1691, February 5.


[For Apprehending William Penn.]



For Discovering and Apprehending the late Bishop of Ely, William Penn, and James Grahme.

Marie R.

Whereas Their Majesties have received Information, That Francis late Bishop of Ely, William Penn Esquire, and James Grahme Esquire, with other Ill-affected Persons, have Designed and Endeavoured to Depose Their Majesties, and Subvert the Government of this Kingdom, by procuring an Invasion of the same by the French, and other Treasonable Practices, and have to that end held Correspondence, and Conspired with divers Enemies and Traitors, and particularly with Sir Richard Grahme Baronet, (Viscount Preston in the Kingdom of Scotland) and John Ashton Gent. lately Attainted of High Treason; For which Cause several Warrants for High Treason have been Issued out against them, but they have withdrawn themselves from their usual Places of Abode, and are fled from Justice: Their Majesties therefore have thought fit, by and with the Advice of Their Privy Council, to Issue this Their Royal Proclamation; And Their Majesties do hereby Command and Require all Their Loving Subjects to Discover, Take and Apprehend the said Francis late Bishop of Ely, William Penn and James Grahme, wherever they may be found, and to carry them before the next Justice of the Peace, or Chief Magistrate, who is hereby Required to Commit them to the next Goal, there to remain until they be thence Delivered by due Course of Law; And Their Majesties do hereby Require the said Justice or other Magistrate, immediately to give Notice thereof to Them or Their Privy Council. And Their Majesties do hereby Publish and Declare to all Persons that shall Conceal the Persons above named, or any of them, or be Aiding or Assisting in the Concealing of them, or furthering their Escape, that they shall be Proceeded against for such their Offence with the utmost Severity according to Law.

Given at Our Court at Whitehall the Fifth Day of February, 1690/1. In the Second Year of Our Reign.

God save King William and Queen Mary.

London, Printed by Charles Bill and Thomas Newcomb, Printers to the King and Queens most Excellent Majesties. 1690.

1 p. folio. There are two issues, varying slightly in set-up and in the cut of the royal arms. Copies in Adv., B. M., Crawf., Dalk., D. H., Guild., P. C., P. R. O., and T. C. D. Entered on Patent Rolls; entered in Privy Council Register, III William, vol. 2, p. 112. Printed in "London Gazette," February 7, 1691; reproduced in the January number of the "Journal of the Friends Historical Society."



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