1689, February 19.


[Continuing Officers in the Colonies.]



William R.

Forasmuch as it hath pleased God to call Us to the Throne, And that thereby it is incumbent upon Us to prevent any Inconvenience to Our Subjects that may arise by not executing the Laws necessary or conducing to the Peace and good Government of Our People, Wee therefore do hereby Declare Our Royall Pleasure That all Persons being Protestants, who at the time of the Receipt of these presents shalbe duly and lawfully possessed of, or invested in any office or Place of Authority or Governmt either Civill or Military within Our Island of [blank left in text] in America, And namely all Governors, Lieutenants, or Deputy Governors, Councellors, Justices, Provost Marshalls, Sherifs, Justices of the Peace, and all others in Place of Governmt either meaner or superior as aforesaid. And all other Officers and Ministers whose Interests and Estates in their offices are determined, shall be, and shall hold themselves continued in the said Places and offices under the same condition as formerly they held and enjoyed the same,[1] untill Our Pleasure be further known, or that other Provision be made pursuant to his late Mays Commission and Instructions to [blank left in text] aforesaid, Which Wee do hereby Declare to be in full force untill further Order from Us. And that in the mean while for the Preservation of the State, all the said Persons of whatsoever Degree or Condition do not fail every one severally according to his Place Office or Charge, to proceed in the performance of all Dutys thereunto belonging as formerly apperteyned unto them. And further Wee do hereby will and command all and singular Our Subjects of what Estate, Dignity and Degree they or any of them be, to be aiding, helping and assisting, and at the Commandment of the said Officers and Ministers in the Performance and Execution of the said Offices and Places, as they and every of them tender Our Displeasure, and will answer the contrary at their Perills.

Provided alwaies, that nothing herein shalbe Construed or taken to Extend to give or continue any Authority, Priviledge, Jurisdiction or Command to any Papist or Papists with the said [blank left in text].

Given at Our Court at Whitehall this 19th day of February 1688. in the first year of Our Reigne.

God save King William and Queen Mary.

No printed copy found. Entered in Privy Council Register, III William, vol. 1, p. 13.


[1] The Prince of Orange issued a circular to the Governors of the Colonies, ordering all officers to be continued, on January 12, 1689, but it was not until February 19, that the proclamation was approved (Cal. State Papers, Colonial, 1689-1692, pp. 4, 7; Acts of Privy Council, ii, 122).



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