The observance of the Lord’s day partook largely of the general religious declension which characterised the conclusion of the eighteenth century. Fresh invasions were constantly made on its sanctity; and practices which a century before would have startled the most careless, were unconsciously acquiesced in even by the religious. England, as a nation, never made the large professions of strictness which marked the north, and its remembrance of the day, such as it was, became feebler as time progressed; while in Scotland, which always had a name as a Sabbath-keeping land, the evil influence grew visibly in its populous towns, and was seen gradually diffusing itself throughout the country. The Post-Office, with its mail-coaches, runners, letters, and newspapers, and the hackney-coach, are among the standing memorials of this falling away. Happily, however, for the cause of every thing sacred and expedient, a revival of religion took place in both ends of the island, which, manifesting itself first in the Churches, did not fail speedily to embrace within its action the great matter of the observance of the Lord’s day. The author had the happiness to renew an earlier acquaintance with this excellent and distinguished person under the gallery of the House of Commons in the year 1833, when, in the playful language which was a characteristic of the man, he was “enlisted as a Sabbath recruit, the smart-money being a cup of tea in Bellamy’s.” From that night to the last hour of this lamented gentleman’s active life, he had the happiness of serving under him in the struggle; and having seen more intimately than most persons the nature of his principles and policy, which were eminently wise and practical, and their gradual systematising, he records in these pages such particulars as may be of use to others; taking up the pen, as he does, singly, because much that is valuable may otherwise be lost, now that death has interposed. If It is proper to add, in order to prevent misconceptions, that this paper in no way bears on, or is affected by, the question of Establishment or Voluntaryism, compulsion or free action. In some quarters the name of Sir Andrew Agnew has come to be so associated with Sabbath legislation, that his general measures have too often been regarded with some prejudice, even by good men yielding to an undefined alarm about voluntaryism. It is due, however, to his memory to say, that while adhering to the last, with fresh constancy, to his original principles on the subject of legislation, he freely, and as faithfully as freely, held these in suspense in all those Sabbath enterprises where men of opposite views on that point agreed to act together. And, in regard to these pages, let no doubt or suspicion arise in any quarter. Their sole object is to promote harmonious action on the part of lovers of the Lord’s day in It has been stated that the agitation of the Sabbath question took its origin in England. It was soon, however, imported into Scotland. Various causes had both delayed the measure there, and at length made way for it. Scotland had long, and for long deservedly, possessed the character of a Sabbath-observing nation; and, notwithstanding its days of declension, the people had been so accustomed to this character, that they lived very complacently on the strength of it. Nor was it till circumstances had awakened them to the sense of the change that had come over their dream, that it was felt necessary to do something in the north actively, as well as elsewhere. The publication of the evidence of Sir Edward Lees, the secretary of the Post-Office, in regard to the Edinburgh mobs which crowded Waterloo Place every Sunday in quest of their letters, and which excited much surprise and not a little displeasure, but was all the while too true, was one of those circumstances which stirred up the Scotch mind to active resistance of the evil. It may also be added, that the very constitution of the Churches in the north tended for a time to lull the people into quietness; for the popular character of these Churches, with their parochial, provincial, and General Assemblies and debates, might well be regarded as in some measure superseding popular agitation. Accordingly, when the English fire crossed the borders, it did not spread at first with any exemplary energy, nor did it burst out with force at all, till a movement took place within the Scottish railway companies to run coaches on the Sabbath-day, in the face of the long-settled convictions and habits of the country. Then, indeed, was shown the efficacy of The English movement within the railways for Sunday coaching had long preceded the Scotch attempt. But coming in the rear of other prevailing habits, it failed in exciting that indignation which was its rightful due; and so long as the iniquity was limited to the south, the people of Scotland, strong in their imagined security, and slow of uptake as to any new thing—though quite learned enough to know the force and meaning of the Tua res agitur dum proximus paries ardet—failed to take active alarm for a very considerable time. In regard also to England, it of course must be allowed that the religious classes there did certainly feel aggrieved, and took some quiet steps, even within the companies—though of a very courteous, timid, and hesitating kind—to induce these companies to abstain from their railway trading. But with that certain peculiar spirit in public religious things, which, pious and excellent as in itself it is, so often evaporates there in mere adjuration and protest, instead of embodying itself in earnest “contending for the faith,” the struggle in England, saving here and there in the pulpit and press, ceased altogether as a public thing; and the very men who had maintained the controversy for a time within the railway companies, mistakingly deeming it Christian to cease from godly strife, withdrew from that field whenever the first success was effected by the enemy. They sold out their stock, under the baseless notion that they would become partakers of the iniquity by remaining at their posts and endeavouring to bring their fallen shareholders to righteous dealing; thus leaving these parties undisputed masters of the Lord’s day, and henceforth acting on the gainsaying public merely by their Lord’s-day Society’s Not so in the north. When the first attempt was made to establish systematic railway traffic on the Sabbath day, the country rose en masse against it, and to this hour the fight for the faith has been maintained, if with various success, still with unvarying fervour and firmness, not to cease, it is trusted, till the cause of truth shall prevail. General indignation was excited, and every where expressed itself in debated remonstrances from public bodies, civil and ecclesiastical, and from popular meetings. It, at the same time, broke forth most significantly in a “declaration” or pledge not to use the railway at all, or at any rate, not while any other practicable conveyance was attainable, so long as it continued to violate the religious feelings of the country by desecrating the Lord’s day. Whatever may be thought on the subject of the principle of this declaration, the fact that it was adopted, and, at the risk of much personal inconvenience, speedily signed by more than a hundred thousand, is honourable to the religious zeal of Scotland; and that it was steadfastly observed for years by multitudes till the change came, in the face of great annoyance and privation, operated, we know, powerfully on the minds of the English gentlemen who at length brought about that change. It has since been the general opinion, that the “declaration” rested thus far on an erroneous principle, that, instead of addressing the consciences of the violating directors, it assailed their selfishness, and for the good of the Sabbath did the evil of interfering with the business of the six days in which there is a command to work. But it was a noble, self-denying ordinance, and was so regarded by the honourable baronet to whom reference has been made, The railway company addressed was deaf to remonstrance. The evil was established on one important line, and was likely to spread as new lines were opened. The efforts of the pulpit and of the press also were redoubled; but while these served gradually to indoctrinate the land, and, through the blessing of God, might stay the evil in the lapse of time, still, on the other hand, the iniquity was in the mean time being firmly established, the country was being familiarized with it, and no reflecting person could fail to fear the effect of familiar habit in undermining even the most rooted principle. It became of importance thus not only to meet it by the general pressure of religious principle, but to encounter it within the walls of the offending companies, by arguments addressed in their presence to the consciences and interests of directors and shareholders, in the hope of prevailing on them, through moral suasion, to abandon the obnoxious policy, and return to right dealing. For this end, the writer of these pages submitted to his honourable friend and leader—who, in his letters at this time, was constantly grieving over his inability to work in the wake of the “declaration,” and exclaiming every now and them, “False position! false position!”—the scheme of purchasing as much railway stock as would give a voice in the half-yearly meetings of companies, and there maintaining the cause of truth and godliness. A prompt and animated reply was the immediate result, and a commission to purchase the requisite stock. Was this not a proof of what the world did not know, the practical business-like tact, no less than the deep-founded principle, of this lamented man? The struggle began under the auspices of Sir Andrew Agnew in the Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway Company. It was continued—it was successful. It spread, as new Scottish lines opened, into the North British under the charge of Mr Blackadder—the Caledonian (alas!), of Sir Andrew Agnew—the Northern, of Mr Maitland Heriot of Ramornie—and the Central, of Mr Campbell of Monzie. It crossed the border, and it is now maintained as an English question It is impossible, and it would be most ungrateful, to overlook the eminent services of “The Sabbath Alliance,” itself a fruit of the agitation of the question of the Lord’s day, and a powerful agent in its cause. Its basis is thoroughly orthodox, recognising, as it expressly does, the whole truth of God in regard to the Sabbath, its divine institution, and the perpetual obligation of the Fourth Commandment of the Moral Law. While thus it excludes from its membership all who deny any portion of the truth, it includes in the matter of its actings all who differ on the point of the civil magistrate’s authority to interfere in regard to the observance of the day. It thus so far restricts its actings as an Alliance as to avoid all application to the law or the legislature, save only to the effect of rescinding existing laws whose purpose is to compel And so these “little people” will go vigorously on, undismayed, even though, in the inscrutable providence of Almighty God, their beloved leader be taken away from their eyes with a stroke; or though Seriously, it is earnestly to be hoped that religious shareholders will take warning from the miserable experience of the past, and hold on, should Mr Locke’s bill pass—not giving way to a second panic, and betaking themselves to foolish flight, intimidated by the bugbear of an anti-Deity act of Parliament. And again, while we say this in reference to the Quitting preliminaries and generalities, it is now time to present to the Sabbatarian soldier the manual of his exercise and tactics, to which all that goes before is introductory. The manual shall be narrowed within the closest practicable compass. “Be practical, be practical!” then—the frequent exclamation of our departed leader—shall be our steady aim—in medias res, our watchword. I. Principles of Action.First of all, the strength of our position, the foundation on which we rest, the star which is our guide, the stay in defeat, the hope in adversity, the confidence in weakness, the power that makes invincible, is the word of God: “Remember the Sabbath-day, 2. The Sabbath contended for is one natural day in seven, every single portion of which is as sacred as every other portion; and no distinction of canonical and uncanonical, or morning and evening hours exists, or is to be listened to. All the day is the Lord’s day. 3. Works of necessity and mercy are not exceptions to the Sabbath rule; they are a part of the commandment implied in its terms, and authoritatively sanctioned by the Lord of the Sabbath. But the necessity must be real, and the mercy unquestionable; the one not such as prudent foresight or patient waiting would supersede, nor the other mere trifling or mawkishness. 4. Such being the doctrinal test of the true Sabbatarian, it may not be amiss to add, that there is a practical test which has been found valuable, viz., that he repudiates all systematic Sabbath railway traffic, whether morning or evening, and whether for man or mail—hating post-office traffic equally with railway traffic. He rejects the morning and evening scheme both on principle and on policy—on principle, because he holds all portions of the day equally holy; and on policy, because he knows that the iniquity once insinuated into a portion of the day will diffuse itself over the whole; and that the public, once swallowing the little bait, and committing the little sin, will become familiarised with the whole evil, and soon have neither moral principle nor courage left to oppose its out-and-out establishment. In regard, again, to the mail train, this is certainly, in the Sabbatarian’s 5. It follows, as a portion of the Sabbatical principle, that it never yields—no, not by a hair’s-breadth. The command is exceeding broad, and no apparent good is a real good which involves the slightest concession. The absolute purity of the principle is the talisman of success, never to be tarnished without ruin to the cause. 6. It farther follows, in the memorable words of the departed Baronet, “That we have nothing to do with success; that is in better hands than ours. We have only to do with means.” The consequence of which is, that we never trouble ourselves with the anxious inquiries of the timid—“What chance is there of succeeding? Have you got any more votes? Is it worth while to try? Is it not hopeless?” &c. &c. Contending for the command and honour of God, these things affected our Sabbath course practically in no way; they generally were the snare of the half-and-halfers alone. No doubt we counted our numbers, glad of their increase; but the less carefulness about these things, and the more confidence in the impregnability of the principle there is, the better for the cause, and the better for the man. 7. Decided firmness thus is of unspeakable value in this work. But it is not all. It must ever be tempered with courtesy. Temper indeed and courtesy, beautiful ornaments of the Sabbath defender, are powerful aids to his argument—“Remember, gentlemen,” said our late leader, “these men are just as well entitled to hold their opinions as we are to hold II. Mode of Action before Meetings.1. Two men (or any greater number, ad libitum) thus principled, having established themselves in a railway company by the purchase of (at least) as much stock as will yield a vote, may proceed to action without fear. The whole agitation in the railway companies so began; and, for many a long day, it was carried on but by a handful. 2. Let the men who enter the arena be assured that it is very good to arrange with the clergy and religious classes of the town where railway companies have their headquarters, to hold meetings for public and private prayer, and to appoint these especially for the Sabbath preceding the railway meetings; for it must be reiterated to satiety, that the struggle is a religious one; and while there is even worldly policy 3. In the same way, the little band must meet before the hour of the company meeting, and join in prayer. The Edinburgh and Glasgow handful never appeared in the Queen Street Chambers without having previously in the Bath Hotel, or other rendezvous, prostrated themselves before Almighty God, in earnest seeking of his guidance. And then, come weal or come woe, every thing came right. This previous meeting is useful for other than the business of prayer. Here it is right to arrange the order of battle for the day. The parties to move and second, for instance, must here be fixed, as well as the skirmishers who are to be ready to support them. The motion to be made must also be determined on. 4. On this subject, it may, after all experience, be stated that the best motion to make is, “That no systematic traffic be carried on on the Lord’s-day.” This form of words excludes the obnoxious thing, meets the commandment, and leaves an opening for all needful arrangements for “necessity and mercy” cases—a class multiplied and magnified to worldly vision, but scarce known in fact and truth. III. Mode of Action at the Meetings.1. On this subject, it is of great consequence for the party to be well versed in the forms of conducting the business of a public meeting. These, in general, are borrowed from the admirable, and most just, and time-saving forms of the House of Commons, more or less acknowledged, and, it may be added, increasingly adopted at all public meetings in this country. The genius and principle of these forms is, and the duty of a faithful chairman ever is, the protection of the minority. A majority is always safe, and can protect itself. But the form of business throws a shield 2. Where the business of the meeting is conducted with fairness, it is advisable to allow the directors’ report to be discussed and disposed of, and to leave the secular business proper to be settled before the Sabbath motion—which is the secular-sacred—be tabled. But where there are symptoms of unfairness, and of a disposition to suppress the discussion, then the safe 3. One thing to be added is, that the Sabbath party ought to make a point at all meetings of dividing. Generally the personal attendance of friends is greater than their proxy strength; and it is very encouraging to the friends to know one another by face. On the contrary, there are not a few of the opponents who feel themselves somewhat in an awkward predicament—professors not quite relishing the exhibition of themselves as enemies of the Sabbath; and who knows but that, where this feeling is found, it is symptomatic of incipient change? At any rate, the division brings all the real friends into prominent action; and so, their names being dotted down at the time by the whipper-in, they may be summoned henceforth to the private meetings, and become doubly efficient; as much more so than before, as a party of drilled soldiers are than an awkward squad of recruits. 4. And this leads us to say, that all friends should, where possible, attend in person, instead of resting at home and flying their mere proxy into the field. The moral influence of the living man is great. It ought always, besides, to be remembered, that where directors fight within a wall of majorities, personal and proxy-form, the defenders of the faith are exposed to an overbearing pressure, which is to be met with a serried strength on their side. Their great point is, to be heard, that they may speak the words of truth in the ears of the company and of the country. But this the adversary instinctively hates; and this, 5. We add a word on the subject of the proxy system at large, which gives an unlimited preponderance to wealth over number. Bad as this is, it would be tolerable if wealth must always hear before it strikes. But the proxy system acts without hearing. Directors spending the monies of companies in providing themselves with proxies, establish for themselves a sort of despotic power, which, even after an argument that would have reached the conscience of wealth itself had it been there to listen, declares its pre-determination, and proceeds in its reckless course, regardless of reasons. This is a system which ought to be stopped by act of parliament. The power of granting proxies should be taken away; and then the truth on every question, secular as well as sacred, would have fair play. For the wholesome effect would not be limited to the Sabbath question. There are many things coming home to worldly business and bosoms which the ventilation of personal attendance would greatly tend to rectify. 6. The Sabbath party had better not generally incur the expense of proxies; they should merely ask individual proprietors to send them in extraordinary cases. Their best general policy is, to request friendly shareholders, prevented by necessary causes from giving personal attendance, to address letters to the leader expressive of their adherence to the cause, and adding the number of shares held by them. These the leader will put in by way of exordium to his speech, naming a few of the more influential and conspicuous. 7. It is necessary to add, that the debate having proceeded, and the motion being disposed of—it may for the present be assumed unfavourably—the 8. One important point remains to be considered. What ought to be the subject-matter of the railway debate? On this point it is proper to bear in mind, that while, at the opening of the controversy, the discussion most properly assumed a polemical form, embracing questions of Christian faith at large as opposed to dissolute infidelity, latterly the field has been considerably narrowed. Whether the enemy were driven from the infidel position by the power of argument or the force of shame, we know not; but latterly the line of defence has fallen back very much on the “necessity and mercy” plea, which of course assumes the divine authority of the day of rest. And most certainly it is advisable to follow their lead, and address the argument as to Christians frankly and avowedly, leaving all others to vindicate and vote for their Sabbath traffic at pleasure. This saves the necessity of a great deal of preaching; for if, according to the standards of all evangelical churches, the Lord’s day is to be kept as a sacred day of rest—the institution of God himself—then it must be vain to argue with men professing to be members of these 9. The question of necessity and mercy then, which alone remains, is capable of much and varied illustration, and deserves and will repay careful study. In a few words, it may be stated as a question, Whether, in order to provide for the few and far between real cases of this description, it is necessary or expedient to entail on the railway staff of the whole island, the tyrannical burden of a toil which knows neither interval nor remission, from week to week and from year’s end to year’s end, save the middle of the night—if that—and as completely deprives unhappy railway officials of the moral and religious blessings of God’s appointed Sabbath as if they were so many beasts. London proclaims that the land needs no Sabbath post. Old Scotland proclaims that it needs no Sabbath coach. Where then is the necessity? where the mercy? Echo answers, Where? 10. On the subject of motions for statistics bearing on the number of Sabbath travellers, and the expense, and consequent profit (or loss) of Sabbath traffic, let the Sabbath leader free himself as much as possible of either. The profit or the loss forms no portion of his principle, just because it forms no part of the commandment; and he is apt, entering into this walk of inquiry, to be ensnared into secularity, whereof the enemy always takes strong and sometimes unfair advantage. Besides, through the process of “cooking” (using this technical term in the gentlest and honestest sense of which it is susceptible), 11. It may be very right, however, for some skirmisher in his band to call for Sabbath statistics; and it is believed that these, when perfectly fair, will support the good cause. But the less the leader has to do with them the better. The more indeed he can, in a missionary way, penetrate into the dwellings of the stokers and switchmen, and there learn, for the public good, the Sabbath statistics of the man, with his declension from the washed face and decent garb, family worship and patriarchal walk to neighbouring church with wife and children, downwards to the greasy hand and clouded face, and cast clothing, and hasty meal, and testy temper, and troubled wife and larking children, of the now Sabbath-breaker—the more of this the better. O, surely, as the Sabbath was made for man, so pre-eminently was it made for the working man, for the poor man! To him, however, the railway director says: “Thou shalt not remember the Sabbath-day; thou shalt not keep it holy; in it thou shalt not only not do no work, but thou shalt do much work. To the poor the gospel shall not be preached.” Lastly. One point of policy, resting on a solid truth, is, while addressing shareholders and proprietors at large, to lay the responsibility of all the Sabbath delinquencies of railways leadingly on the directors. There is not a doubt of the general fact, that where directors take a righteous view of the matter, they easily carry the proprietors, who relieve themselves by devolving responsibility on their boards, and thinking by proxy. Then it is to be remembered that the mass of monied men, who invest for gain, covet Sabbath gains; and so whenever a body of directors quietly have the same wish, but do not relish the shame, they tell the The office of the directorship is equally delicate and important; and it is a singular fact that the chairmen, now or lately, of the whole line from London to Aberdeen (Mr Carr Glyn, Mr Hasell, Mr Hope Johnstone, Lord Breadalbane, and Lord Wharncliffe), are men of decided religious profession. Now, where the Breadalbanes and Forrests, the Hendersons and the Grahams, the Greigs and the Campbells, take office with the purpose of protecting the Sabbath, they merit the homage of the whole Christian world for placing themselves on their vantage ground in the fore-front of the battle; and we entreat them to allow no adverse circumstance whatever to withdraw them from their post of influence and power. To all others who, like these, make a religious profession, but support the Lord’s-day traffic, we say, “You have no call of duty compelling you to be railway directors. Your churches condemn the traffic which you maintain; you paralyse their discipline, and greatly weaken them by your public counteraction of their principles. Put your practice in accordance IV. Miscellaneous.1. Careful regard should be had to the due reporting of the Sabbath debates in the newspapers. It is impossible to overrate the importance of this department of the agitation. Its difficulty almost equals its importance; for generally the newspaper press is hostile. However, if the speeches be short, pithy, and pungent, seasoned with facts, at once good-humoured and high-principled, the reporters will insert them; and, as the question grows in intensity and in public interest, the debate will command attention. Expense ought to be liberally devoted to this branch of the work; and the best way is, to order large numbers of such of the papers for circulation as give tolerable reports. 2. On this subject of newspapers, it ought not to be at meeting times alone that they should be cultivated, but at all times. Whenever any matter of fact bearing on the question occurs, let it be communicated to the newspapers; and in a quiet, impartial way, not in that inflated partisan tone so natural to an ardent zeal. Let the fact tell, and not the way of telling it. In this way the fact, if interesting at all, will re-appear, through the excellent process of scissaring, in other public journals, and possibly in some which would be scared by any high seasoning, or what they would call cant. Letter-writing is an excellent and necessary thing in an agitation. Sir Andrew Agnew used to say that, when he lost his seat in Parliament and his franking power, his wings were clipt. Mr Rowland Hill has given wings to all men (and women) by his penny postage; and there is not a moral or religious cause in the land which has not It is taken for granted that, when a paper or other periodical will admit a controversial article of argument, admission is earnestly to be sought for it. But facts shortly stated tell best, at least in the general newspaper press; and particular care should be taken at all times to suffer no hostile statement or article to pass without its correction or answer. It is always undesirable, in a labour of this kind, to allow any evil impression to settle down undisturbed on the public mind. It may not look formidable at first, but it festers and ferments, and by and by comes to bulk large, or explodes in a formidable way. In an arduous Edinburgh struggle some years ago, the The power of the newspaper press is infinite. It is like the caloric of nature; it overspreads the whole face of society; it insinuates itself into the darkest and coldest, and penetrates the most obtuse, regions. The ever-recurring “article” is like the water-drop, which, small and light in look, will, oft repeated, pierce the hardest rock. To the religious press the obligations of the friends of this cause are unspeakable; and the irreligious helps it too, if not by its violence, at least by its constrained spreading of intelligence, for, with exceptions, the newspaper press at large is fair. 3. Let it be a rule at the headquarters of each of the contested railways—the town where its meetings are held—to keep a list of the Sabbath friends in all the other towns, in each of which it is very important to have some one known leader, or medium of communication; 4. It is, in one sense, needless to say—but it is most important—that every effort should be made to prevail on friends to buy into railway companies. Let not the smallness of the purchase in any case lead to indifference about making it. Its true value may be great, though in numerical worth it is little. Sir Andrew Agnew fought the battle of the Sabbath at Glasgow on a £50 stock certificate; and at periods of depression the qualification may be acquired for much less. Moral weight ever tells; and, when it also has a tongue, it tells more emphatically. 5. In this view, it would be of admirable effect if churches would collect, and invest their clergymen with railway qualifications. Where, for example, a railway, in passing through a parish, annoys the clergyman by the falling away of this good man and that good man, tempted to his soul’s ruin by the holiday 6. Great good has been experienced from the presence of clergymen at the railway meetings. Some of them, indeed, shrink from the railway contest as if it were out of their sphere. But Parliament has consigned the Sabbath to the keeping of the railway shareholders; and is there a solid ground for doubting whether clergymen are in the way of duty when they qualify, for the purpose of lifting their voice in its defence? They are not injured when worldly men speak all manner of evil against them for the Lord’s sake, unless they revile again when they are reviled. On the contrary, their Christian graces are stirred up by the exercise; and they shine more bright—their enemies themselves being judges—when subjected to the friction of rough usage. But of this they will experience little. It is the laity who form the object of attack; and clergymen may be assured that their respected presence less exposes them than it shields the laity. Clergymen speak authoritatively on points of doctrine, and few even of the boldest laymen presume to controvert their doctrine openly, or, if they do, they injure their own cause more than they shake the 7. Parliament having taken up the Sabbath subject, it is well to bear these two advices in mind. First, To send petitions, not to the Plumptres and Breadalbanes of either House because they are known friends; but to the member for the particular locality petitioning, or to any one of the lords who may be resident in the neighbourhood, and known to, or interested in, the people. And, second, to see that letters be written to these noble and honourable persons by electors, or other influential individuals of the district (ladies included), as numerously as possible. If similar letters be also written to the known friends in Parliament, apprising them of the petition, and requesting their attendance and support when it is presented, practical good will by and by be the result. Last, but not least, the doing of these things requires money. It shall not be believed, that if the doing of them be right, the means of doing will be wanting; for they must be done by religious men; and religious men will not withhold money where it is wanted for the service of God. Resuming this whole matter, we urge on the religion of the country, and with equal earnestness and confidence, the conviction, that it is always easy to establish an efficient Sabbath railway action in any railway company, however cold or hostile the country may be. If two gentlemen of principle and determination take as much stock as will afford to each a vote, and one of them give notice that, at the next meeting, he will move against Sabbath traffic; if he and his second be at their post on that occasion, and make their speeches—no matter how long or how short—calmly, resolutely, and with imperturbable good temper; the thing is done. They lose, of course, at first; but the question is entered. They renew Let our two imagined shareholders, thinking over the matter in their homes, stir up themselves to see, that while England boasts, with justice, of its May meetings, they may yet give it its Spring meetings and its Autumn meetings. They may, by their introduction of the Sabbath question into the railways, be the instruments of establishing Spring meetings and Autumn meetings, not less efficient in their own sphere than those of May, in drawing out and diffusing and consolidating the righteous principles of the country, and its holy practice in regard to the observance of the Lord’s-day; that test, cause, and fruit of the religious character of any people. For the practical use of all such devoted men, wherever they may be, they are here presented, within a little compass, with A Summary of Railway Spring and Summer Preparations.1. Let our two friends apply to the company for lists of the proprietors of the railways on which it is meant to act. Having obtained these (as shareholders are entitled by law to have them), 2. Let them prepare a general circular to railway proprietors, concisely expounding the railway Sabbath 3. This circular being printed, may be addressed inside, in manuscript, to each individual, specifying all the railways in the lists of which his name is found. Being addressed outside to him, one postage will cover many railways. 4. This circular should be issued early, without waiting the fixing of the day of railway meetings; the parties being requested in it to advert to these as they are notified to them or advertised by the companies. 5. Let them arrange previously with the movers of the question on each railway; and, if possible, name them (with their addresses) in the circular, requesting interim communications as to each railway, to be addressed to the movers before the meetings. 6. In the circular inclose a slip (marked private) to known friends, containing an intimation that the friends of the Sabbath will meet to consult one hour before, and also immediately after the ensuing railway meetings, at places named. Let this slip also state, that the circular is issued in sufficient time to enable friends to get others to buy stock for the meetings, and let it ask a reply containing the number of shares held. 7. Let the slip farther contain lists of the directors of the different railway companies operated on, and let the friends, male and female, before the meetings, be urged to write to such of the directors or officials as they know (or whether they know them or not), pleading with them against the desecration of the Sabbath, assuring them that they, not the shareholders, are the real authors of the evil, and intreating them to desist. 8. Let this good system be systematically persevered In conclusion, this manual of policy, which, from its very nature, assumes a worldly aspect, cannot close without one general observation of an important character: That while there is ever much liability to forget, in the active use of means, the earnest exercise of faith, so there is a faith which underrates means, and is, in fact, a tempting of God, and a foolishness. When Æsop told his waggoner to help himself and Jove would help him, he showed the cloven foot of his heathenism, and despised God. But when Oliver Cromwell told his men at the fosse of Newark, to pray to God and keep their powder dry, he not only violated no principle, but put himself in thorough accordance with the Scripture principle. In like manner, under the deepest conviction that all which poor mortals can do is to use the means and pray, while the success of the means used rests entirely with God, it is trusted that in these pages not a sentiment is breathed, or a department of policy recommended, which is not based on this great principle. Nothing gives such boldness and confidence in a religious struggle, as an abiding sense of man’s impotence and God’s omnipotence: nothing so fortifies against reverses, and gives such light in darkness; and nothing, we will add, so disturbs the enemy as to see the insignificant little band, bolder without visible strength amidst all their littleness, than he is amidst all his Xerxes-like grandeur and profusion of numbers. Let us hear, however, the conclusion of the whole matter. “Remember the Sabbath-day, to keep it holy.” “Contend earnestly for the faith.” “My grace is sufficient for thee; for my strength is made perfect in weakness.” “When I am weak then I P.S.—The London Railway Record of 7th July, contains the following important acknowledgment by an enemy, of the value of the Railway agitation:—“Let us admit, however, that the present Sabbatarian movement is remarkably practical in its character, and in its working, if not in its objects. Sir A. Agnew agitated the question originally by public declamation, with zeal and enthusiasm but without method. It was not till the Sabbatarians hit upon the plan of buying up railway stock, and proposing and seconding, and sometimes carrying, practical resolutions at railway meetings that any success was achieved. The originator of this plan, we find from an essay reprinted from the Free Church Magazine, was Sir Andrew Agnew’s fidus Achates, Mr J. Bridges of Edinburgh, who, in the essay referred to, recounts the exploits of his party with emphasis, and who certainly deserves credit for a suggestion which has done so much to serve his cause. How far we differ—in degree—from those who hold the uncompromising tenets of the ultra-Sabbatarian School we have already stated. Nevertheless we sympathise with the railway station clerk, who in the Times of yesterday so bitterly denounces the slavery which denies him, and 4000 others, one day of rest from the 1st of January to the 31st of December.” THE END. EDINBURGH: JOHNSTONE, BALLANTYNE, AND CO. |