The original volume promised many illustrations. However, the edition used here had none of them. The List of Illustrations is retained; however, the pages indicated, which were struck out and corrected with hand-written notes, were not valid and have been removed. The text was printed with two columns per page, which could not be reproduced in this format. Minor errors, attributable to the printer, have been corrected. Please see the transcriber’s note at the end of this text for details regarding the handling of any textual issues encountered during its preparation. The following less-common characters are found in this book: ă (a with breve), ā (a with macron), ĕ (e with breve), ē (e with macron), ĭ (i with breve), ī (i with macron), ŏ (o with breve), ō (o with macron), ŭ (u with breve), ū (u with macron). If they do not display properly, please try changing your font. Corrections are indicated using an underline highlight. Placing the cursor over the correction will produce the original text in a small popup. Any corrections are indicated as hyperlinks, which will navigate the reader to the corresponding entry in the corrections table in the note at the end of the text. HARACTER SKETCHES OF ROMANCE, FICTION AND THE DRAMA:::: A REVISED AMERICAN EDITION OF THE READER’S HANDBOOK BY THE REV. E. COBHAM BREWER, LL.D. EDITED BY MARION HARLAND VOLUME IV colophon NEW YORK SELMAR HESS PUBLISHER MDCCCXCII Copyright, 1892, by SELMAR HESS. PHOTOGRAVURES PRINTED ON THE HESS PRESS. |