1619, December 30.


[Forbidding Planting of Tobacco in England.]


A Proclamation to restraine the planting of Tobacco in England and Wales.

It is not unknowen what dislike Wee have ever had of the use of Tobacco, as tending to a generall and new corruption, both of mens bodies and maners: Neverthelesse it is of the two, more tolerable, that the same should be imported amongst many other vanities and superfluities which come from beyond the Seas, then permitted to be planted here within this Realme, thereby to abuse and misimploy the soile of this fruitfull Kingdome: For which purpose by Our direction, Letters of late have beene addressed from our Councell of State, prohibiting the plantation thereof within a certaine distance of Our City of London: But entring into further consideration of the manifold inconveniences of suffering this nourishment of vice, (and nothing else) as a noysome and running Weede, to multiply and overspread within this Our Kingdome, Wee are resolved upon many and weightie reasons of State, to make the said Prohibition generall.

For first, Wee are informed, That whereas the use of forreine Tobacco was chiefly vented, and received in Cities and great Townes, where ryot and excesse useth to take place, it is now by the Inland plantation become promiscuous, and begun to be taken in every meane Village, even amongst the basest people.

Secondly, Wee are given to understand from divers persons of skill and experience, That the English Tobacco, howsoever some doe presume or imagine by industrie and experience to rectifie it, and make it good (wherein it is easie for opinion to doe mischiefe) yet it is certeinly in it selfe more crude, poysonous and dangerous for the bodies and healths of Our Subjects, then that that comes from hotter Climates; So that the medicinall use of Tobacco (which it is that that is onely good in it, and to be approoved) is in this kind also corrupted and infected.

Thirdly, Whereas Our Colonies and Plantations in Virginia and the Sommer Islands, (being proper and naturall Climates for that plant, and the true temper thereof) receive much comfort by the Importation thereof into this Kingdome, (which it is to be respected at least in the Interim, untill Our said Colonies may grow to yeeld better and more solide commodities) Now the said Trading from thence is and will be by the Plantation within this Realme, choaked and overthrowen.

Fourthly, Wee doe find also, that the reason that mooved Us to interdict the planting thereof neere the Citie of London, (which was in regard of the conversions of garden grounds, and rich soyled grounds from divers Roots and Herbes, fit for victuall and sustenance, unto this harmefull vanitie) extendeth likewise unto all Cities, Townes and Villages, and rather more, by how much the povertie is greater there, then here above.

And lastly, for that it doeth manifestly tend to the diminution of Our Customes, which is a thing, that although in case of good Manufactures, and necessary commodities Wee doe little esteeme; Yet where it shall be taken from Us, and no good but rather hurt thereby redound to Our people, Wee have reason to preserve.

Wee therefore intending in time to provide a remedie for this spreading evill, which hath in a very few yeeres dispersed it selfe into most parts of Our Kingdomes, doe hereby straightly charge and command all and every person and persons of what degree or condition soever, That they or any of them, by themselves, their servants, workemen or labourers, doe not from and after the second day of Februarie next, presume to sow, set, or plant, or cause to be sowen, set or planted, within this Our Realme of England, or Dominion of Wales, any sort or kinde of Tobacco whatsoever, And that they or any of them, shall not, or doe not hereafter maintaine, or continue any olde stockes, or plants of Tobacco, formerly sowen or planted, but shall foorthwith utterly destroy and roote up the same, converting and imploying the ground and soyle thereof to some other lawfull uses and purposes, as to them shall seeme best, upon paine of contempt of Our Royall commandement, to be proceeded with according to Our Lawes, and Prerogative Royall with all severitie.

And therefore, for the more due execution of the premisses, Wee doe further will, require and command all Mayors, Sheriffes, Justices of Peace, Bayliffes, Constables, and other Officers and ministers, to whom it shall or may appertaine, That they and every of them, shall from time to time diligently and carefully intend the due and exact observation of this Our Royall pleasure, And that they permit not, nor suffer any thing to be done, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this Our Proclamation, but withstand the same to their uttermost power, as they tender Our service: And further that they take order that such offenders, labourers, or workemen, as shal persist in the sowing or planting of Tobacco, in this Our Realme or Dominion of Wales, or in the maintaining or continuing any old stocks, or former plantations thereof hereafter, may be called before them, and be bound in Recognizances of good summes to Our use, to appeare in Our Court of Starrechamber, there to be prosecuted by Our Attourney generall, as contemners of Our expresse Commandement, Proclamation, and Prerogative Royall; wherein (especially in a cause of this nature) Wee will expect, and require of all Our Subjects, their due conformitie and obedience.

Given at Our Palace of Westminster the thirtieth day of December, in the seventeenth yeere of Our Reigne of Great Britaine, France and Ireland.

God save the King.

Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, and John Bill, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majestie. Anno MDC.XIX.

2 pp. folio. Copies in Antiq., I. T., P. C., P. R. O., and Q. C.



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