1619, May 18.


[Importation of Whale-fins from Greenland.]


A Proclamation inhibiting the Importation of Whale Finnes into his Majesties Dominions by any, but the Muscovy Company.

Whereas Wee by Our Proclamation given at Wansted, the eleventh day of September in the twelfth yeere of Our reigne of Great Brittaine, France, and Ireland,[1] for the reasons therein expressed, and for the incouragement of Our welbeloved Subjects, the company of Merchants trading for Muscovia, Greeneland[2] and the parts adjoyning, commonly called the Muscovia Company, did straitly and expresly forbid and prohibit all Aliens and Strangers whatsoever, and also all Our owne Subjects (others then the sayd Muscovia Merchants, and that in their joynt stock) to bring into any Our Kingdomes, and Dominions any Whale Finnes upon paine of confiscation of the same, and of Our high indignation and displeasure, and of such further punishment as should be meet to be inflicted upon the Offenders for their contempt in that behalfe.

Now forasmuch as We are given to understand, That Our sayd Proclamation took not that good effect, nor found that due obedience and conformity which We expected: We have therefore in further manifestation of our former intentions and gracious favor towards the sayd Company, thought good eftsoones to publish Our Royall pleasure heerein, and to revive and quicken Our sayd former Proclamation, which We cannot but take in ill part, hath beene so much neglected: And therefore We doe by these presents straitly charge, prohibit, and forbid, aswell all Alliens and Strangers whatsoever, as also Our naturall born Subjects and Denizens, That they nor any of them (other then the sayd Muscovia Merchants, and that in their joynt stocke onely) shall from hencefoorth directly or indirectly import, or bring into Our Kingdomes and Dominions, or any of them, any Whale Finnes, upon paine of forfeiture, and confiscation of the same, whether they be found on board of any Ship, Hoy, Boate, or Bottome, or layd on land in any warehouse, storehouse, shop, cellar, or any other place whatsoever, and upon paine of Our high Indignation and displeasure, and such other punishment, as by Our Court of Starre chamber shalbe thought meet to be inflicted upon them, or any of them, as contemners of Our Royall will and commandement in this behalfe.

And Wee doe likewise straitly charge, prohibite and forbid, aswell all Aliens and Strangers, as Our naturall borne Subjects and Denizens (other then the sayd Muscovia Merchants) that they nor any of them doe presume to buye, utter, sell, barter or contract for, any Whale finnes, knowing the same to be imported into any of our Realmes or Dominions contrary to Our wil and pleasure heerein declared, upon paine of Our high indignation and displeasure, and such further punishment as by Our said Court of Starre chamber shall bee thought meet to be inflicted upon such offenders, as contemners also of Our Royall commandement. And to the end this Our pleasure may take the better effect, We doe heereby charge, and command all Customers, Comptrollers, Searchers, Waiters, Farmors, and Collectors of Our Customes, and other our Officers and Ministers, carefully to attend every one in his severall place, the execution heereof, and in no wise to permit or suffer any Whale finnes directly or indirectly, openly or privately to be brought, or imported into any Our Kingdomes or Dominions, contrary to Our Royal pleasure heerein expressed, or being so imported, that they doe not permit, or suffer the same to bee colourably customed for other goods and Merchandize, but that foorthwith they or some of them doe seize and take to Our use all such Whalefinnes as shall be so imported, and immediately upon such seizure made, to give notice thereof in writing to Our Register for forfeitures in Our Custome house in the Port of London, upon paine to undergoe such punishment, as shalbe thought meet by the Lords of Our Privie Councell.

Neverthelesse Our intent and meaning is, That the sayd Muscovie Company, and none other, shall or may buy, and sell, barter, or contract for, any such Whalefinnes, as being imported contrary to this Our Proclamation shalbe confiscate and seized, and the same, being sold by the sayd Company, may be afterward bought, contracted for, and used by any other Our Subjects at their wil and pleasure. Any thing heerein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

Given at Our Mannour of Greenwich, the eighteenth day of May, in the seventeenth yeere of our Raigne of England, France, and Ireland, and of Scotland the two and fiftieth.

Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton and John Bill, Printers to the Kings most excellent Majestie. Anno. M.DC.XIX.

2 pp. folio. There are two issues slightly varying in set-up. Copies in Antiq., B. M., Dalk., I. T., P. C., P. R. O., and Q. C.


[1] Refers to the proclamation of September 11, 1614. In 1618 the East India Adventurers had joined stock with the Muscovy Company to form one joint company for the whale fishery, but after two years of unsuccessful adventuring the agreement was dissolved (Anderson, Origin of Commerce, ii, 360, 367).

[2] Spitzbergen, rather than Greenland proper.



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