1620, May 27.


[Manufacture of Tobacco-pipes.]


A Proclamation commanding Conformity to his Majesties pleasure, expressed in his late Charter to the Tobacco-pipe-makers.

Whereas divers of the poorer sort of Our Subjects have heretofore lived by the trade of making Tobacco pipes, but for want of power to retaine and keepe their Apprentices and servants in due obedience, and to restraine others from intruding upon their Arte, the auncient Makers have not so well prospered as was desired: For prevention of which inconveniences, and for reducing the workemen in that trade to such a competent number, as they might bee governed after the example of other Societies, who florish by ranging themselves under good Orders; We did by Our late Charter Incorporate a selected number of the most ancient, and such others as they for skill and honestie should admit into their Socitie: Thereby prohibiting all others who were not members thereof, to make any sort of Tobacco-pipes within Our Realme of England or Dominion of Wales; And thereby also commanding, that no person or persons directly, or indirectly should buy Tobacco-pipes to sell againe, of, or from the hands of any others then the knowne Members of the said Societie. Yet neverthelesse being lately informed by Certificate from sundry Our Justices of Peace of Our Counties of Middlesex and Surrey (who in due obedience of Our Royall pleasure, declared in Our said Charter, did in person assist the execution of the same) That divers lewde and obstinate offenders, had fortified themselves in their houses with weapons, And in contempt of Our Regall Authority resisted them, comming with the severall Warrants of the Lord Chiefe Justice of Our Bench, and other the Justices of Peace within Our Citie of London, and the said counties of Middlesex and Surrey; And also that there were divers il disposed persons (who delighting to oppose al good orders) contemptuously maintained these underhand offendors, some by harboring the unlawfull Makers of Tobacco-pipes secretly in their houses, there to make them contrary to Our Charter, to the end to partake of the stolne profit thereof; Others, by buying secretly this under-hand made ware, in contempt of Our Authority, and with an evill intent of overthrowing this Societie which we have sought to establish.

Now therefore, that by the presumptuous example of these disobedient persons, others may not be incouraged hereafter by impunity to presume to resist and contemne Our Royall Commandement in matters of greater moment, or to withstand the authority of Magistrates and government, These are to charge and straitly command, that no persons whatsoever within this Our Realme of England and Dominion of Wales shall hereafter presume to make any manner of Tobacco-pipes, but such as are or shall bee members of the said Societie: nor shall presume to harbour in their houses any Tobacco-pipe-makers to use their trade there, who are not of the said Societie; nor that any person or persons (especially who buy Tobacco-pipes to sell againe) shall at any time, or in any place buy or obtaine by any meanes, directly or indirectly any Tobacco-pipes whatsoever, from any under-handmakers or others, but only from such as are knowne members of the said Societie, and that at their common Hall, or other knowne Warehouses appointed, or hereafter to bee appointed, where they may bee bought by all Our loving Subjects, upon paine of Our high displeasure, and such punishments as are due for such contempts, whereof We shall require a strict account by proceeding against the offendours in Our Court of Starre-Chamber.

Further commanding, that if at any time heereafter any person shall bee so audacious as to fortifie themselves in their houses, or in the houses of any other, or to withstand Our will and pleasure heerein, or to resist Our authoritie given and imparted to Our Lord chiefe Justice and others, in the search or apprehension of them, or any of them; Then Wee doe heereby will and require, that sufficient power be had and taken by such who shal have such Warrants, to apprehend such obstinate and contemptuous persons, and to carry them before Our said chiefe Justice, or other Justice of the Peace, that punishment may be inflicted on them in the severest manner Our Lawes will permit by imprisoning their bodie, till they have put in sufficient suretie for their good behaviour afterwards. Heereby further, straitly charging Our Atturney generall for the time being, that he cause all and every such wilfull and disobedient persons, for such their high contempt in this behalfe, to be prosecuted in Our Court of Starre-Chamber (where Our will is they shall bee sharpely punished) according to the measure of such their audacious and bold resistance of Our Royall commandement. And to the intent that these fraudes and abuses may the better be found out and punished, Our pleasure is, that it shall and may bee lawfull for any two, or more of the said Societie, together with a lawfull officer to enter into any suspected place or places, at lawful and convenient times, there to search for, and finde out any under-hand made, or sold Tobacco-pipes; And all such so found to seize, take, and carry away, and them safelye to keepe to bee disposed of, according to the tenor of Our sayd Charter.

And lastly, for the full execution of this Our Royall Commandement, Wee will and require the Lord Maior of our Citie of London, for the time being, and all other Maiors, Shiriffes, Justices of Peace, Bailiffes, Constables, and all other Officers and Ministers whatsoever; That they and every of them in their severall Offices and places, bee from time to time ayding and assisting to the Master, Wardens, and Societie of Tobacco-pipe makers in the due execution and accomplishment of this Our Royall will and Commandement, as they tender Our pleasure, and will answere the contrary at their perill.

Given at Our Court at Theobalds the seven and twentieth day of May, in the eighteenth yeere of Our Reigne of Great Britaine, France and Ireland.

God save the King.

Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, and John Bill, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majestie. Anno Dom. M.DC.XX.

2 pp. folio. Copies in Antiq., I. T., P. C., P. R. O., and Q. C. Entered on Patent Rolls.



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