1636, May 16.


[Limiting Whale-trade to Muscovy Company.]


A Proclamation inhibiting the Importation of Whale Finnes, or Whale Oile, into His Majesties Dominions by any, but the Muscovia Company.

Whereas Our late deare and Royall Father, of ever blessed memory, King James, by His Proclamation, bearing date the eighteenth day of May, in the seventeenth yeere of His Reigne, for the reasons therein expressed, and for the encouragement of His welbeloved Subjects, the Company of Merchants trading for Muscovia, Greenland,[1] and the parts adjoyning, commonly called the Muscovia Company, did inhibite the Importation of Whale Finnes, into any of His Kingdomes or Dominions, by any persons other then by that Company, and that in their Joynt-stock only, under the penalties therein mentioned; We now being minded to give the like encouragement and assistance to the said Company, and for the better support of the Fishing-Trade to Greeneland, and the parts adjacent, which by the increase of Navigation conduceth much to the common good of Our Kingdome and People, have thought fit to publish Our Royall pleasure therein; And therefore We do by these presents straightly Charge, prohibite, and forbid, as well all Aliens and Strangers whatsoever, as Our naturall borne Subjects and Denizens, That they, nor any of them, (other then the said Muscovia Merchants only, and that in their Joynt-stock for the Whale-Fishing;) shall from henceforth directly or indirectly Import or bring any Whale Oyle, or Whale Finnes, (whether the said Finnes be whole, or cut, in what manner soever) into any Our Kingdomes or Dominions, upon Paine of the forfeiture and confiscation of the same; whether they bee found on Board of any Ship, Hoye, Boat, or Bottom, or laid on land in any Ware-house, Store-house, Shop, Cellar, or any other place whatsoever; and upon Paine of Our high Indignation and displeasure, and such other punishments, as by Our Court of Starre-Chamber shall bee thought meet to be inflicted upon them, or any of them, as Contemners of Our Royall Will and Commandment in this behalfe.

And Wee do likewise straightly Charge, prohibite, and forbid, as well all Aliens and Strangers, as Our naturall borne Subjects and Denizens, (other then the said Muscovia Merchants in their Joint-stock as aforesaid) that they, nor any of them do presume to Buy, Utter, Sell, Barter, or Contract, for any Whale Oyle, or Whale Finnes, knowing the same to bee Imported into any Our Realmes or Dominions, contrary to Our Will and Pleasure herein declared; whether the said Finnes bee whole, or cut as aforesaid, upon Paine of Our high Indignation and displeasure, and such further punishments, as by Our said Court of Starre-Chamber shall bee thought meet to bee inflicted upon such Offendours, as Contemners also of Our Royall Commandments.

And to the end, that Our Pleasure hereby declared may take the better effect; Wee do hereby Charge and Command, all Customers, Collectours, Farmours, Comptrollers, Searchers, Waiters, and all other Our Officers and Ministers whatsoever, in all or any Our Ports, Havens, or Creekes; that they and every of them in their severall places, do carefully attend and see to the due execution hereof; and in no wise to permit or suffer any Whale Oile, or Whale Finnes whole, or cut, directly, or indirectly, openly, or covertly, to be brought or imported into any Our Kingdomes or Dominions contrary to Our Royall pleasure herein expressed; or being so imported, that they do not permit, or suffer the same to be colourably Customed for other Goods and Merchandise; but that they forthwith do seise, and take to Our use all such Whale Finnes, and Whale Oyle as shall bee so Imported, contrary to Our pleasure herein declared, upon Paine to undergo such punishments as shall be thought meet by the Lords of Our Privie Councell.

Neverthelesse, Our intent and meaning is, That the said Muscovia Company in their Joynt-stock only, and none other, shall or may Buy and Sell, Barter, or Contract, for any such Whale Finnes, or Whale Oyle, as being imported contrary to this Our Proclamation, shall be confiscate and seised, and the same being sold by the said Company, may be afterwards bought, contracted for, and used by any other Our Subjects, at their will and pleasure; Any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

Given at Our Palace of Westminster, the sixteenth day of May, in the twelfth yeere of Our Reigne.

God save the King.

Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie: And by the Assignes of John Bill. 1636.

2 pp. folio. Copies in B. M., Crawf., Guild., and P. C. Entered on Patent Rolls. Printed in Rymer's "Foedera," xx, 16.


[1] Spitzbergen, rather than Greenland proper.



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