I. Of Feargus and King Penda 1
II. Of Feargus and Torfrida 6
III. The Battle by Trent Water 18
IV. The Flight 29
V. The Parting of Feargus and Torfrida 41
VI. The Fall of Feargus 47
VII. Of the Meeting of Feargus and Osbert 55
VIII. The Dead Hero of the Winwidfield 63
IX. Of the Fate of Feargus 74
X. Of the Woodsman of Sherwood 81
XI. Of Osbert and Torfrida 85
XII. The Outlaws of Sherwood 93
XIII. Awake! 99
XIV. The Meeting in the Forest 101
XV. Of the Villainy of Osbert 107
XVI. Of the Burning of the Hall of Edmund 119
XVII. The Way to Alban 127
XVIII. How they lost their Way in the Greenwood 138
XIX. Their Adventures among the North English 149
XX. How Feargus fell among Thieves 157
XXI. How they fared in the Wild Country 164
XXII. How they fell among Foes 174
XXIII. How Torfrida was stolen 186
XXIV. Of the Castle in the Pentlands 199
XXV. Of the Feast in Siegfried’s Hall 206
XXVI. The Rescue 220
XXVII. The Fight in Fenland 227
XXVIII. The History cometh to an End 236
England in Penda’s Day 237


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