1688, January 20.


[Suppressing Pirates in America.]



For the more effectual Reducing and Suppressing of Pirates and Privateers in America.

James R.

Whereas frequent Robberies and Piracies have been, and are daily committed by great numbers of Pirates and Privateers as well on the Seas as on the Land of and in America, which hath occasioned a great prejudice and obstruction to the Trade and Commerce as well of Our Subjects, as of the Subjects of Our Allies, and hath given a great Scandal and Disturbance to Our Government in those Parts. And whereas We being resolved to take some effectual course for the putting an end to all such Outragious Insolencies, have therefore thought it requisite to send a Squadron of Ships into the Parts aforesaid, under the Command of Our Trusty and Welbeloved Servant Sir Robert Holmes,[1] Knight, Our Governor of Our Isle of Wight, and have otherwise given him all necessary Powers for Suppressing of the said Pirates and Privateers, either by force, or assurance of Pardon, and have Constituted and Appointed the said Sir Robert Holmes Our Sole Commissioner in that Affair; Now to the end that this Our Royal Purpose may be the better put in Execution, and that none of the said Offenders may have any cause of excuse or pretence left for want of a due Advertisement of Our Intended Mercy and Clemency towards them, upon their withdrawing themselves from their said wicked and Piratical courses for the future: We are Graciously pleased hereby to Promise and Declare, That in case any such Pirate or Privateer Pirates or Privateers shall within the space of Twelve months next ensuing the Date of this Our Proclamation, either in Person, or by their Agents Surrender, or become obliged to Surrender him or themselves unto the said Sir Robert Holmes, or any other person or persons appointed by him, or such other person or persons as in case of his Death shall be further Constituted and Appointed by Us, within any of Our said Islands, Plantations, Colonies, or other Places on the Sea or Land, lying between the Tropiques of Cancer and Capricorn in America, and in case any Pirate or Privateer, Pirates or Privateers shall within the space of Fifteen months next ensuing the Date of these Presents, Surrender, or become obliged to Surrender him or themselves to the said Sir Robert Holmes, or any others Appointed as aforesaid, in any other parts of America, or within Our Kingdom of England, and shall give sufficient Security to be approved of by the said Sir Robert Holmes, or in case of his Death, by such other person or persons as shall be further Appointed by Us, for his or their future good Behaviour, We will, upon such humble Submission, and after such Security given, Grant unto such Pirate or Pirates, Privateer or Privateers, Our Gracious, Full and Ample Pardon for all Piracies or Robberies committed by him or them upon the Sea or Land before the Date of these Presents. And we do hereby straightly Charge and Command all and singular Our Admirals, Vice-Admirals, Chief Governours, Captains, Commanders, Mariners, Seamen, and all Our Officers and Ministers of and in all and every Our said Islands, Plantations, Colonies, and Territories whatsoever, and of all and every Our Ships of War and other Vessels, and all other Our Officers and Subjects whatsoever, not only to be Aiding, Favouring and Assisting in their several Places and Stations, unto the said Sir Robert Holmes, and such other Person or Persons as shall be appointed as aforesaid in and for the more effectual Reducing and Suppressing of all manner of Pirates and Privateers within the Limits and Parts aforesaid, or any of them, but also (upon the producing a Certificate or Instrument under the Hand and Seal of the said Sir Robert Holmes, or such other Person as in case of his Death shall be further Appointed by Us, signifying that any Pirate or Privateer, Pirates or Privateers hath or have Surrendered him or themselves unto the said Sir Robert Holmes, or such other Person or Persons appointed as aforesaid, and given Security for their future good Behaviour according to the Tenor of these Presents) to permit and suffer the said person or persons lawfully to Pass and Travel either by Sea or Land, without any Let, Hindrance or Molestation whatsoever, to or from any of Our said Islands, Plantations or Colonies, or into Our Kingdom of England, as soon as conveniently may be, in Order to his or their receiving Our full and Gracious Pardon as aforesaid, and that in the meantime no Indictment, Process, or other Proceeding shall be had in any of Our Courts of Record, or elsewhere, against any such person or persons producing such Certificate or Instrument, for any Piracy or Robbery by him or them committed as aforesaid, before the Date of these Presents. Provided always, That if any of the said Offender or Offenders whatsoever shall after the Publishing of this Our Proclamation, in contempt thereof, and of Our Princely Mercy and Clemency to them hereby offered, wilfully and obstinately persist in their Piracies, Robberies and Outragious Practices, or shall not Surrender themselves in manner aforesaid; Then We do hereby expressly Direct and Command, That all and every such person and persons shall be pursued with the utmost Severity, and with the greatest Rigour that may be, until they and every of them be utterly Suppressed and Destroyed; We Declaring it to be Our Royal Purpose and Resolution, That they and every of them shall from thenceforth be finally Excluded and Debarr'd from receiving any further Favour or Mercy. And lastly We do hereby Revoke, Annul and make void all Proclamations by Us formerly Issued touching the Premisses herein above mentioned, or any of them.

Given at Our Court at Whitehall this Twentieth Day of January, 1687/8. In the Third Year of Our Reign.

God Save The King.

London, Printed by Charles Bill, Henry Hills, and Thomas Newcomb, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1687/8.

2 pp. folio. Copies in Antiq., Bodl., B. M., Ch., Crawf., Dalk., Guild., P. C., Q. C., and T. C. D.; also in John Carter Brown Library. Entered on Patent Rolls; entered in Privy Council Register, II James, vol. 2, p. 577. Printed in "London Gazette," January 26, 1688.


[1] Holmes was commissioned by the King, August 21, 1687, to command a squadron to be sent to the West Indies for the suppression of pirates. On November 12, letters patent were issued granting to him all goods that he should take from the pirates for three years (Cal. State Papers, Colonial, 1685-1688, pp. 421, 467). In the Colonial Entry Books in the Public Record Office are entered the orders from the King to the Governors of the various colonies requiring the publication of this proclamation (Idem, p. 488).



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