1625, March 2.


[Encouraging Growth of Tobacco in Plantations.]


A Proclamation for the utter prohibiting the importation and use of all Tobacco, which is not of the proper growth of the Colonies of Virginia and the Summer Islands, or one of them.

Whereas, at the humble suite of Our Commons in Parliament, by Our Royall Proclamation, bearing date the nine and twentieth day of September now last past, for the reasons therein contained, We have prohibited the importation and use of all Tobacco, which is not of the proper growth of Our Colonies of Virginia and the Summer Islands, or one of them; And whereas, upon the humble Petition of many Our loving Subjects, being Planters or Adventurers in those Colonies, and for the support and incouragement of those Plantations (whose prosperous estate We much affect, and shall by all good meanes be alwayes ready to cherish and protect) We have beene contented to tolerate the use of Tobacco, of the growth of those Plantations for a time, untill by more solid Commodities they be able to subsist otherwise, which (as We are informed) they cannot as yet by any meanes doe; And therefore by Our said Proclamation, Wee did thinke fit to give particular directions in many things tending to those ends, and did straitly command the due execution and observation thereof, under the penalties therein contained: Now because Wee have beene informed, as well by the humble Certificate of Our Commissioners for Virginia, as by the humble Petition of divers of Our loving Subjects, the Planters and Adventurers of, and in those Colonies, That, notwithstanding Our Royall pleasure was so expressly signified, and the reasons of State are so plainely laid downe, as might have perswaded every well affected Subject to the due observance thereof; yet divers, out of an inordinate desire of private gaine, have wilfully disobeyed Our commandement herein, and thereby have indeavoured, as much as in them lieth, to destroy so noble a worke as the support of those Plantations, which so much concernes Our Honour, and the honour and profit of Our people.

Wee therefore, being very sensible of this neglect and contempt, have thought good to renew Our said Proclamation; And doe hereby signifie and declare unto all Our loving Subjects, and unto all others, Our expresse will and pleasure to be, That Our said former Proclamation, and every clause, prohibition, article and thing therein contained, shall from hencefoorth be duly observed and obeyed, with such alterations and additions, as are in these presents contained and expressed, upon paine of Our high displeasure, and such penalties and punishments, as in Our said former Proclamation are, or in these presents shall be limited or appointed for the offenders thereof.

And whereas some have since Our said last Proclamation, unmerchantlike, secretly and cunningly stollen in great parcels of Tobacco, contrary to Our said Proclamation; Wee would have those persons, and all others by their example know, That they must expect the severitie of that censure, which Our Court of Starre-Chamber shall thinke fit to inflict upon them, and that Wee are resolved not to relent or remit their deserved punishment, but to cause them and all others, that shall dare to offend herein, to bee prosecuted and punished in such measure, as such their high contempt doth deserve.

And because We conceived it would be utterly in vaine to prohibite the importation of such forreine Tobacco, as aforesaid, unlesse the care and charge of the execution thereof were committed by Us, to some fit and able persons, who besides the respect to Our service, might for their owne particular interests take the same to heart; Therefore We have by Our Letters Patents under Our great Seale of England, authorized certaine persons, Citizens of London, well affected to those plantations, and to Our service, by themselves, and their Deputies, to search and inquire into the offences, and offenders against Our said Proclamation: And Wee have also contracted with them to bee Our Agents for Us, and to Our use to receive the Tobacco of those Colonies, at, and for such prices as Wee have agreed to give for the same; and besides those prices, to bee given to the Planters and owners of the said Tobacco, Our said Agents have further contracted with Us, to give and pay unto Us, and to Our use, such summes of money more, as may give Us reasonable satisfaction for that losse, which otherwise Wee should sustaine in Our Customes and other Dueties, and may inable Us to beare that charge, which Wee have undertaken yeerely to disburse for the generall defence and support of those Plantations. And We doe further by this Our Proclamation publish and declare, that We will constantly and inviolably observe and performe Our said contract, and on Our parts, will allow and disburse out of Our revenew, those summes of money for the safety of those Plantations, and for the ease of the Planters and Inhabitants there, which by the said contract hath beene on Our parts undertaken; whereof We would have, aswell Our said Agents, as the Planters and Adventurers in those Colonies, and all other whom it may concerne, to rest confidently assured.

And because Wee are given to understand, that divers using to trade in Tobacco, and having a purpose to import, or buy, or sell the same, contrary to the intent of this Our Proclamation, doe usually land the same at private Wharffes, Staires, or other places, and send, or conveigh the same unto the Houses, Cellers, Warehouses, or other places, of, or belonging to others, who are lesse suspected then themselves, thereby to conceale the same from Us, and Our Agents; Wee further will and command, That from hencefoorth no person whatsoever, presume, or suffer the said prohibited Tobacco to bee landed at any Wharffe, Staire, or other place, nor receive, or conceale any such prohibited Tobacco, or suffer the same to be bestowed in any of their Houses, Cellers, Warehouses, or other places, upon paine of Our high displeasure, and upon such paines and penalties, as by this, or Our former Proclamation, are to be inflicted upon the principall offenders, And to the intent that all the prohibited Tobacco brought in, shall be justly and truely exported againe, et no part thereof sold, or vented within these Our Kingdomes; Our will and command is, That all the prohibited Tobacco which shall be seized within Our Kingdome of England, shall be brought and delivered into the Warehouse, or Storehouse which shall be to that purpose provided by the said Agents, in Our city of London; and all the prohibited Tobacco, which shall be seized within Our Kingdome of Ireland, shall bee brought and delivered into the Warehouses, or Storehouses which shall to that purpose bee appointed by Our Agents in Our city of Dublin, or elsewhere within Our said Kingdome of Ireland.

And for the incouragement of those, who shall take paines in the discovery and seizing thereof, Our will and pleasure is That the one halfe of the reasonable value thereof, shall bee paid unto the seizers thereof in money by Our Agents, et the Tobacco it selfe shall be exported againe by Our said Agents, or by their appointments: And for the better execution of Our service herein, We doe hereby give full power and authority, as well to Our Agent and Agents, as to their Deputy and Deputies, at all time and times, to enter into, and to search for any prohibited Tobacco, contrary to this Our Proclamation, in any Ship, Boate, or vessell, or in any House, Ship, Celler, Soller, Warehouse, or in any Trunke, Chest, Case, Barrell, or Pack, Cabbin, or any other suspected place whatsoever, and finding any such prohibited Tobacco, the same to seize and cary away, to be conveyed to such place or Warehouse, as Our said Agent shall appoint for that purpose, as aforesaid.

And Our expresse will and command is, That neither Our said Agents, nor any others, doe sell, or utter any part of the said prohibited Tobacco, within any Our owne Dominions, there to bee spent and used, whereby the vent of the Tobacco of our Colonies aforesaid may any way bee hindred, upon paine of Our heavy displeasure, and such other paines and penalties, as other offenders against this Our Proclamation are liable unto.

And whereas by Our former Proclamation, We did command, that from, et after the five et twentieth day of March, then, and now next ensuing, no person should sell, utter, or offer to put to sale, or use any Tobacco, which is not of the proper growth of the Colonies aforesaid, and before the ende of forty dayes then next ensuing, should transport out of Our said Kingdome, all other Tobacco, then that of the growth of those Colonies; Wee doe now by this Our Proclamation, ratifie and confirme the same, and command, the same to be duely put in execution: And to the ende there may be no evasion used to avoyd the same, Wee doe hereby give full power and commandement to Our said Agents, by themselves and their Deputies, at any time, or times after the said five and twentieth day of March now next ensuing, to search for the said prohibited Tobacco, and to take a true and exact note and accompt of the quantity thereof, to the intent that the Owners thereof, before the ende of forty dayes next ensuing after the said five and twentieth day of March, either by themselves, or some other, may export the same by the privity of the said Agents, according to the true intent of this, and of Our said former Proclamation, and at the end of the said forty dayes, may give a just account unto Our said Agents, what is become thereof; et whatsoever Tobacco, which is not of the proper growth of the Plantations aforesaid, shall after the said forty dayes be found in the hands of any person whatsoever, shall bee seized by Our said Agents, or their Deputies to Our use, and the said person or persons having or using the same, shall incurre Our high displeasure, and bee subject to such further paines and penalties, as by Our said Proclamation are to be inflicted upon any other offenders.

And Our further will and command is, that all the Tobacco of the growth of Our Colonies aforesaid, shall be brought to the Custome-house-key of Our port of London, and there be delivered to Our Agents, or their Assignees to Our use, according to Our contract aforesaid, or be kept in Our said Custome-house to bee transported out of Our Dominions; and whatsoever Tobacco of the growth of those Plantations, or either of them, shall not be brought to that Key, and be delivered as aforesaid, or for which there shall not bee good security given to Our Agents, within foureteene dayes after the landing thereof, to export the same as aforesaid, the same shall bee forfeited and seized to Our use by Our Agents or their Deputies, as other prohibited Tobacco, and this to bee duely observed under the paines and penalties aforesaid.

And whereas Wee are given to understand, that divers using to trade in Tobacco, have and still doe secretly and underhand steale into Our Kingdomes the said prohibited Tobacco, and doe so privily hide and conceale the same, that they cannot be easily discovered, nor found out; and doe either by themselves, or others by them to that purpose imployed, carry the same by small quantities to the houses or shops of Our subjects, inhabiting within Our said Kingdomes, and doe sell or profer the same to bee sold, or else doe secretly and covertly offer to contract for the sale of such prohibited Tobacco; Our will and pleasure is, and Wee doe hereby straitly charge and command all and every Our loving subjects, to whom any the said prohibited Tobacco shall be offered to be sold or contracted for, as aforesaid, that immediately upon the sight of any such prohibited Tobacco, or upon offer to contract for any such Tobacco, they make stay thereof, and of such person or persons, as shall either profer the same to sell, or shall offer to contract for any the said prohibited Tobacco, and that they and every of them, who shall have the said prohibited Tobacco so proffered unto them to be sold, as aforesaid, shall give notice thereof, and charge the next Constable, Head-borough or other Officer, with such person or persons, who shall offer to put the same to sale, upon paine of Our high displeasure, and of such other paines and penalties, as other offenders against this Our Royall Proclamation are liable unto. And Wee doe hereby further charge and command all and singuler Constables, Head-boroughs et other Our Officers aforesaid, that they and every of them, upon notice unto them given of any such prohibited Tobacco, as aforesaid, or of any such person and persons so offending, as aforesaid, that they seize the said Tobacco, and detaine all such person and persons so offending as they shal have knowledge of, untill they have given notice thereof unto Our said Agents or their Deputie or Deputies, and untill by their meanes the person offending may be brought before such Officer as hath power by this Our Proclamation to take sufficient bond for the appearance of such person, in some of Our Courts of justice, to answer for their faults as the same shall deserve.

And for the better finding out and discovery of the offences and offenders against Our former and this Our Proclamation, We are well pleased, and doe hereby require and command, that Our Treasurer, Commissioners for Our Treasury, Chancellour and Barons of Our Exchequer now, and for the time being, within Our said Kingdomes of England and Ireland, respectively shall and may award such and so many Commissions, as they shall thinke meet, to be directed to discreet and fit persons in all or any Our Ports, or elsewhere, to enquire of and examine upon oath, or otherwise, all such persons as are, or shall be suspected to have heretofore offended, or which hereafter shall offend against this, or Our former Proclamation in this behalfe, or any other person or persons whatsoever, for the finding out and discovery of the said offences and offenders, as is before mentioned; to the end that, as well the importers of such Tobacco as the buyers, sellers, spenders, receivers and concealers thereof, may receive such condigne punishment by fine or otherwise, for their offences, as by Our Court of Star-chamber, or Court of Exchequer shall be thought fit: And in case such Tobacco shall not, or cannot be taken, or found to bee seized, that then every such offender shall forfeit and pay to the hands of Our Agent or Agents, in this behalfe for Our use, the full value of such Tobacco, as the said offenders heretofore have, or hereafter shall have imported, bought, sold, vented or received, as aforesaid, beside such further punishment, as shall be fit to be inflicted upon them for their contempt.

And Our further will and pleasure is, and We doe hereby declare, That whatsoever Our said Agent or Agents, their Assignee or Assignees, under the hands and seales of the greater number of them, have already done, or shall doe hereafter against any offender or offenders, in requiring and taking the forfeiture of any Tobacco, or the value thereof so imported or uttered as aforesaid, or in the mitigating or taking any lesse summe then the value of the same of any such offender in the premisses, or otherwise according to the good discretion of Our said Agent or Agents, Wee doe and will from time to time approve and allow of by these presents: And this signification of Our pleasure shall be as well unto Our said Agent or Agents for the time being, as unto all and every such Commissioner and Commissioners which have beene, or shall be imployed, in, or about this Our service, a sufficient warrant and discharge in that behalfe, without any account to be by them, or any of them respectively yeelded to Us, Our Heires or Successors, and without incurring any penalty in the doing or executing of this Our Service and Royall Command.

And forasmuch as heretofore divers great quantities of Tobacco have beene imported into this Realme, under the name or names of sundry poore Mariners, and other, which are not able to pay the value thereof, nor give satisfaction for the same, Our will and pleasure is, the better to avoyd such frauds and deceipts in time to come, That in whatsoever Ship, or other Vessell, any such Tobacco in greater or lesser quantities, shall be found or discovered to have beene, or to be so imported, and to be shifted away that seizure thereof cannot, or shal not be made, That then such Mariners, or others, who shall so import or couler the said Tobaccoes, shall not onely be punished, as aforesaid, but that every Master of such Ship or Vessell, wherein such Tobacco shall be so imported or shifted away, as aforesaid, shall forfeit to Us the value of the said Tobacco, and that such Ship or Ships shall be arrested, and stayed by the Officers of every Port, or any of Our Agents, their Deputies or Assignees respectively, untill the said forfeiture be duly answered and paid to the hands of Our said Agent or Agents to Our use, or such others as they shall appoint in that behalfe.

And for the better execution of the premisses, Wee doe straitly charge and command all Justices of Peace, Mayors, Sheriffes, Bailiffes, Constables, Headboroughs, Tythingmen, Our Warden and Constable of Our Cinque Ports, and all other Our Officers and Ministers, as well of Our Admiralties, as otherwise, and all other Our loving Subjects, to whom it shall or may appertaine, that they and every of them at all times et times hereafter, and from time to time, upon sight of Our Letters Patents, granted to Our said Agents, or of a Deputation under the hands et seales of Our Agents, or any three of them, be ayding and assisting to Our said Agent and Agents, and their Deputie and Deputies, and to such Our Commissioners, as shall be from time to time appointed for or about this Our service, And also to be from time to time ayding and assisting to all Our Searchers, Waiters, and to all such other person and persons as shall be authorized by Our said Agent or Agents, or by Our Customers or Farmers of Our Customes, for the searching, seizing, taking, and carying away of all such Tobacco imported, or hereafter to be imported or uttered, or intended to be put to sale contrary to this Our Royall prohibition and command. And if any person or persons shall bee found, privily or secretly to oppose or animate any others, to contradict or withstand them in the due execution of this Our service and Royall command, or to neglect the due execution thereof, That then We do by these presents, straitly charge and command, all and every Our sayd Officers respectively, that every such person and persons shall be apprehended and brought before Our Treasurer, Chancellour of Our Exchequer, or before any the Lords or others of Our Privy Councell, or before Our chiefe Baron, or some other of the Barons of Our Exchequer for the time being, to receive such order for condigne punishment to be inflicted upon them according to their demerits, as shall be fit.

Given at Our Court at Theobalds, the second day of March, in the two and twentieth yeere of Our Reigne of Great Britaine, France, and Ireland.

God save the King.Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton and John Bill, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majestie.


4 pp. folio. Copies in Antiq., B. M., Dalk., P. R. O., and Q. C. Entered on Patent Rolls. Printed in Rymer's "Foedera," xvii, 668.



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