"Don't kill me!" Caterpillar said, As Charles had raised his heel Upon the humble worm to tread, As though it could not feel. "Don't kill me! and I'll crawl away To hide awhile, and try To come and look, another day, More pleasing to your eye. "I know I'm now among the things Uncomely to your sight; But by and by on splendid wings You'll see me high and light! "And then, perhaps, you may be glad To watch me on the flower; And that you spared the worm you had To-day within your power!" Then Caterpillar went and hid In some secreted place, Where none could look on what he did To change his form and face. And by and by, when Charles had quite Forgotten what I've told, A Butterfly appeared in sight, Most beauteous to behold. His shining wings were trimmed with gold, And many a brilliant dye Was laid upon their velvet fold, To charm the gazing eye! Then, near as prudence would allow, To Charles's ear he drew And said, "You may not know me, now My form and name are new! "But I'm the worm that once you raised Your ready foot to kill! For sparing me, I long have praised, And love and praise you still. "The lowest reptile at your feet, When power is not abused, May prove the fruit of mercy sweet, By being kindly used!"