1618, June 9.


[Censuring Sir Walter Raleigh for sacking St. Thomas.]


A Proclamation declaring His Majesties pleasure concerning Sir Walter Rawleigh, and those who adventured with him.

Whereas We gave Licence to Sir Walter Rawleigh,[1] Knight, and others of Our Subjects with him, to undertake a Voyage to the Countrey of Guyana, where they pretended great hopes and probabilities to make discovery of certain Gold Mines, for the lawfull enriching of themselves, and these Our Kingdoms: Wherein We did by expresse limitation and Caution restraine, and forbid them and every of them, from attempting any Acte of hostility, wrong, or violence whatsoever, upon any of the Territories, States, or Subjects of any forraine Princes, with whom Wee are in amitie: And more peculiarly of those of Our deare Brother the King of Spaine, in respect of his Dominions and Interests in that Continent. All which notwithstanding, We are since informed by a common fame, that they, or some of them have, by an hostile invasion of the Towne of S. Thome (being under the obedience of Our said deare Brother the King of Spaine) and by killing of divers of the inhabitants thereof, his Subjects, and after by sacking and burning of the said towne, (as much as in them for their owne parts lay) malitiously broken and infringed the Peace and Amitie, which hath beene so happily established, and so long inviolably continued betweene Us and the Subjects of both our Crownes.

Wee have therefore held it fit, as appertaining neerely to Our Royall Justice and Honor, eftsoones to make a publique declaration of Our owne utter mislike and detestation of the said insolences, and excesses, if any such have beene by any of Our Subjects committed: And for the better detection and clearing of the very trueth of the said common fame; Wee doe heereby straitly charge and require all Our Subjects whatsoever, that have any particular understanding and notice thereof, upon their duety and alleagiance which they owe Us, immediately after publication of this Our pleasure, to repaire unto some of Our Privy Counsell, and to discover and make knowne unto them their whole knowledge and understanding concerning the same, under paine of Our High displeasure and indignation; that Wee may thereupon proceede in Our Princely Justice to the exemplary punishment and coertion of all such, as shal be convicted and found guilty of so scandalous and enormous outrages.

Given at Our Mannor of Greenwich, the ninth day of June, in the sixteenth yeere of Our Raigne of England, France and Ireland, and of Scotland the one and Fiftieth.

God save the King.

Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton, and John Bill, deputie Printers for the Kings most Excellent Majestie. Anno M.DC.XVIII.

1 p. folio. Copies in Antiq., B. M., I. T., P. C., P. R. O., and Q. C. Entered on Patent Rolls. Printed in Rymer's "Foedera," xvii, 92, where it is dated June 11, 1618.


[1] Raleigh's voyage for the discovery of gold mines in Guiana (the modern Venezuela) was projected in 1616. He was released from the Tower in March of that year and sailed from Plymouth with a fleet of fourteen ships in June, 1617. The expedition seemed doomed to failure from the start, and after St. Thomas was attacked and burned in December, 1617, Raleigh was compelled to return to England without having attained his object. He landed at Plymouth in June, 1618, and after the due form of trial was executed, although upon a sentence of 1603, on October 29, 1618 (Dictionary of National Biography, vol. 47, pp. 197-200, where authorities are cited). Raleigh's commission for undertaking the voyage, dated August 26, 1616, is printed in Rymer's Foedera, xvi, 789.



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