[Requiring Licenses from Tobacconists.] BY THE KING. A Proclamation restraining the abusive venting of Tobacco. Whereas the Kings most excellent Majestie being informed of the abuses dayly arising of the ungoverned Selling and Retailing of Tobacco, by his Proclamation lately published, did prohibit all his people, that after the feast of Candlemas, which is now last past, none of them out of certaine Cities and Townes therein specified to have beene appointed, and within those Cities and Townes no other but certaine persons named, as in the said Proclamation is expressed, and such as from time to time as should be permitted, should sell or deliver any Tobacco by Retaile, herein requiring due obedience untill his Majestie should make other declaration, as by the same Proclamation appeareth. Sithence which, a great number of his Majesties loving subjects have repaired to some Lords, and others of his Majesties Privie Councell, being his Majesties Commissioners appointed to treat with them, and have humbly desired Letters Patents of Licence to sell Tobacco by Retaile, whereunto his Majesties said Commissioners have consented: but because it is both convenient and necessary that the number of those that be Licensed to sell Tobacco by Retaile, and also their names be knowne, that in time convenient notice may be taken from them how much Tobacco in each yeere they Retaile and Vent: that upon knowledge thereof, his Majesty for preventing of the issuing out of the Realme too great a proportion of the Stocke of this Kingdome, may give order for the quantity of Tobacco that shall be yeerely brought Given at Our Court at Newmarket, the thirteenth day of March, in the ninth yeere of Our Reigne. God save the King. Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie: And by the Assignes of John Bill. 1633. 1 p. folio. There are two issues, varying only in the cut of the royal arms. Copies in Antiq., B. M., Crawf., Hodg., P. C., and Q. C. Entered on Patent Rolls. Printed in Rymer's "Foedera," xix, 522. |