utenberg@html@files@42220@42220-h@42220-h-4.htm.html#Page_48">48, 161 Dale, Mrs. Ruth A.: interview with, 481 Daniels, Addison: has first store in Marion, 461 Daniels, John J.: quotation from, 55, 270; early teacher, 148 Daniels, L.: postmaster at Marion, 82; at Cedar Rapids, 84 Daniels, Samuel: early settler, 462 Davenport: 44 Davenport, J. G.: postmaster at Cedar Rapids, 84, 108 David, John: 176 Davis, William: early settler in Grant township, 280 Dawson, James: 45 Deacon, Charles J.: quoted, 220 Deem, Hiram: early settler, 153 Democratic party: organization of in county, 260 Devendorf, Thomas: article on taxes in Cedar Rapids by, 347; article on first railroad to Cedar Rapids by, 370 Dinwiddie, J. M.: treasurer Coe college, 226 Dodge, A. C.: mentioned, 31; senator, 82 Dodge, Henry: mentioned, 31, 82 Donnan, Helen R.: writes of Masonic Library, 248 Doty, Elias: helps on court house, 34 Doty, Elias: a constant litigant, 188 Doty, James: helps erect court house, 34, 35 Doty, James M.: plats Newark, 143; first pottery maker in Iowa, 146 Doty, Susan: kind to the Indians, 11 Downing, Thomas: early settler, 152 Dows, S. L.: 263 Dows, W. G.: his military record, 477, 478 Dubuque, city: mentioned, 13, 20, 44 Dubuque, Julian: obtains grant of land, 13 Dudley, J. W.: 172 Durham, S. W.: letter to from Col. Merritt, 58; as to postoffices, 82; letter by, 143; address by, 164 ff; honored pioneer, 464 Eastman, A. V.: secretary Coe College, 225 Edgerton, Asher: gets contract for Court House, 34, 35 Ellis, Robert: knew the Indians, 10; agent for the government, 11; walked to Iowa, 45; meets Bill Johnson, 101; oldest living settler in county, 163 Jordan, L. D.: early settler in Maine township, 282 Justices: early Linn County, 199 ff Keeler, C. B: lawyer, 186 Keeler, Rev. R. W.: early president Cornell college, 204 Kelsey, J. H.: early settler, 152 Kephart, Cyrus J.: his history of the United Brethren at Lisbon quoted, 291 Kimball Building, 233 Kimbal, L. C: 233 King, David W.: came to Cedar Rapids in 1839, 152, 161 King, William Fletcher: president of Cornell college, 208 Kirkwood, Governor: dispatch from, 471; calls for additional troops, 475 Kynett, A. J.: helps found Cornell college, 201, 208 Knott, Richard: commissioner to locate county seat, 32, 33 Knox, Rev. James, 224 Kurtz, John E.: one of the founders of Lisbon, 161 Labor: first union organized in Cedar Rapids, 390 Lake, E. W.: early Marion physician, 87 Langworthy, L. H.: quotation from, 104 Lawyers: early, 169 Lazell, F. J.: author of article on newspapers of county, 106 Laylander, O. J.: quoted, 17 Lea, Albert Miller: quoted, 19 Lee, Guy Carleton: his History of North America referred to, 13 Leffingwell, William E.: candidate for Congress, 179 Legare, Margaret S.: 267 Leverich, James: arrives in 1839, 148 Leverich, Joel: becomes owner of Mound Farm, 46; arrives in 1839, 148; Dr. Carpenter on, 148; Geo. R. Carroll on, 149; early politician, 301 Libraries: Masonic, 248; Cedar Rapids, 250; Coe college, 250; Mt. Vernon, 251; Marion, 251; Bohemian Reading Society, 251 Lichtebarger, Jos. H.: early settler, 148 Linn County: act organizing, 32; first survey, 34; first court house in, 34; names of townships in, 35; judiciary in, 35; circuit court in, 36; noted trials in, 36; outlawry in, 37; early settlement of, 42; first marriage in, 46; organized, Stewart, William: early blacksmith, 154 Stoddard, Jos. C.: in Civil war, 473 Stone, William: had store at Westport, 42, 46, 49; probable first settler in Cedar Rapids, 151 Stookey, S. W.: acting president Coe college, 228 Strong, L. M.: chosen commissioner, 33; builds first house in Marion, 461 Sullivan, John C.: surveys southern Iowa boundary, 15 Taylor, A. C.: 85 Taylor, Dr. Robert: 269 Teachers' Association: first in county, 480 Teachers' institute: first in county, 481 Tecumseh: 9 Thomas, Dr. Cyrus: 7 Thompson, Henry: erects saw mill, 460 Thompson, William G.: lawyer, 172, 186; anecdotes of, 187; tribute to, 468 Trans-Mississippi Exposition: 20 Troup, Reverend C.: first minister in county, 48, 291 Troy Mills: founded, 290 Tryon, S. H.: 86 Union Medical Society, 89 United Brethren Church: beginning of in Iowa, 291; at Lisbon, 292 ff. United Presbyterian Church: origin of the Fairfax, 272 Ure, James: early settler, 275 Ure, Robert: early settler, 272 Ure, William: brings first reaper to county, 93 Usher, Dyer: first divorce action in county brought by, 36; ferries people across the Mississippi, 46 Vardy, John: erects first frame dwelling in Cedar Rapids, 49; arrives in Cedar Rapids in 1841, 152 Vinton, Samuel F.: attitude toward Iowa, 16 Walker: history of, 279; Catholic church at, 409 Washington township: history of, 290 Waubeek: 284 Weare, Charles: early contractor, 154 Weare, John: early banker, 154 Webster, C. L.: quoted, 8 Weld, L. G.: 3 note; 13 note Western: stage line to, 47; account of, 479 Westport: 33, 43, 46, 48, 143 Wetherbee, E. S.: gives account of old mill at Central City, 486 [A] L. G. Weld, Iowa Journal of History and Politics, vol. i, no. 1. Transcriber's Notes Obvious typos and misprinted punctuation have been silently corrected. Spelling and hyphenation variations have been retained to match the original book when no major preference could be determined. Added to Contents: FOOTNOTES, End of document Added to List of Maps: Reproduction of the First Map of Cedar Rapids, 316. Page 11: The Muskwaki Indians were probably the Meskwaki, also spelled Mesquakie or Meskwahki Indians. (a large number of Muskwaki Indians were camping) Pages 67-81: Some names in the Members List are not in alphabetical order, but match the order in the original book. Page 113: The following sentence was incomplete in the original book: The grain rates from Cedar Rapids to Chicago were thirty cents a hundred pounds and the noise of protest which was made then was quite similar to the noise which is sometimes Page 131: John B. Taylor may be a typo for Joel B. Taylor, as this is the only mention of John B. Taylor in the book. (May 26, John Zumbra to Angeline Eggleston, by Rev. John B. Taylor.) Some illustrations and text have been moved slightly to avoid breaking up paragraphs. This might cause a few Index entries to be one page off. The cover image was produced by the submitter modifying the Title Page, and is being placed into the public domain. |