Almighty wondrous everlasting Whether in a cradle of astral whirlfire Or globed in a piercing star thou slumb’rest The impassive body of God: Thou deep i’ the core of earth—Almighty!— From numbing stress and gloom profound Madest escape in life desirous To embroider her thin-spun robe. ’Twas down in a wood—they tell— In a running water thou sawest thyself Or leaning over a pool: The sedges Were twinn’d at the mirror’s brim The sky was there and the trees—Almighty!— A bird of a bird and white clouds floating And seeing thou knewest thine own image To love it beyond all else. Then wondering didst thou speak Of beauty and wisdom of art and worship Didst build the fanes of Zeus and Apollo The high cathedrals of Christ. All that we love is thine—Almighty!— Heart-felt music and lyric song Language the eager grasp of knowledge All that we think is thine. But whence?—Beauteous everlasting!— Whence and whither? Hast thou mistaken? Or dost forget? Look again! Thou seest A shadow and not thyself. |