A cottage built of native stone 272
Again with pleasant green 61
All women born 40
An effigy of brass 262
Angel spirits of sleep 145
A poppy grows upon the shore 26
Ariel, O,—my angel, my own 165
A song of my heart 191
Assemble, all ye maidens 34
Awake, my heart, to be loved 113
A winter’s night with the snow about 101
Beautiful must be the mountains 189
Because thou canst not see 93
Behold! the radiant Spring 66
Beneath the wattled bank 223
Betwixt two billows 169
Bright, my belovÈd, be thy day 287
Christ and his Mother 194
Clear and gentle stream 9
Cold is the winter day 183
Crown Winter with green 160
Dear lady, when thou frownest 22
Fire of heaven, whose starry arrow 143
Flame-throated robin 185
Gay Robin is seen no more 131
Hark! the world is full 289
Hark to the merry birds 128
Haste on, my joys 95
His poisoned shafts 38
How well my eyes 227
I climb the mossy bank 237
I found to-day out walking 25
I have loved flowers that fade 80
I have sown upon the fields 267
I heard a linnet courting 20
I know not how I came 50
I love all beauteous things 123
I love my lady’s eyes 115
I made another song 32
I never shall love the snow again 187
In the golden glade 201
In this May-month 181
I praise the tender flower 99
I saw the Virgin-mother


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