1744, June 14.


[Regarding Distribution of Prizes.]



George R.

Whereas Application has been made to Us, in order to prevent Disputes arising among the Flag Officers, who have been or may hereafter be employed in Our Service, upon the Construction of that Part of the Proclamation of Our Lords Justices, during Our Absence, on the Nineteenth Day of June, One thousand seven hundred and forty, appointing a Distribution of the Spanish Prizes and Bounty Money, which relates to the Shares granted to the Flag or Flag Officers, who shall be actually on Board at the taking any Prize, or shall be directing or assisting therein: And whereas We having taken the Opinion of Our Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, do judge it expedient to make such a Regulation, as may explain and settle the Right of Flag Officers, and Commanders, in all Cases of Prizes taken from any of Our Enemies at Sea; We therefore, with the Advice of Our Privy Council, do by this Our Proclamation[1] publish, order, and declare, That the following Regulations be observed: First, That a Flag Officer commanding in Chief upon Service, shall have One Eighth Part of all Prizes taken by Ships under his Command: Secondly, That a Flag Officer sent to command at Jamaica, or elsewhere, shall have no Right to any Share of Prizes taken by Ships employed there before he arrives, within the Limits of his Command: Thirdly, That when an inferior Flag Officer, or Private Ships, are sent out to reinforce a superior Flag Officer at Jamaica, or elsewhere, the said superior Flag Officer shall have no Right to any Share in Prizes taken by them, before their Arrival within the Limits of his Command: Fourthly, That a Chief Flag Officer, returning home from Jamaica, or elsewhere, shall have no Share in Prizes taken by the Ships left at Jamaica, or elsewhere, after he has got out of the Limits of his Command: Fifthly, That if a Flag Officer is sent to command in the Out-ports of this Kingdom, he shall have no Share in Prizes taken by Ships that sail from that Port, by Order from the Admiralty: Sixthly, That when more Flag Officers than one serve together, the Eighth Part of all Prizes taken by any Ships of the Fleet or Squadron, shall be divided in the following Proportion, viz. If there be but Two Flag Officers, the Chief shall have Two Third Parts, and the other shall have the remaining Third Part; but if the Number of Flag Officers be more than Two, the Chief shall have only one half, and the other half shall be divided equally among the other Flag Officers: Seventhly, That Commodores, with Captains under them, shall be esteemed as Flag Officers, with respect to their Right to an Eighth Part of Prizes, whether commanding in Chief, or serving under Command.

Given at Our Court at Kensington, this Fourteenth Day of June, 1744, in the Eighteenth Year of Our Reign.

God save the King.

London, Printed by Thomas Baskett and Robert Baskett, Printers to the King's most Excellent Majesty. 1744.

1 p. folio. Copy in P. C. Entered on Patent Rolls; entered in Privy Council Register, II Geo., vol. 9, p. 355. Printed in "London Gazette," June 16, 1744.


[1] A long proclamation was issued November 7, 1744, providing for the distribution of the bounty for destroying French ships, which is omitted from this volume since it contains no direct reference to America. It was printed in the London Gazette of November 10, 1744, and a copy of the original broadside is in the Privy Council Office.



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