public@vhost@g@html@files@40652@40652-h@40652-h-12.htm.html#Page_313" class="pginternal">313 (See wind.) Bricks for cold feet, 173 Brick stoves, 174 Bricklayers cannot work in a frost, 359 cover new work with straw, 359 Brilliancy, 364 Brine retards boiling, 119 tested, 361 Broth cooled by breath, 247, 312 by convection, 247 by stirring, 247 Bubbles in tea, 419 of boiling water, 114 Bulk for bulk, 110 Burns cured, 157 Burning glasses, 2 Caloric, 1 Cambric handkerchiefs cool, 184 Cambridge, rain of, 340 Candles, 74 burn, 74 burn blue, 148 cotton, not easily blown out, 79 easily blown out, 51, 78 and rekindled, 51, 55 extinguished, 79 flame hot, 75 flame hollow, 76 flame pointed, 77 flame purple below, 76 flame tends upwards, 77 flame yellow, 76 gas of, 281 held at a door, 290 hottest above the flame, 79 give light, 76 make glass damp, 78 need snuffing, 81 Palmer’s, 80 prevent our seeing abroad, 378 reflected in a window, 379 rush, easily go out, 79 smoke, 81 spirt, 155 suddenly introduced give pain, 365 wax, need no snuffing, 81 Candlestick rags catch fire spontaneously, 58 Capillary veins, 84 Captain Ross, 414 Carbon, 33, 74 Carbonate of lime, 426 of soda, 426 Carbonic acid gas, 37, 108, 249, 219, 231 Convective currents, 245 cool broth, 247 cool iron, 247 Cooking vessels with wooden handles, 166 Cooper applies hot hoops, 122 Copper sonorous, 410 tarnishes, 259 Copper-hole, 60 roars, 60 roars not when the door is open, 60 Cornea, 388 Corns ache in wet weather, 256 Corpse cold, 95 Corrosive sublimates, 426 Cotton bales catch fire spontaneously, 57 handkerchiefs hot, 184 Countrymen ruddy, 243 Cowls, 67, 111 Crowds produce drowsiness, 251 head-ache, 249 vitiate air, 249 unhealthy, 250 Culinary vessels have wooden handles, 166 should be sooty, 71, 201 Cultivation promotes dew, 210 warmth, 160 Cumulo-stratus clouds, 136, 137 Cumulus clouds, 134, 135 Cup in a pie, 120 why full of juice, 124 Damp banisters, 217 beds, 158 house, 217 Danger in a storm, 12 in attics and cellars, 16 a crowd, 18 theatre, &c., 19 before a fire, 15 near a tree, 12 river, 14 flocks and herds are exposed to, 19 those who bar shutters, 18 lean against a wall, 17 or carriage, 20 who ring bells, 15, 17 run, 15 Dark colours warm, 186 radiate heat, 197 Davy, Sir H., 281 Day-light produces hunger, 88 Dead bodies cold, 95 taller than living, 423 Deal snaps in fire, warm, 171 Furnaces of brick, 174 lined with clay, 174 Furr of kettles, 262 steam engines dangerous, 263 Gallery hot, 249, 316 Gas, 112 of candles, 281 Gauze wire of safety lamps, 282 prevents explosion, 282 German silver tarnishes, 260 German tinder, 102 Germany warmer than of yore, 162 Ghosts, 286 Gideon’s miracle, 211 Ginger pop, 268 acid, 269 Glasses broken by hot water, 125 covered with mist, 214 which soon subsides, 215 dulled by a hot hand, 215 by breath, &c., 215 See spectacles. Glass a reflector, 194 soon cools, 212 See looking-glass. Glauber salts, 426 Gloves, black kid, 188 Lisle thread, 188 Glow-worms glisten by night, 368 God’s wisdom 182, 208, 210, 302, 308, 352, 357 Gold never tarnishes, 260 Goulard, 426 Grapes never ferment, 272 Grass promotes warmth, 161 collects dew, 209 Grate, see stove Gravel collects no dew, 209 Gravity, 419 Gray morning, sign of a fine day, 140 Grease liked in cold weather, 90 loathed in hot, 92 prevents rust, 258 used for wheels, 100 Green colour, 401 wood does not burn, 107 Grottoes famous for echoes, 416 Ground frost, 229 Growth promoted by moonlight, 220 Gulls fly to sea, 154 to land, 154 Gusty weather makes a smoky house, 71 Hail, 331, 408 Lid of kettles, &c. hot, 201 Light bread, 276 Light, 363 composed of various colours, 400 divided by a prism, 393 from a flint, 97 of candles, 76 fire, 46 sun, 363 reflected, 364 speed of, 364 sudden painful, 365 Lightning, 3 balls, 6 barks and snaps trees, 27 comes from clouds, 16 from earth, 16 conductors, 22 dangerous, 24 follows dry weather, not wet, 28 forked, 5 fuses metal, 27 kills animals, 7 knocks down churches, 24 maims, 8 passes down the outside of a tree, 14 passes through the inside of animals, 14 purifies air, 27 rare in winter, 28 sheet, 6 summer, 11 common, 28 straight, 6 turns beer sour, 27 not old beer, 27 milk sour, 25 See danger, safety. Lilac steel rusts, 259 prevented, 259 Lime and water, 26, 30 burned, 278 hot, 277 purifies bins, 266, 421 sewers, 267, 421 Lime-wash for rooms, 422 Lincoln, rain of, 340 Linen cool wear, 183 dried, 160, 316 Linseed oil boils, 119 Liquefaction, 126 Liquids, 112 bad conductors, 172, 232 cooled, 235 Lisle thread gloves, 188 Liverpool, rai
l@files@40652@40652-h@40652-h-4.htm.html#Page_116" class="pginternal">116 Ray of light divided, 393, 400 Reading aloud produces hunger, 88 Red colour, 401 rose, 401 sky, 132, 399 sun-rise, 139 sun-set, 139 Reflected light, 364 Reflection of heat, 192, 370 Reflectors, 192 help the roast, 194 keep kitchen cool, 194 not absorbers, 192 should be clean and bright, 189, 192 should not be painted, 189 Refraction, 386, 394 Refrangible, 132 Retina, 388 Reverberation, 417 Rice for food, 93 Rivers flow slowest at sides, 348 freeze unequally, 354 never frozen at bottom, 352 not wholly frozen, 353 shallow freeze fastest, 354 seem shallower than they are, 387 warm when frozen, 354 Roast apples, 105 soft, 106 chestnuts, 104 Road dark from a light room, 194 Rocks collect no dew, 209 broken by frost, 350 Room cooled, 159, 315 ventilated, 375 warmed by fire, 237 Rose red, 401 Ross Captain, 414 Rotting leaves promote cold, 161 Rubbing, 99 hands to warm them, 101 melts ice, 101 restores suspended animation, 101 See friction. Ruddiness, 243 Ruins famed for echoes, 416 Running, promotes warmth, 87 Running water freezes slowly, 354 makes rough ice, 354 oscillates, 348 promotes warmth, 87 pure, 347 Rush lights easily blown out,
/li> a flint, 97 a horse-shoe, 98 Spectacles, 389 black, 408 blue, 407 for aged, 390 near sights, 389 Split bells, 411 Sponge swells when wet, 339 Spontaneous combustion, 56, 57, 58, 85 Spoons become dull, 26 in water, 387 retard boiling, 117 Speaking promotes hunger, 88 Spring best late, 307 water cool, 182 sparkles, 269 Springs prevent freezing, 356 Sprinkling to cool rooms, 159 Stagnant water, 347 full of worms, 347 Stale beer, &c., see beer, 275 Stars distance and size of, 383 invisible by day, 368 seem flat, 384 seen in a well, 368, 374 seen on mountains, 376 twinkle, 406 Starvation, 86 produces madness, 86 Steam, 127 engines burst, 236 invisible, 116, 235 of a kettle, 236 why visible, 117 what becomes of it, 117 Steel and flint, 97 rusts, 259 prevented, 259 Stillness before a storm, 146 Stirring cools broth, &c., 247 Stockings difficult to draw on when wet, 340 Stones broken by frost, 350 cold, 169 collect no dew, 208 snap in fire, 108 unfit for fuel, 43 Storms, 146 direction of, 28 places of danger in, 12 safety in, 20 Straw covered over brickwork, 359 over trees, 359 water-pipes, 296 brings dry, 305 rain, 305 cause of, 287, 292 changes the shape of clouds, 132 cold, 117, 180, 312 dispels clouds, 131, 138 fog, 228 draws up fire, 51 dries linen, 316 feels hot sometimes, 181 in England, 300 increases clouds, 131, 138 makes barometer fall, 320 chimneys smoke, 66 of a morning, 308 of an evening, 309 prevents dew, 206 rate of travelling, 313 regular, 297 See England, monsoon, north, south, west &c., trade-winds &c. Winding passages famed for echoes, 417 Windows blazing with the sun, 372 not at noon, 372 covered with frost, 214 mist, 211 carriage, dull, 213 rattle, 418 Wine glasses, see glasses Wine made without yeast, 271 Winter clothing, 187 promotes hunger, 90 Wisdom of God, 182, 208 210, 352, 357 Wood burns, 41 spontaneously, 55 charred, 73 hot at one end, cold at the other, 165 ignited by friction, 99 kindling, 41 dry, 44 wet, 107 two logs burn best, 44, 52 sends forth sparks, 106 will not melt, 127 Wooden handles, 166 Wool bad conductor, 166 collects no dew, 209 warm, 176, 333 Woollen clothing, 175 Work produces hunger, 88 Yeast, 27FINIS JARROLD AND SONS, PRINTERS, NORWICH. Transcriber’s Notes: Archaic and inconsistent punctuation and spelling retained. Inconsistent question formats were regularized. |