Now, my reader, we have come to the last chapter of this book, which is going to be the hardest chapter of all, and I think, the most important. For though it is going to be about something that nobody quite understands, and something that the more one thinks about, the more he doesn’t understand it, nevertheless it is something that you will have to think about many times in your lives hereafter, and you might as well make a beginning. Besides, though you won’t understand all that I am going to say—largely I am afraid, because I don’t understand it myself—still I trust that you will remember some of it; and by and by when you are sorely puzzled over these matters, perhaps it will help you out. If you will think back over what I have already told you in this book about animals and plants, and recall also what you have yourselves seen, and what you have learned about your own bodies and the way they work, I think you will agree with me, Think, for example, how a little egg, no bigger, it may be, than the head of a pin, with no help from outside, except perhaps a little fresh air and a little warmth, just goes ahead and makes itself over into a grown animal. Consider, too, how well it does the job—every scale and feather and tooth and bone and gland and muscle and claw and nail and blood vessel and nerve and hair, all just in the right place, and just of the right size. When one builds a house, the owner consults the architect, and the architect advises with the contractor, and the contractor puts some of the work on the sub-contractor, and the contractor and the sub-contractors direct the workmen; and among them, in a year or so, they manage to get the house together. But in the world of living things, one little fleck of living protoplasm goes ahead all by itself, and builds a whole living animal, sometimes in a few days. Yet there are more different parts to be made and fitted together in one of your little fingers, than in any common dwelling house, even tho you count the laths behind the plastering and the shingles on the roof—yes, and the nails that Think, too, how resourceful an egg is. It tries its best to grow into a proper animal; but if somebody interferes, to prevent that, then the egg goes pluckily ahead and makes the best it can of a bad matter. If it gets jarred apart so that it cannot make one animal, why then it makes two, or four, or eight. When it can make neither one animal nor two proper and separate twins, it doesn’t give up, but makes some sort of double monster, that at least manages to keep alive. For my own part, I feel a sincere respect for eggs. I wish more of us had their pertinacity. After the egg has made itself into a grown animal, consider how well fitted out that animal is. It has, usually, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, sense of touch, of heat and cold, of taste, and the rest. It has born in it the instincts to find its proper food, to find or build its shelter, to take care of its Yet I sometimes think that the most extraordinary thing about living things, both animals and plants, is the enormous number of different kinds of them. There are some twenty different sorts of cats, of various sizes from lions down; and twice as many different sorts of dogs, wolves, foxes and other dog-like creatures. There are thirty-two different kinds of willow trees in North America, thirty-six different kinds of pine trees, Sixty-three different oaks. As for insects, about three hundred thousand different sorts have already been given names; and there are at least ten times as many more that are still nameless. Do you know how many different races of men there are that you can tell apart by their looks?—Chinamen, Negroes, White men, Tartars, Eskimo, Indians, Malays, Arabs, and I don’t know how many more, all alike in being human, and yet all different. Why there should be such a lot of different So too there must once have been a “father of dogs” whose descendants have changed, some into proper dogs, and some into wolves, and some into foxes, and some into jackals, coyotes, dingos, fennecs, and the rest of the forty-odd sorts of wild dogs—to say nothing of all the various tame dogs, collies and terriers and mastiffs and bull dogs and setters, that you can count up for yourselves. Once too, there was only one kind of man. He probably lived somewhere in southern Asia, and spread out from there, till he possessed the whole earth. Some of him went south-east into the Pacific Islands, and changed into Malays and Australians. Some of him went south-west into Most of these early men, however, started north-east; and because they couldn’t very well cross the great mountains and deserts in central Asia, they ran round the eastern end, and then came back on the other side. On their way, they turned to Chinamen and Japanese. Those that got way up to the north under the Arctic circle became Eskimos. Some of them crossed over by way of Siberia and Alaska (for these countries have not always been as cold as they are now) and turned into American Indians. Then, after these people had got north of the great Asian mountains, others of them turned west, and came clear across into Europe. In fact, they came near to overrunning Europe during the last days of the Roman Empire so that the famous That’s about the way it is with all kinds of animals and plants. Each one starts somewhere, and spreads out in all directions as far as it can, gradually changing as it goes, until from being one sort of pine or oak, there come to be dozens, and instead of one kind of cat or dog there are a score. On the whole, too, the latest kinds of animals and Still one can’t help thinking that if we men can make as many things as we do out of iron—knives and saws and locomotives and bridges and sky-scrapers and battle-ships and all sorts of wonderful machinery, and make them better and better all the while, some wiser being than ourselves might make other and still more wonderful machines out of the life-jelly which we call protoplasm, and keep making them better and better and more and more kinds of them as the ages have gone on. INDEX Air, importance of clean, 276. Ambidexters, 121-122. Amoeba, 40; feeding of, 245. Ants, 194-209. Anti-toxin, 280. and disease, 266 and following, 274 and following. Birds, instincts of 96-98; lizard-like, 351. Blind spot, 186-188. growth of, 50-51; and air, 242 and following; waste matter in, 253 and following; poisons in, 263 and following; living creatures in, 268 and following; as defence, 279 and following; messages by way of, 294 and following; salt in, 329 and following; sea water as, 330 and following. Bones, of chick, 5; of fish, 16; of fish, 16; and speech, 114-118; centers in, 123-135; accidents to, 127-133; complexity of human, 357. Breath, why we get out of, 257 and following. Breakfast table, experiments in recalling, 228-229, 234. Camel, 106. Cat, 12; hunting instinct in, 86-87; and mouse, 94-95; and food in bottle, 102; double paws of, 320; teeth of, 321; sharp claws of, 328; feet of, 341; ancestors of, 350. Caterpillars, and moths, how find their way, 158-163; change to butterflies, 297 and following. of eggs, 25-27; of human beings, 27-29; of plants, 35-37; of bone, 45. Chick, hatching of, 1-2; growth in eggs, 3-6; instincts of, 91-93; gill slits of, 332 and following. Children, 24; best plays for, 58-60; grip of very young, 75-76, 84; swallowing of, 77; compared with animals, 112-114. Cold, and heat, sense of, 169-170; experiments with, 191-192; how we catch, 286. Colors, how we see, 177, 183-185, 197-198. Coon, and box, 102-104. Corn, 66-68. Cork, 43. and stuffed calf, 105-106, 112; Crab, breaking joints of, 309 and following; Date palm, 68. hunting instincts in, 86-88, 95; story of, 100,-101; advantage of speech to, 110,-111; sight and smell in, 220-222; teeth of, 321 and following; claws of, 328; feet of, 341; ancestors of, 349 and following. Dolls, why girls play with, 78-79. Ears, of chicks, 4; of beasts, 28; of ants, 200-202; of other insects, 210; of jelly-fish, 211; of various animals, 211-213; making of, 332; muscles of, 336. Ear minds, 234-235. of other birds, 7-11, 22, 27, 31, 72-73; of fishes, 7, 8, 12, 14-19, 22, 27, 70, 317; of star-fish and sea-urchins, 8-9, 24-27, 69-70, 72, 315, and following; living portion of, 43; birds idea of, 97; effect of accidents to, 315 and following, 358 and following. Elephant, teeth of, 323 and following; trunk of, 343 and following. Enzymes, 291 and following. Evolution, 356. Eyes, 32; of fishes, 16; images in, 175-176; as camera, 176; object of two, 185-186; blind spot of, 186-188; of ants, 197-200; of various creatures, 214-215, 219; of insects, 215-217; black, 300 and following; third, 336. Fatigue, cause of, 255 and following. Fighting in play, 88-90. Fish, growth of, 53-54, 61, 70; feeding of, 246; monsters, 317 and following; gills of, 331. Flies and disease, 269-273, 274 and following, 284. Food, as fuel, 244 and following, 252 and following; importance of clean, 275. Games, best for children, 58-60; why children like, 81-85; of animals, 86-90. whitening of, 301 and following. Head, of chick, 4; of fish, 16; early growth of, 293; shapes of human, 355. Horns, 34. Horse, 12; finds its way, 222-224; epidemic among, 284; teeth of, 321 and following; limbs of, 338 and following; feet of ancient, 348 and following. Hunger and thirst, sense of, 172. Hydra, result of injuries to, 307 and following. Insects, breathing of, 242 and following; and disease, 269. Leading shoot, 144-146. Life, length of in various creatures, 61-64; nature of, 239 and following. life-jelly, 25, 27, 46, 238, 249, 251, 303, 356. Light, growth and turning of plants toward, 147-148, 151-152, 156-157; movement of animals toward, 159-164, 196-197. Liver, and sugar, 260; and bile, 278. Lizard, new legs and tails of, 304 and following; third eye of, 337. Lockjaw, 267 and following, 277. Lungs, of chicks, 5, 6, breathing by, 243 and following. Lymph cells, as defence, 280 and following; duties of, 296 and following, 303. Mammoth, 345. Man, ancient, 351 and following; early migrations of, 354 and following. Milk, importance of clean, 269, 275. Monkey, 12; and box, 101-102; and colds, 285; feet of, 341. Mosquitoes and disease, 269. Mouse, 61-62; and disease, 269; teeth of, 325. Muscles, growth of, 50; working of, 240. Muscle minds, 235-237. Muscular sense, 167-169, 191, 223-225. Nausea, 173. Nerves, of chick, 4-5; growth of, 50. Nose, and smell, 189-190; of ants, 203-209; bacteria in, 277-278. Pain, sense of, 170-172. Parents, advantage of two, 65-66; cases of one, 71-73. Pigs, and rattlesnakes, 264; teeth of, 325 and following. Plants, as engines, 240-241; sickness of, 286 and following. Rat, and maze, 104-105; and disease, 269 and following; teeth of, 325. Reptiles, 63. Roots, growth of, 50, 146-147, 154-155. Salamander, 333 and following. Sea-anemone, 69, 136-140, 307. Second wind, 259. Seeds, of bean, 20-23; and pollen, 66-69. Shark, teeth of, 327. Sight, illusions of, 177-184. as defence, 276 and following. Snake, poison of, 262 and following; teeth of, 327; lung of, 335; limbs of, 350-351. Soils, diseases of, 288. Speech, 108-118; and brain, 114-118; and thought, 119-120. Speech centre, 120-124. Squirrel, teeth of, 325. Star-fish, growth of young, 54-55; food of, 246; re-growth of, 308 and following; monsters, 315 and following. Sugar, as food, 244-245, 251, 253, 291; as poison, 259 and following. Tadpole, change of to frog, 296 and following. Tails, of human beings, 107-108; of birds, 333. growth of, 44-45, 49-50, 299 and following; importance of clean, 277 and following; as tools, 321 and following. Tickling, 89-90. Touch, errors of, 192. Trees, living part of, 42-43; Vaccination, 279 and following. Vine, climbing of, 153-154. Worms, feeding of, 245; repair of injuries to, 305 and following, 311 and following; monsters, 314. |