office Docquet Book, vol. 11; entered in Privy Council Register, II Geo., vol. 14, p. 105. Printed in "London Gazette," July 4, 1752, from which the above transcript was made.