The Museum Dramatists REPRINTS OF NOTABLE PLAYS Each Volume complete in itself, with Introduction, Glossary, and Facsimile Title-pages Price per Vol., boards, 1/6 net; cloth, 2/- net The Initial Volumes are:—1. Gammer Gurton's Needle.2. Heywood's (J.) Four P.P. and The Pardoner and the Frere.3. Every Man.4. Tom Tiler and his Wife.These will be followed by others selected from the following:—Calisto and MelibÆaJack JugglerJohn John the Husband, Tib his Wife, and Sir John the PriestGrim the Collier of CroydonThe Puritan, or the Widow of Watling Street (Pseudo-Shakespearian)Fair Em (Pseudo-Shakespearian)HickscornerThersitesPatient GrisselThe Three Ladies of LondonThe Three Lords and Three Ladies of LondonThe Two Angry Women of AbingdonA Knack to Know a KnaveWarning to Fair WomenDr. DodypollThe Miseries of Enforced MarriageThe Nice WantonThe Play of LoveWine, Beer, and Ale&c., &c., &c. |