CHAPTER XLIV Linn County in War


The men and women of Linn county have always been patriotic. They have responded promptly and cheerfully to every call to arms. One of the earliest settlers in the county had served in the Revolutionary war. Nathan Brown, who came here in 1839 and for whom Brown township was named, at the early age of sixteen years joined the American forces.

T. J. McKean, George A. Gray, A. R. Sausman, William Hampton, S. D. Thompson, "Democ" Woodbridge, and a Mr. Courtney served in the war with Mexico. These men all enlisted from this county, entering the service in June, 1847. J. J. Snouffer, who came to the county in the early days and who long was an important figure in the business and political life of Cedar Rapids, was a veteran of this same war.

It is not out of place here to say a word regarding T. J. McKean, the only man from the county who received the commission of brigadier-general in the Civil war. General McKean was born in Pennsylvania in 1810 and entered West Point in 1827, graduating with honors in 1831. He immediately entered the service with the rank of lieutenant, and was stationed in Louisiana. Resigning his commission, for a time he followed the profession of civil engineer. He came to Marion in 1840, and when war with Mexico was declared he raised a squad of six men as above and joined Company K, 15th Regulars, the only company sent out from Iowa. He served in the Mexican war for a year and a half and then returned to Marion. At the breaking out of the Civil war he was holding the office of sheriff of the county. He was not able to resist the call to arms and surrendered his office to accept a post as paymaster in the Union army. He entered upon his duties early in 1861. In the fall of that year Governor Kirkwood proposed his name for a brigadier-general. He received that commission and served his country with ability.

On April 12, 1861, Sumter was fired upon. On the 15th, President Lincoln issued a call for 75,000 ninety-day men. It was erroneously believed that our internal difficulties could be adjusted in that period. Within thirty days after the president's call had reached Iowa this state had a regiment in the field. In that regiment, the First Iowa. Linn county had a full company under the command of Capt. T. Z. Cook.

Before giving a detailed account of the various companies that served in the Civil war from Linn county, it may be well to treat briefly of some of the stirring events that were witnessed in the county in the early days of the war.

The board of supervisors early held a special session to provide means for the relief of the families of such men as were willing to volunteer for field service. At the September, 1861, session of that body the following resolution was adopted: "That the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors issue an order or orders for the benefit and relief of any of our volunteers now in the United States service, upon the certificate and approval of the resident Supervisor of the township in which the family or applicant resides."

The press and pulpit of the county strongly advocated the cause of the Union. No conservative position on the burning question was taken by either. Many are the emphatic appeals to the loyal spirit of the county. In its issue of April 18, 1861, the Cedar Valley Times has this to say:

"More than ever, it is now the duty of every true man to respond to the call of his country. Party ties are broken, party divisions forgotten, in the common necessity which summons every true American to the standard of his country—to the defence of our Union, our Constitution, our liberty and our rights.... Every man to his post, that post the support of the Administration."

In the same issue there was a call for a meeting on that evening to obtain an expression of the feelings of the people. This meeting was held in Carpenter's Hall, Cedar Rapids, and was characterized by great enthusiasm. Dr. J. H. Camburn presided and Isaac Van Meter acted as secretary. These gentlemen, together with Porter W. Earle, William Greene, H. G. Angle, Dr. Taylor, E. N. Bates, W. H. Merritt, and others gave stirring talks. At this meeting a despatch was read from Gov. Samuel J. Kirkwood, as follows:

"If Linn county shall tender me a full company of seventy-eight good men, properly officered, by Thursday of next week, I will offer the company as one of the regiments required of this state by the President of the United States."

A committee was appointed to push the matter of raising a company. On this committee were E. N. Bates, T. Z. Cook, W. H. Merritt, J. H. Stibbs and W. R. Sweitzer. Twenty-five names were signed that night to a muster roll.

Other towns of the county were not behind Cedar Rapids in enthusiasm. On the evening of April 19th a mass meeting was held at Kingston, with J. H. Elder in the chair. He at once offered his purse to its limit for the cause. Here Rev. A. G. Eberhart, and Messrs. Churchill, Stewart and Detwiler were the speakers. Eight men added their names to the roll of Cedar Rapids volunteers. In Marion a meeting of equal enthusiasm was held and a full company volunteered. By noon of the 19th thirty-five men had signed a muster roll in Mt. Vernon. A great crowd gathered in the chapel of Western college on the evening of the 19th. Young men, students and others, were urged to enroll for the honor of Linn county and the cause of the union. Nine were added to the list. The meeting also contributed five dollars to aid in purchasing bibles for the company—the boys from Western going with those from this city. On Monday the 22d, this contingent came to the city, and on the same day twenty-seven of the Mt. Vernon volunteers were accepted for the first company from Linn county. Captaincy of the company, K, First Infantry, fell upon T. Z. Cook.

In Buffalo township there were but twelve voters, and just half of these volunteered for army service. At Palo a spirited union meeting was held, and at once thirty-five men pledged their lives to the cause.

The boys at once began drilling under J. J. Snouffer, a veteran of the Mexican war. Dr. S. D. Carpenter was made quartermaster of the regiment. On Saturday, May 4, a flag was presented to the company. On May 6 Company K left for Clinton. Following is roster of the company, at the time it left Cedar Rapids: Captain, T. Z. Cook; first lieutenant, J. C. Marvin; second lieutenant, Robert Stinson; orderly, J. H. Stibbs; second sergeant, J. Van Meter; third sergeant, E. Coulter; first corporal, R. L. Wilson; second corporal, J. H. Hammond; third corporal, E. L. Carpenter; fourth corporal, Jos. McClelland. Privates—Geo. H. Angell, Geo. W. Aylesworth, John Agler, Geo. C. Burkmeister, Benj. E. Butler, A. C. Blood, H. H. Boyes, H. C. Bates, John M. Chase, Henry P. Covertson, W. J. Conley, Paul Carpenter, B. Franklin Cook, A. D. Collier, Wilson Certain, A. J. Churchill, J. M. Clark, Edward Calder, Joseph B. Daniels, John K. Daniels, Samuel Daniels, Addison Davis, Robert P. Dewey, John J. Perry, Chas. W. Esgate, B. E. Eberhart, Wm. J. Eckles, Stuart Erwin, E. P. Fellows, John Fitzgerald, J. B. Fisher, J. D. Ferguson, Andrew Geddes, Geo. Granger, Andrew Harmon, Hiel Hale, F. W. Hollingrane, J. J. Hollan, Perry Hoyt, W. P. Hubbard, Peter Hauger, Charles A. Harper, R. W. Hayzlett, J. C. Hayes, Nathaniel Johnson, Geo. A. John, W. B. Jacobs, Frank Klump, J. H. Little, G. C. Miller, Philip Murdock, J. C. Morehead, H. J. McManus, John McGowen, E. R. McKee, Michael Mentz, D. W. Prescott, N. Russell, G. Rifenstahl, H. W. Ross, J. W. Robinson, R. M. Rogers, A. T. Rigby, W. D. Robins, E. W. Stewart, R. B. Stewart, James O. Stewart, Henry Shaffer, John S. Starkweather, L. E. Stevins, J. W. Smith, C. C. Smith, E. B. Soper, J. M. Secrist, Geo. F. Schoonover, J. B. Stine, F. J. Shuey, M. Taylor, E. Thompson, G. F. Vandever, J. N. Van Arsdel, L. P. Winterstein, C. Wynn, William Walt, D. H. Wilson, Geo. H. Yager, L. J. C. Ziengenfus.

The regimental officers were J. F. Bates, Dubuque, colonel; W. H. Merritt, Cedar Rapids, lieutenant-colonel; A. B. Porter, Mt. Pleasant, major.

The company before the close of its services endured many hardships. It took part in the skirmish at Forsythe on July 20. On the evening of the 9th of August the First Iowa, under command of Lieut. Col. Merritt joined the other forces at Springfield, under Gen. Lyon. Marching to within three miles of the enemy's camp at Wilson's Creek, the attack was begun at 3 o'clock on the morning of the 10th. It was a severely contested engagement. At this battle Gen. Lyon was killed, while personally leading the First Iowa. Victory was with the Union army and pursuit of the enemy was continued until nightfall. Following is the report made by Captain T. Z. Cook of casualties sustained by his company:

"Killed—Private Perry Hoyt. Seriously wounded—E. Coulter, leg; Henry Shaffer, leg and arm; John Stine, leg and breast; E. R. McKee, arm; W. D. Robins, leg; Samuel Daniels, leg. Slightly wounded—J. O. Stewart, leg; John Fitzgerald, face; Joseph Hollan, foot; J. M. Chase, back; George F. Schoonover, arm badly bruised by grape shot. Sergeant Coulter and Privates Shaffer and Stine were left at Springfield. Isaac Van Meter, second sergeant, and John H. Stibbs, sergeant, particularly distinguished themselves for coolness and bravery. T. Z. Cook, captain."

This battle really ended the service of Company K. The regiment was mustered out at St. Louis August 25 and started at once for home. On the evening of August 26 the volunteer's returned to Cedar Rapids. The Kingston Guards, of eighty men, with a local company of about the same number, furnished an escort and headed by the mayor and council met the train at the depot. Five thousand people were estimated in the gathering. The dwellings and stores were illuminated in honor of the return. A procession was formed and marched to the same place where a few months before the flag had been presented. On behalf of the city Mayor Bishop voiced its welcome to the volunteers. Judge Isaac Cook supplied a little more speech-making and a supper followed of quality to make these soldiers forget all hardships of camp and march.

In other portions of the county the enthusiasm was as great as it was in Cedar Rapids. The Linn County Register of April 20, 1861, in announcing the commencement of hostilities stated that "already, some seventy-five persons, in the vicinity of Marion alone, have signified their intention to volunteer under the call of President Lincoln." In its issue a week later the same paper said that "on every corner the people are assembled, in squads of a dozen or more, discussing the chances of the conflict. Men in the country leave their plows, and rush into town, to inquire about the news."

In the Sixth Infantry, which was mustered in July 6, 1861, Company A was entirely from this county. It was organized at Marion. The regiment was mustered out at Louisville, Kentucky, July 21. 1865. It saw some hard battles, several of its officers being killed in action, and eighteen wounded. Of the enlisted men 274 were killed or died in the service, and 331 were wounded in action. It is said that this regiment suffered more casualties than any other regiment from Iowa. The regiment suffered severely at Shiloh, Mission Ridge, Resaca, Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain, and Jackson, Miss.

Its first captain was Hosea W. Gray, who was succeeded by Tarlton Caldwell, Willard H. Harland, and Rodney E. Barker, who served as captains at different periods. A. L. Ingram, who entered the company as a private, was first lieutenant at the time of mustering out. Other well known names among the officers of this company are those of George A. Gray, W. M. Harbeson, A. P. Alexander, Samuel D. Springer, C. A. Huston, Chas. L. Byam. Among the members of the company are found the names of T. H. Alexander, Daniel K. Kinley, Chas. Robins, S. A. Stearns, D. F. Stinson.

George M. Holmes, of this county, entered as sergeant of this regiment, and was promoted from time to time until he became captain of Company K on July 30, 1863, resigning October 17, 1864.

In the Eighth Infantry Joseph C. Stoddard, yet a resident of Cedar Rapids, was commissioned adjutant November 15, 1865, having been promoted from sergeant-major. Among those from this county in this regiment may be noted Jno. M. Dawley, J. H. Gardner, Hiram Inks, Wm. H. Ostrander, David G. Usher, Homer H. Phillips, D. W. Yount.

The county was also represented in the Ninth Infantry, being especially strong in Company K, in which Abraham Bowman was commissioned second lieutenant and promoted to the captaincy on January 9, 1864. Its first captain was David Carskaddon, afterwards colonel of the regiment. Among the familiar names in this company we find those of David Bowman, Jas. C. Morehead, Oliver B. Cone, John Cone, John S. McKee, J. M. Burkhart, W. S. Dingman, John W. Gray, I. N. Lutz, A. R. Whiteneck. The company was organized in Marion and mustered into the service July 23, 1861.

In the Eleventh Infantry these names are noted: Robt. L. Wilson, Samuel H. Harrison, Chas. W. Mason, Wm. H. McRoberts, Wm. Burge, Henry M. Cook, Jno. Coburn, John Elder, E. P. Listabarger, Wm. Mitchell, Jas. D. McRoberts, And. W. Satley, Thos. Strang, John B. Stine, Geo. W. Sparks, Samuel Shafer, Wm. A. Thompson. Company K of this regiment was organized in Cedar Rapids, John C. Marvin, captain. It was mustered in July 23, 1861.

Company D, Twelfth Iowa Infantry, was captained by John H. Stibbs. The regiment was organized at Dubuque and mustered into the service November 25, 1861, with Joseph P. Woods, a West Pointer, as colonel; John P. Coulter of Cedar Rapids, lieutenant-colonel, and S. D. Brodtbeck, major. The Twelfth was then ordered to St. Louis. The Linn county company was organized in Cedar Rapids, and mustered in October 26, 1861.

First of the year 1862 found seventeen members of the company in hospitals. A malignant outbreak of measles at that time caused many deaths in the Twelfth and other regiments.

During the week ending January 15, 1862, Capt. Stibbs, in a letter to his brother in Cedar Rapids, reported that six of his men had died in hospital. These were William H. Webster, William L. Dailey, John L. Jaques, John S. Lee, Jasper Cyner and Henry Haradon. Seventeen others were in various hospitals at St. Louis. On Saturday, January 11, the regiment was ordered to be ready to start for Kentucky on the 15th, but because of ice in the river, these orders were countermanded. On the 27th it was ordered to report to Gen. Grant at Cairo. From thence the regiment was sent to the mouth of the Cumberland river, and established its camp in the field. On February 5 it joined the expedition against Fort Henry.

The company was at Ft. Donelson when it capitulated. The regiment remained at Fort Donelson until March 12, when it was moved to Pittsburg Landing. On the evening of the 9th of April news was received of a great battle at Pittsburg Landing, in which the Twelfth Iowa had share. It was only known that slaughter had been immense, and until full details were received the anxiety in Cedar Rapids can be imagined. Yet how slow this news was in coming may be judged from an editorial note in the Cedar Valley Times for April 17: "Three of our Iowa regiments—the Eighth, Twelfth and Fourteenth—were cut off and taken prisoners while bravely defending their flag and the glory of their country. They fought like tigers. We are not yet able to publish full lists of losses, and the anxiety so long felt must continue."

The report made by Lieutenant-Colonel Coulter gave the following returns for Company D: Killed—First Lieutenant James B. Ferguson; Privates Daniel Luther and James P. Ayres. Wounded—Sergeant J. M. Clark, Corporal Joseph Stibbs, H. C. Morehead and H. Panborn, all slightly; Privates J. G. Clark and Frank Renchin, severely. R. C. Cowell and Ed. H. Bailey, slightly. Missing—(prisoners)—Capt. J. H. Stibbs, Second Lieutenant Hiel Hale, Orderly Sergeant R. Hilton; Corporals H. W. Ross and J. J. Broughton; Privates L. M. Ayres, Ed. Buttolph, Samuel Baumgardner, Thomas Barr, J. W. Burch, S. Birch, P. Brennan, D. L. Conley, D. Conley, F. Dubois, S. A. Flint, W. A. Flint, A. J. Frees, C. Ferrerbend, H. Grass, P. Gephart, A. Hill, R. L. Johnson, Eli King, William Lee, John Luther, T. J. Lewis, Wm. B. Lutz, J. Lanagan, E. B. Martin, A. J. Milen, D. W. Minor, R. McClain, J. Nicholas, J. O. Sartwell, D. Sivets, J. Scott, L. Snell, R. K. Soper, A. A. Stewart, J. M. Garponning, W. H. Trowbridge, W. Whitenack, J. J. Whittam, J. Wagner, J. Craft, F. Curren, R. P. Zuver, A. McIntyre.

Lieutenant Jason D. Ferguson, one of the killed, was at the outbreak of the war a student in Cornell College. He was one of that gallant band who left their studies to take up men's work. He was a member of Company K, First Iowa, serving throughout the brief but arduous campaign in which that regiment participated. His efforts were untiring in organization of Company D, of the Twelfth.

But the losses of Linn county soldiers were not confined to those of Company D, of the Twelfth Iowa in the battle of Pittsburg Landing. Quartermaster Mortimer A. Higley sent back to friends in this city, a list of those in Company A, Fifteenth Iowa, there killed and wounded. Among the killed were Pat H. Kennedy and Wm. W. Wood, privates, both of Cedar Rapids. Wounded, Corporal John Kimbro, in arm, severely; privates, Elisha Hopkins, severely; Charles Stewart, slightly; Jacob Brown, severely; Newton Dawson, and Henry Bunn, slightly, all being from Linn county.

The Twelfth Iowa regiment was mustered out and the members from this county returned home during the last week of January. Company D, enlisted in 1866, came home with the following Cedar Rapids survivors: S. R. Burch, adjutant; Homer Morehead, regimental quartermaster; John Clark, captain; Eli King, first lieutenant; N. G. Price, orderly sergeant; H. Pangborn, John Burch, I. G. Clark, B. P. Zuver, sergeants; J. Lanagan, John Luther, R. C. Cowell, Josiah Scott, R. L. Johnson, P. Brennan, A. A. Stewart, T. Lewis, corporals; S. Baumgardner, John Whittam, Wm. Whiteneck, J. W. Rowen, W. H. Trowbridge, A. J. Freese, R. S. Martin, J. B. Lambert, Daniel Sivetts, Sam H. Flint, H. Grass, F. Dubois, H. Ross, Wm. Lee and R. K. Soper, privates. Citizens of Cedar Rapids and Kingston gave a reception to these returned soldiers on the evening of February 6. This took form of a ball at Daniels' Hall and a supper served at the American House.

The Thirteenth Infantry was organized at Mt. Vernon and mustered in July 23, 1861, John Q. Wild, captain. Chas. W. Kepler was a captain and E. R. Mason a sergeant. Among the members were Geo. W. Doty, Jacob W. Easterly, Chas. Gardner, Jos. M. Harper, S. P. Harman, D. A. Hamilton, Jas. E. Neal, Robt. W. Thompson, Wm. Thompson, F. A. Varner, Thos. W. Wilson, D. C. Weaver, John Shaver, John Archer, Henry Blessing, Frank Cook, David Hoster, Geo. W. Thompson, John Bierly, Wm. Cline, T. B. Fullerton, John Gregg, Wm. Hackett, Joseph Livington, Jas. A. McClellan, O. T. Petit, M. W. Sweet, Wm. Teeters, Edw. Ware, Julius A. Jackson.

In the Fourteenth Infantry Jos. Legore was a corporal, and a number enlisted in the regiment from this county. The same is true of the Fifteenth. Sixteenth and Eighteenth regiments. Company A of the Fifteenth was composed largely of Linn county men. M. A. Higley was first lieutenant in this company and later a major in the commissary department.

The Eighteenth regiment was organized at Clinton, but Company A was made up almost entirely of men from this county. T. Z. Cook, of Cedar Rapids, was lieutenant-colonel of the regiment.

On July 9, 1862, Governor Kirkwood called for five additional infantry regiments from Iowa. In response to this call a "mass war meeting" was held in Cedar Rapids on the evening of July 22. E. G. Brown was chairman and J. H. Elder, secretary. The result of this meeting was the organization of Company A, 20th Iowa. Many of the most substantial citizens of Cedar Rapids for the time being laid aside their private business to engage in raising men for the war.

The Twentieth Iowa Volunteer Infantry was composed of five companies from Linn county and five from Scott county. The companies from this county were A, B, F, H, and I. They were mustered into service August 25, 1862. The company went from here to Clinton and from there to Davenport. On September 5 they took the boat for St. Louis. The regiment experienced several hard marches in Missouri and Arkansas; it took part in the siege of Vicksburg, saw service in Louisiana and Texas; was in the attack on Mobile, and was mustered out there July 8, 1865.

William McE. Dye, of Marion, was colonel of the regiment, William G. Thompson was major. Dr. Henry Ristine was surgeon, C. S. Lake, adjutant, and J. S. Lake, commissary sergeant. Company A was captained by E. N. Bates, Company B by Edward Coulter, Company F by N. M. Hubbard, Company H by R. H. Lucore, and Company I by C. C. Cook. Among the well known Linn county men in this regiment may be mentioned the following: Milo Adams, W. H. Boyce, John H. Culp, George W. Homer, Robert Keeler, George W. Mentzer, John D. Mounce, C. E. and Daniel W. Robbins, Erin Rucker, John M. Starbuck, B. F. Snyder, F. Uebel, William D. Robbins, A. J. Mallahan, John J. Robbins, Robert C. Hall, D. G. Manahan, D. A. Dingman, Joseph Floyd, R. C. Ring, L. L. Wilson, N. C. Gillilan, Geo. W. and William Bice, H. Hollenbeck, H. C. Adams, W. C. Bowen, S. A. Beach, George Beebe, Byron Cone, F. M. Elrod, H. P. Eastman, Geo. D. Gillilan, J. N. Huston, James W. Howlett, J. W. Newhall, E. J. Reynolds, W. Stinson, Geo. A. Gray, J. J. Hollan, William H. Scott, George W. Wynn, B. P. Wickham, L. D. Elsbery, A. B. Lucore, William Busby, D. L. Castle, S. P. Hollan, James M. Hunter, Hiram Inks, J. D. Jordan, F. A. McConahy, C. H. Sawyer, J. C. McClellan, S. L. Dows, William E. Earl, E. D. Stedman, S. F. Seeley, Casper J. Hart, John W. Whitenack, S. B. Mann, Chas. Morehead, John C. Weatherwax, John Chambers, George W. Daniels, G. B. Daniels, Abraham Hess, M. B. Plummer, Samuel M. Whiteing, Henry White. J. O. Stewart.

Capt. J. O. Stewart, long clerk in Cedar Rapids of the U. S. District Court, entered Company B of this regiment as first sergeant. In March, 1863, he was appointed second lieutenant and in 1864 commissioned captain. For a year and a half he acted as adjutant of the regiment.

Companies F, G. and H in the Twenty-fourth Infantry were from Linn county. E. C. Byam was for a time colonel of this regiment, John F. Sly was surgeon, John Q. Wilds, of Mt. Vernon, was lieutenant colonel. C. L. Byam, D. W. Camp and William H. Smouse were adjutants, F. W. Vinson was both a captain and chaplain. W. C. Dimmett was captain of Company F. John G. Hayzlett and C. H. Kurtz were first lieutenants, T. L. Smith, A. T. Waln were second lieutenants, and among the members of this company may be noted the following: William Camp, Andrew Doty, John W. Firkins, John F. Goudy, John Geiger, William Hall, John A. Ide, Samuel Johnson, J. H. Kepler, A. Lacock, William McQuiston, John Peddycoard, John Renfrew. This company was organized at Mt. Vernon.

W. W. Smith was captain of Company G and among the members of this company were George F. Coleman, James Morrison, David Briggs, A. Cox, H. H. Felton, Jacob Grow, J. G. Hall, D. W. King, Daniel Matson, John L. Ogan, John F. Prather, Willis Vance, John H. Worden. This company was organized in Cedar Rapids.

Of Company H William Carbee was captain. Among the other officers were F. A. Jones, I. B. Dutton, William C. Glover, George W. Martin, J. H. Shanklin, Josiah Bundy, and among the members may be noted Michael Boyer, C. H. Burlingham, Joe L. Bundy, John B. Bowman, C. H. Branch, David Ely, Z. V. Elsbery, C. R. Elsbery, E. R. Gregg, M. Griffith, T. J. Gibson, Benjamin W. Gibson, Joseph Hyatt, F. C. Hunter, I. Lambert, Charles Penn, D. J. Post, J. S. Vernon, David C. Winans, and John Yount.

This company was recruited from Springville, Waubeek, and Prairieburg.

The Thirty-first Infantry, Company A, Robert Stinson, captain, was recruited in northeastern Linn county and was organized at Marion. William Smyth, of Marion, was colonel of the regiment, G. L. Carhart surgeon, L. H. Mason and A. J. Twogood quartermasters, Milo P. Smith sergeant-major, and Donald Lothian commissary sergeant. J. S. Alexander, at present postmaster at Marion, was promoted to the captaincy of Company A on June 14, 1864. Dyer Usher and John H. Harvey were lieutenants in this company, John M. Robbins, Hiram Deem, Jesse Abbott, Richard Abbott, Alfred Stinson and A. P. McKinley sergeants.

Linn county was represented in the Thirty-seventh Infantry by men in Companies A, D, G, H and I. Jas. S. Morehead, George A. Calder, G. L. Snyder are familiar names on the roster of this regiment. Company A was organized in Cedar Rapids with John Hogendabler as captain. The company was made up of men from Linn, Benton and Blackhawk counties. The regiment was known as the "Grey Beards."

Toward the close of the war some 100-day regiments were organized in Iowa. The county had men in these also—John S. Harrison, J. T. Christian, Geo. W. Bever, Henry S. Bever, B. F. Snyder, Geo. S. Bushnell, I. S. Barger, John Allsbaugh, H. O. Kearns, R. N. Maudsley, S. H. Metcalf, N. H. Martin, P. Otterbein, Homer H. Phelps, and others. Half of Company E, 46th, Infantry were from Linn county. John Harrison of Cedar Rapids, was the captain. David B. Henderson, of Dubuque, was colonel of the regiment.

The county had also scattered representation in several cavalry regiments.

According to the reports of the adjutant general of Iowa, out of a population of 18,947, Linn county furnished 1,737 men for the army from 1861 to 1864 inclusive.

It is scarcely possible to sum up in brief space what Linn county did in raising men for the war. Company K of the First Iowa. Company D of the Twelfth, the companies raised by Captains E. N. Bates, C. C. Cook, R. H. Lucore, N. M. Hubbard, and J. P. Coulter, had already gone out from the county or were ready to enter the service early in 1862. W. W. Smith and Rev. F. W. Vinson had also a full company. More than fifty men had been recruited at Western, seventy-five at Springville, a full company at Mount Vernon, some fifty additional men at Marion, and a company was then forming at Center Point.

In its issue for August 21, the Times stated: "Within the past two weeks she [Linn county] has sent five companies out, and four others, full and organized, are waiting orders to leave. A tenth company will soon be filled. Nothing less than a regiment will satisfy the martial feeling prevailing in our county."

On Monday, August 18, the companies of Captain Cook, Lucore, and Coulter, about 250 in all, left Cedar Rapids for Clinton. Captain Vinson's company was filled on August 20, with Sheriff W. W. Smith as first lieutenant. This company was made a part of the Twenty-fourth, or "Temperance" regiment. Mr. Vinson later resigned as captain to accept a position as chaplain of the regiment. In the meantime Captain T. Z. Cook had received a commission as lieutenant colonel of the Eighteenth Iowa. At the time he was mayor of Cedar Rapids but resigned and Charles Weare was appointed in his place.

SAMPLES OF CURRENCY USED IN PIONEER DAYS The lower two signed by John Weare, President
SAMPLES OF CURRENCY USED IN PIONEER DAYS The lower two signed by John Weare, President
The lower two signed by John Weare, President

In April, 1862, Dr. J. H. Camburn, of Cedar Rapids, was commissioned as surgeon of the Sixteenth Iowa and about the same time Dr. R. R. Taylor was appointed as medical officer of the Fourth cavalry, then stationed at Benton Barracks, St. Louis.

To speak at length of the services rendered in the field by the men from Linn county is not possible at this time. Our boys all distinguished themselves for bravery, and suffered patiently the many privations to which they were subjected. Many of them saw hard service, and quite a number were taken prisoners. At Shiloh among the Linn county officers made prisoners were Capt. John H. Stibbs, and Lieut. Hiel Hale of Company D, Twelfth Iowa. These officers were later released on exchange. Captain Ed Coulter of the Twentieth Iowa fell into the hands of the enemy down in Texas. It seems that officers of the Twentieth were somewhat unfortunate. Major W. G. Thompson was badly wounded at the battle of Prairie Grove. Captain Bates resigned because of ill health, returned home, and died. Captain Lucore became ill with the small pox and also died. Captain C. C. Cook resigned on account of sickness, and was succeeded by Joseph McClelland, who at the time was ill in New Orleans. Lieutenant Joseph Holland resigned and came home sick, dying soon afterward.

Company A of the Thirty-first Iowa reached Cedar Rapids after being discharged on July 3, 1865. This company went into the war 100 strong and returned with only about forty. Early in August of this same year, the three companies from Linn county in the Twenty-fourth Iowa reached home. Of Company C there were only twenty of the original members left.

On the 7th of September, 1865, Cedar Rapids gave the returning soldiers a big reception. The elaborateness of the reception was greatly marred by a heavy rainfall. The spirit manifested was all right, however.


One of the best known military companies in the state is Company C, of Cedar Rapids. This company was organized November 1, 1883, its first captain being George Greene. Many of the best known young men of the town at one time or another have been members of this organization.

After serving a number of years Captain Greene resigned, and for a short time W. G. Dows was acting captain. Ed. II. Smith was then chosen to the position. He was succeeded by George A. Evans.

W. G. Dows, long a member of this company, for a time was adjutant of the First Regiment Iowa National Guards.

Upon the call for troops because of the Spanish-American war, on April 25, 1898, the entire membership of Company C left that same night for Des Moines, where the entire First Regiment was assembled. This regiment was mustered into the United States service as the Forty-ninth Iowa United States Volunteer Infantry. William G. Dows, colonel, commanding. After drilling for a time they went to Jacksonville, Florida, and then to Savannah, Georgia, where they took a government transport for Cuba. The members of the regiment did all kind of service in the army of occupation, much of it being very laborious. In May, 1899, the regiment returned from Cuba and shortly afterwards was mustered out at Savannah.

While the company was in the service in Cuba George A. Evans was its captain.

A few months later the present Fifty-third Regiment was organized, each city in the old regiment being allowed a company in the new. Company C was reorganized, and is now a part of this regiment. The first captain of the new company was Frank Hahn. He was succeeded by T. A. Berkebile, and he by John Rau, who is now the captain of the company.

Col. William G. Dows, who is now a member of the governor's staff, served for twenty-five years in various capacities in the same regiment, a service for continuity unequalled. Though offered promotions, he maintained that he would rather stay by the old boys and the old regiment.


Promptly upon the declaration of war in 1898 with Spain a battery was organized in Cedar Rapids for service in that war. It was mustered into the service as the Fifth Battery Iowa Volunteer Light Artillery. Nearly all of the 100 members came from Cedar Rapids and vicinity. The members were enrolled during April and May, and the battery was mustered in at Des Moines in June by Major Olmsted of the U. S. regulars. The battery saw no regular service, but it spent ten weeks in camp waiting, ready for service in the field if called upon. George W. Bever was the captain, R. Tasker Forbes and S. Craighead Cook, lieutenants, Charles A. Loring was first sergeant, Robert M. Witwer, quartermaster sergeant. Dr. C. H. French and Roy Waite were also sergeants in the company.


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