Musical and harmonic sounds explained—Power of breaking glasses with the voice—Musical sounds from the vibration of a column of air—and of solid bodies—Kaleidophone—Singular acoustic figures produced on sand laid on vibrating plates of glass—and on stretched membranes—Vibration of flat rulers and cylinders of glass—Production of silence from two sounds—Production of darkness from two lights—Explanation of these singular effects—Acoustic automaton—Droz’s bleating sheep—Maillardet’s singing-bird—Vaucanson’s flute-player—His pipe and tabor-player—Baron Kempelen’s talking-engine—Kratzenstein’s speaking-machine—Mr. Willis’s researches. Among the discoveries of modern science, there are few more remarkable than those which relate to the production of harmonic sounds. We are all familiar with the effects of musical instruments, from the deep-toned voice of the organ to the wiry shrill of the Jew’s harp. We sit entranced under their magical influence, whether the ear is charmed with the melody of their sounds, or the heart agitated by the sympathies which they rouse. But though we may admire their external form, and the skill of the artist who constructed them, we never think of inquiring into the cause of such extraordinary combinations. Sounds of all kinds are conveyed to the organ of hearing through the air; and if this element were to be destroyed, all nature would be buried in the deepest silence. Noises of every variety, When a number of single and separate sounds follow each other in rapid succession, they produce a continued sound, in the same manner as a continuous circle of light is produced by whirling round a burning stick before the eye. In order that the sound may appear a single one to the ear, nearly sixteen separate sounds must follow one another every second. When these sounds are exactly similar, and recur at equal intervals, they form a musical sound. In order to produce such sounds from the air, it must receive at least sixteen equally distant impulses or strokes in a second. The most common way of producing this effect is by a string or wire A B, Fig. 40, stretched between the fixed points A, B. If this string is taken by the middle and pulled aside, or if it is suddenly struck, it will vibrate between its two fixed points, as shown in the figure, passing alternately on each side of its axis A B, the vibrations gradually diminishing by the resistance of the air till the string is brought to rest. Its vibrations, however, may be kept up, by drawing a rosined fiddle-bow across it, and while it is Fig. 40. If we now touch the vibrating string A´ B lightly with the finger, or with a feather at the middle point C, Fig. 40, it will give out a more acute but fainter sound than before, and while the extent of its vibrations is diminished, their frequency is doubled. In like manner, if we touch the string A´´ B´´, Fig. 40, at a point C, so that A´´ C is one-third of A´´ B´´, the note will be still more acute, and correspond to thrice the number of vibrations. All this might have been expected; but the wonderful part of the experiment is, that the vibrating string A´ B´ divides itself at C into two parts A´ C, C B´, the part A´ C vibrating round A and C as fixed points, and the part C B´ round C and B´, but always so that the part A´ C is at the same distance on the one side The acute sounds given out by each of the vibrating portions are called harmonic sounds, and they accompany the fundamental sound of the string in the very same manner as we have already seen that the eye sees the accidental or harmonic colours while it is affected with the fundamental colour. The subdivision of the string, and consequently the production of harmonic sounds, may be effected without touching the string at all, and by means of a sympathetic action conveyed by the air. If a string A B, for example, Fig. 40, is at rest, and if a shorter string A´´ C, one third of its length, fixed at the two points A´´ and C, is set vibrating in the same room, the string A B will be set vibrating in three loops like A´´ B´´, giving out the same harmonic sounds as the small string A´´ C. It is owing to this property of sounding bodies that singers with great power of voice are able to break into pieces a large tumbler glass, by singing close to it its proper fundamental note; and it is from the same sympathetic communication of vibrations that two pendulum clocks fixed to the same wall, or two watches lying upon the same table, will take the same rate of going, though they would not agree with one another if placed in separate apartments. Mr. Ellicott even observed that the pendulum of the one clock will stop that of the other, and that the stopped pendulum will, after a certain time, resume its vibrations, and in its turn stop the vibrations of the other pendulum. The production of musical sounds by the vibrations of a column of air in a pipe is familiar to every person, but the extraordinary mechanism by which it is effected is known principally to philosophers. A column of air in a pipe may be set vibrating by blowing over the open end of it, as is done in Pan’s pipes; or by blowing over a hole in its side, as in the flute; or by blowing through an aperture called a reed, with a flexible tongue, as in the clarionet. In order to understand the nature of this vibration, let AB, Fig. 41, be a pipe or tube, and let us place in it a spiral spring AB, in which the coil or spire are at equal distances, each end of the spiral being fixed to the end of the tube. This elastic spring may be supposed to represent the air in the pipe, which is of equal density throughout. If we take hold of the spring at m, and push the point m towards A and towards B in succession, it will give us a good idea of the vibration of an elastic column of air. When m is pushed towards A, Fig. 41. That the air vibrating in a pipe is actually in the state now described, may be shown by boring small holes in the pipe, and putting over them pieces of a fine membrane. The membrane opposite to the middle part between A and B Fig. 42. Let us now suppose two pipes, AB, BC, to be joined together as in Fig. 42, and to be separated by a fixed partition at B; and let a spiral spring be fixed in each. Let the spring AB be now pushed to the end A, while the spring BC is pushed to C, as in No. 1, and back again, as in No. 2, but always in opposite directions; then it is obvious that the partition B is in No. 1 drawn in opposite directions towards A and towards C, and always with forces equal to each other: that is, when B is drawn slightly towards A, which it is at the beginning of the motion, it is also drawn slightly towards C; and when it is drawn forcibly towards A, as it is at the end of the motion of the spring, it is also drawn forcibly towards C. If the partition B, therefore, is moveable, it will still remain fixed during the opposite excursions of the spiral springs; nay, if we remove the partition, and hook the end of one spiral spring to the end of the other, the node or point of junction will remain stationary during the movements of the springs, because at every instant that point is drawn by equal and opposite forces. Upon the very same principles we may conceive a long column of air without partitions dividing itself into two, three, or four smaller columns, each of which will vibrate between its nodes in the same manner as the spiral spring. At the middle point of each small vibrating column, the air will be of its natural density, like that of the atmosphere; while at the nodes B, &c. it will be in a state of condensation and rarefaction alternately. If, when the air is vibrating in one column in the pipe AB, as in Fig. 41, No. 2, 3, we conceive a hole made in the middle, the atmospheric air will not rush in to disturb the vibration, because the air within the pipe and without it has exactly the same density. Nay, if, instead of a single hole, we were to cut a ring out of the pipe at the middle point, the column would vibrate as before. But if we bore a hole between the middle and one of the ends, where the vibrating column must be either in a state of condensation or rarefaction, the air must either rush out or rush in, in order to establish the equilibrium. The air opposite the hole will then be brought to the state of the external air, like that in the middle of the pipe; it will become the middle of a vibrating column: and the whole column of air, instead of vibrating as one, will vibrate as two columns, each column vibrating with twice the velocity, and yielding harmonic sounds along with the fundamental sound of the whole columns, in the same manner as we have already explained Curious as these phenomena are, they are still surpassed by those which are exhibited during the vibration of solid bodies. A rod or bar of metal or glass may be made to vibrate either longitudinally or laterally. An iron rod will vibrate longitudinally, like a column of air, if we strike it at one end in the direction of its length; or rub it in the same direction with a wetted finger, and it will admit the same fundamental note as a column of air ten or eleven times as long, because sound moves so much faster in iron than in air. When the iron rod is thus vibrating along its length, the very same changes which we have shown in Fig. 41, as produced in a spiral spring, or in a column of air, take place in the solid metal. All its particles move alternately towards A and towards B, the metal being in the one case condensed at the end to which the particles move, and expanded at the end from which they move, and retaining its natural density in the middle of the rod. If we now hold this rod in the middle, by the finger and thumb lightly applied, and rub it in the middle either of AB or BC with a piece of cloth sprinkled with powdered rosin, or with a Fig. 43. A rod of iron may be made to vibrate laterally or transversely, by fixing one end of it firmly, as in a vice, and leaving the other free, or by having both ends free or both fixed. When a rod, fixed at one end and free at the other, is made to vibrate, its mode of vibrating may be rendered evident to the eye; and for the purpose of doing this, Mr. Wheatstone has contrived a Fig. 44. The Melodion, an instrument of great power, embracing five octaves, operates by means of the vibrations of metallic rods of unequal lengths, fixed at one end and free at the other.19 A narrow and thin plate of copper is screwed to the free extremity of each rod, and at right angles to its length; and its surface is covered with a small piece of felt, impregnated with rosin. This narrow band is placed near the circumference of a revolving cylinder, and, by touching the key, it is made to descend till it touches the revolving cylinder, and gives out its sound. The sweetness and power of this instrument are unrivalled; and such is the character of its tones, that persons of a nervous temperament are often entirely overpowered by its effects. The vibrations of plates of metal or glass of various forms exhibit a series of the most extraordinary phenomena, which are capable of being shown by very simple means. These phenomena are displayed in an infinite variety of regular Fig. 45. Fig. 46. If we take a square plate of glass, such as that shown in Fig. 46, No. 1, and, pinching it at its centre, draw the fiddle-bow near one of its angles, the sand will accumulate in the form of a cross, as shown in the figure, being thrown off the parts of the plate that are in a state of vibration, and settling in the nodes or parts which are at rest. If the bow is drawn across the middle of one of the edges, the sand will accumulate as in No. 2. If the plate is pinched at N, No. 3, and the bow applied at F and perpendicular to AB, the sand will arrange itself in three parallel lines, perpendicular to a fourth passing through F and N. But if the point N, where it is pinched, is a little farther from the edge than in No. 3, the parallel lines will change into curves as in No. 4. If the plate of glass is circular, and pinched at its centre, and also at a point of its circumference, Fig. 47. If, in place of a solid plate, we strew the sand The manner in which flat rulers and cylinders of glass perform their vibrations is very remarkable. If a glass plate about twenty-seven inches long, six-tenths of an inch broad, and six hun As these singular phenomena have not yet been made available by the scientific conjuror, we must be satisfied with this brief notice of them; but there is still one property of sound, which has its analogy also in light, too remarkable to be passed without notice. This property has more of the marvellous in it than any result within the wide range of the sciences. Two loud sounds may be made to produce silence, and two strong lights may be made to produce darkness! If two equal and similar strings, or the columns of air in two equal and similar pipes, perform exactly 100 vibrations in a second, they will produce each equal waves of sound, and these waves will conspire in generating an uninterrupted sound, double of either of the sounds, heard separately. If the two strings or the two columns of air are not in unison, but nearly so, as in the case where the one vibrates 100 and the other 101 times in a second, then at the first vibration the two sounds will form one of double the strength of either; The phenomenon corresponding to this in the case of light is perhaps still more surprising. If a beam of red light issues from a luminous point, and falls upon the retina, we shall see distinctly the luminous object from which it proceeds; but if another pencil of red light issues from another luminous point, anyhow situated, provided the difference between its distance and that of the other luminous point from the point of the retina, on which the first beam fell, is the 258th thousandth part of an inch, or exactly twice, thrice, four times, &c., that distance; and if this second beam falls upon the same point of the retina, the The explanation which philosophers have given of these strange phenomena is very satisfactory, and may be easily understood. When a wave is made on the surface of a still pool of water, by plunging a stone into it, the wave advances along the surface, while the water itself is never carried forward, but merely rises into a height and falls into a hollow, each portion of the surface experiencing an elevation and a depression in its turn. If we suppose two waves equal and similar to be produced by two separate stones, and if they reach the same spot at the same time, that is, if the two elevations should exactly coincide, they would unite their effects, and produce a In the tides of the ocean we have a fine example of the same principle. The two immense waves arising from the action of the sun and moon upon the ocean produce our spring-tides by their combination, or when the elevations of each coincide; and our neap-tides, when the elevation of the one wave coincides with the depression of the other. If the sun and moon had exerted exactly the same force upon the ocean, or produced tide waves of the same size, then our neap-tides would have disappeared altogether, and the spring-tide would have been a wave double of the wave produced by the sun and moon separately. An example of the effect of the equality of the two waves occurs in the port of Batsha, where the two waves arrive by channels of different lengths, and actually obliterate each other. Now, as sound is produced by undulations or waves in the air, and as light is supposed to be Among the wonders of modern skill, we must enumerate those beautiful automata by which the motions and actions of man and other animals have been successfully imitated. I shall therefore describe at present some of the most remarkable acoustic automata, in which the production of musical and vocal sounds has been the principal object of the artist. Many very ingenious pieces of acoustic mechanism have been from time to time exhibited in Europe. The celebrated Swiss mechanist, M. le Droz, constructed for the King of Spain the figure of a sheep, which imitated in the most perfect manner the bleating of that animal; and likewise the figure of a dog watching a basket of fruit, which, when any of the fruit was taken away, never ceased barking till it was replaced. The singing-bird of M. Maillardet, which he exhibited in Edinburgh many years ago, is still more wonderful.20 An oval box, about three Ingenious as these pieces of mechanism are, they sink into insignificance when compared with the machinery of M. Vaucanson, which had previously astonished all Europe. His two principal automata were the flute-player, and the pipe and tabor-player. The flute-player was completed in 1736, and wherever it was exhibited it produced the greatest sensation. When it came to Paris it was received with great suspicion. The French savants recollected the story of M. Raisin, the organist of Troyes, who exhibited an automaton player upon the harpsichord, which astonished the French court by the variety of its powers. The curiosity of the king could not be restrained, and in consequence of his insisting upon examining the mechanism, there was found in the figure a pretty little musician five years of age. It was natural, therefore, that a similar piece of mechanism should be received with some distrust; but this feeling was soon removed by M. Vaucanson, The body of the flute-player was about 5½ feet high, and was placed upon a piece of rock, surrounding a square pedestal 4½ feet high by 3½ feet wide. When the panel which formed the front of the pedestal was opened, there was seen on the right a clock movement, which, by the aid of several wheels, gave a rotatory motion to a steel axis about 2½ feet long, having cranks at six equidistant points of its length, but lying in different directions. To each crank was attached a cord, which descended and was fixed by its other end to the upper board of a pair of bellows, 2½ feet long and 6 inches wide. Six pair of bellows arranged along the bottom of the pedestal were then wrought, or made to blow in succession, by turning the steel axis. At the upper face of the pedestal, and upon Round the larger rims of three of these pulleys, viz. those on the right hand, there are coiled three cords, which, by means of several smaller pulleys, terminate in the upper boards of other three pair of bellows placed on the top of the box. The tension of each cord when it begins to raise the board of the bellows to which it is attached, gives motion to a lever placed above it between the axis and the double pulley in the middle and lower region of the box. The other end of this lever keeps open the valve in the lower board of the bellows, and allows the air to enter freely, while the upper board is rising to increase the capacity of the bellows. By this means there is not only power gained, in so far as the air gains easier admission through the valve, but the fluttering noise produced by the action of the air upon the valves is entirely avoided, and the nine pair of bellows are wrought with great ease, and without any concussion or noise. These nine bellows discharge their wind into three different and separate tubes. Each tube receives the wind of three bellows, the upper boards of one of the three pair being loaded with a weight of four pounds, those of the second three pair with a weight of two pounds, The motions of the fingers, lips, and tongue of the figure were produced by means of a revolving cylinder, thirty inches long and twenty-one in diameter. By means of pegs and brass staples fixed in fifteen different divisions in its circumference, fifteen different levers, similar to those in a barrel organ, were raised and depressed. Seven of these regulated the motions of the seven fingers for stopping the holes of the flute, which they did by means of steel chains rising through the body, and directed by pulleys to the shoulder, elbow, and fingers. Other three of the levers communicating with the valves of the three reservoirs, regulated the ingress of the air, so as to produce a stronger or a weaker tone. Another lever opened the lips so as to give a free passage to the air, and another contracted them for the opposite purpose. A third lever drew them backwards from the orifice of the flute, and a fourth pushed them forward. The remaining Such is a very brief view of the general mechanism by which the requisite motions of the flute-player were produced. The airs which it played were probably equal to those executed by a living performer, and its construction, as well as its performances, continued for many years to delight and astonish the philosophers and musicians of Europe. Encouraged by the success of this machine, M. Vaucanson exhibited in 1741 other automata, which were equally, if not more, admired. One of these was the automaton duck, which performed all the motions of that animal, and not only ate its food, but digested it;21 and the other was his pipe and tabor-player, a piece of mechanism which required all the resources of his fertile genius. Having begun this machine before he was aware of its peculiar difficulties, he was often about to abandon it in despair, but his patience and his ingenuity combined, enabled him not only to surmount every difficulty, but to construct an automaton which performed complete airs, and greatly excelled the most esteemed performers on the pipe and tabor. The figure stands on a pedestal, and is dressed like a dancing shepherd. He holds in one hand a flageolet, and in the other the stick with which he beats the tambourine as an accompaniment to the airs of the flageolet, about twenty of which it is capable of performing. The flageolet has only three holes, and the variety of its tones depends principally on a proper variation of the force of In constructing this machine, M. Vaucanson observed that the flageolet must be a most fatiguing instrument for the human lungs, as the muscles of the chest must make an effort equal to fifty-six pounds in order to produce the highest notes. A single ounce was sufficient for the lowest notes: so that we may, from this circumstance, form an idea of the variety of intermediate effects required to be produced. While M. Vaucanson was engaged in the construction of these wonderful machines, his mind was filled with the strange idea of constructing an automaton containing the whole mechanism of the circulation of the blood. From some birds which he made, he was satisfied of its practicability; but as the whole vascular system required to be made of elastic gum or caoutchouc, it was supposed that it could only be executed in the country where the caoutchouc tree was indigenous. Louis XVI. took a deep interest in the execution of this machine. It was agreed that a skilful anatomist should proceed to Guiana to super The two automata which we have described were purchased by Professor Bayreuss of Helmstadt; but we have not been able to learn whether or not they still exist. Fig. 48. Towards the end of the eighteenth century a bold and almost successful attempt was made to construct a talking automaton. In the year 1779, the Imperial Academy of Sciences at St. Petersburgh proposed, as the subject of one of their annual prizes, an inquiry into the nature of the vowel sounds, A, E, I, O, and U, and the construction of an instrument for artificially imitating them. This prize was gained by M. Kratzenstein, who showed that all the vowels could be distinctly pronounced by blowing through a reed into the lower ends of the pipes of the annexed figures, as shown in Fig. 48, where the corresponding vowels are marked on the different pipes. The vowel I is pronounced by merely blowing Fig. 49. About the same time that Kratzenstein was engaged in these researches, M. Kempelen of Vienna, a celebrated mechanician, was occupied with the same subject. In his first attempt he produced the vowel sounds, by adapting a reed R, Fig. 49, to the bottom of a funnel-shaped cavity A B, and placing his hand in various positions within the funnel. This contrivance, however, was not fitted for his purpose, but after long study, and a diligent examination of the organs of speech, he contrived a hollow oval box, divided into two portions attached by a hinge so as to resemble jaws. This box received the sound which issued from the tube connected with the reed, and by opening and closing the jaws, he produced the sounds, A, O, OU, and an imperfect E, but no indications of an I. After two years’ labour he succeeded in obtaining from different jaws the sounds of the consonants P, M, L, and by means of these vowels and consonants, he could compose syllables and words, such as mama, papa, aula, lama, mulo. The There seems to be no doubt that he at last was able to produce entire words and sentences, such as opera, astronomy, Constantinopolis, Vous Êtes mon ami, Je vous aime de tout mon coeur, Venez avec moi À Paris, Leopoldus secundus, Romanorum imperator semper Augustus, &c., but he never fitted up a speaking figure; and probably, from being dissatisfied with the general result This box was rectangular, and about three feet long, and was placed upon a table, and covered with a cloth. When any particular word was mentioned by the company, M. Kempelen caused the machine to pronounce it, by introducing his hands beneath the cloth, and apparently giving motion to some parts of the apparatus. Mr. Thomas Collinson, who had seen this machine in London, mentions, in a letter to Dr. Hutton, that he afterwards saw it at M. Kempelen’s own house in Vienna, and that he then gave it the same word to be pronounced which he gave it in London, viz. the word Exploitation, which, he assures us, it again distinctly pronounced with the French accent. M. Kratzenstein seems to have been equally unsuccessful; for though he assured M. de Lalande, when he saw him in Paris, in 1786, that he had made a machine which could speak pretty well, and though he showed him some of the apparatus by which it could sound the vowels, and even such syllables as papa and mama, yet there is no reason to believe that he had accomplished more than this. The labours of Kratzenstein and Kempelen have been recently pursued with great success by our ingenious countryman, Mr. Willis, of Cambridge. In repeating Kempelen’s experiment, shown in Fig. 49, he used a shallower cavity, such as that in Fig. 50, and found that he could entirely dispense with the introduction of the hand, and could obtain the whole series of Fig. 50. Some important discoveries have been recently made by M. Savart respecting the mechanism of the human voice;23 and we have no doubt that, before another century is completed, a Talking and a Singing machine will be numbered among the conquests of Science. |